Author Topic: Unhinged Jogger Blames Stroller Collision On ‘White Privilege’ [VIDEO]  (Read 430 times)

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Unhinged Jogger Blames Stroller Collision On ‘White Privilege’ [VIDEO]

Posted By Blake Neff On 4:56 PM 09/23/2015 In | No Comments

A newly-uploaded video on YouTube shows a jogger in New York City having a cataclysmic meltdown over a collision with a stroller, ranting about “white privilege” and crediting himself with “settling” Brooklyn for white people.


The video shows two men in a ferocious argument on the streets of Brooklyn, which appears have have broken out after one of them collided with the other while pushing a stroller. Somehow, this minor altercation escalates into threats of violence.

“Don’t bleep come at me,” the jogger warns his stroller-pushing nemesis. “I’ll kill you with one punch. You’re messing with the wrong guy. I fight for a living.”

The jogger then suggests that he deserves greater respect because he was an urban Daniel Boone, a brave pioneer who made Brooklyn inhabitable for the white race.

“The only reason white people like you live here is because I settled this bleep neighborhood for you!” he screams, arousing laughter from bystanders.

After a woman accompanying the stroller-pusher calls the jogger a “sick bleep,” the jogger begins an abrupt attack on white privilege (despite being white himself).

“You’re a sick bleep!” he screams. “White privilege! White bleep privilege! You pushed your stroller right into me, and all I say was ‘excuse you,’ and then you said, ‘bleep you bleep you!’ bleep you, you white trash!”

The video ends with the confrontation still ongoing, leaving its final outcome uncertain.

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