Author Topic: Boston Globe Slams Hillary Clinton’s Inability To Show Empathy To Voters  (Read 205 times)

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Boston Globe Slams Hillary Clinton’s Inability To Show Empathy To Voters

Posted By Casey Harper On 4:02 PM 09/21/2015 In | No Comments


A Boston Globe reporter attended a Hillary Clinton campaign event in New Hampshire and wrote an absolutely merciless take down of Clinton.

The article centers around Clinton’s inability to show empathy by using the story of a woman who spoke about her son’s suicide at the event.

The woman tearfully explained her son’s struggle with mental illness and his eventual suicide. The reporter says the entire room was visibly affected by the gut-wrenching story. But Hillary? Not so much:

    Hillary Clinton physically backed up closer to a wall as she listened and nodded. When the woman finished her story, the leading Democratic presidential contender retrieved a microphone, turned away, and began asking another panelist to respond.

    Then she stopped herself. ‘I’m very sorry,’ said Clinton, who followed with a bland observation. ‘We’re not doing enough on mental health treatment.’

    No real show of compassion. No hug or even a touch on the hand.

The article includes a quote that sums up Clinton’s problem:

    Claire Helfman put it on Saturday in Manchester clutching a ‘Ready for Joe’ sign: ‘Clinton just doesn’t have the spark.’

The article goes on to include more favorable quotes about Clinton and says that she can actually be good in one-on-one conversations, though she won’t get that chance with most voters. But the embarrassing Clinton response to the suicide story, high up in the article, says it all.

Clinton has taken big hits in the polls largely because of her email and personal server scandal during her time as secretary of state.

A recent poll shows that more than half of likely voters believe Clinton broke the law in her email scandal. On top of that, a poll earlier this month showed that Clinton popularity among Democrat-leaning white women has dropped 29 percent in the past eight weeks.

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