Author Topic: Russia Thumbs Nose at Obama, Putin’s NAVAL TASK FORCE off coast of OUR BIGGEST ALLY  (Read 416 times)

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Russia Thumbs Nose at Obama, Putin’s NAVAL TASK FORCE off coast of OUR BIGGEST ALLY
Rlgrimes 09/24/2015

Russia adding to concerns about its military build up in Syria (AFP Photo)

The Russian Defense Ministry added to the tension in the Syria Theater of operations on Thursday by announcing what they characterized as Naval Maneuvers off the coast of Syria. The Ministry said the Drills would be held in and around the coastal waters of Moscow’s longtime ally in the region during the months of September and October, even as Obama stresses over the current Russian buildup in the war torn country.

The newly announced maneuvers will include several warships from the Black Sea Fleet, including a guided missile cruiser, a heavy destroyer and a troop transport/ landing ship. The move by Russia comes on the heels of several concerning adventures into the troubled state. In the last few weeks, Russia has moved in more than 1000 troops, taken over an airport and turned it and another site into military bases, sent in around a dozen T-90 tanks, set up a ground to air missile defense system, put in place about 20 aircraft including fighter jets and warned the U.S. and her allies in the region of the possibility of unintended consequences should they fail to coordinate their actions with Russian and Syrian government officials.

The ministry said the fleets drills have been planned since the end of last year and did not link them to the conflict in Syria. They did say that the scheduled drills would include some 40 different combat exercises, including rocket and artillery fire at sea and airborne targets.”
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Obama has charged that all this military buildup by the Russians is a prelude to Moscow preparing to join in the fighting alongside its long-standing ally President Bashar al-Assad. A concept that Obama has a great deal of trouble understanding, “supporting your ally.”

This week, the Syrian government admitted they have been given several new warplanes and advanced missiles from the Russians. And in a recent interview, the Syrian ambassador to Russia said that should the need arise, Russia has promised ground support to the government should it be needed. The ambassador was quoted as saying, “Russia’s help will help Syria finally win over terrorist groups,” “there is a high level of cooperation between Syria, Russia and Iran on the conflict.”

Already, some of those unintended consequence may have started to crop up. Earlier this month, Russia officially alerted the airport in Cyprus through the international aviation authorities to divert an aircraft that was entering the airspace between Russia’s naval base at the Syrian port of Tartus, and Cyprus. The incident was handled with problems, this time.