Author Topic: Arby’s Is Still Paying Employee Who Allegedly Refused To Serve Police Officer  (Read 296 times)

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Arby’s Is Still Paying Employee Who Allegedly Refused To Serve Police Officer

Posted By Casey Harper On 6:01 PM 09/18/2015 In | No Comments


The Arby’s employee who was suspended more than two weeks ago for allegedly refusing to serve a police officer is still getting a paycheck from the company, two weeks after the incident.

A spokesman for Arby’s told The Daily Caller News Foundation that the company and the employee, Kenneth Davenport, 19, mutually agreed that the he would go on temporary paid leave.

“That’s where things stand at this point,” Jason Rollins, an Arby’s spokesman, told TheDCNF.

The entire scandal started when a Florida police department publicly complained saying one of their female officers was refused service at an Arby’s, simply because she was a cop.

The officer, Jennifer Martin, said she was refused service by Davenport at the Arby’s and when she asked the manager why, he said it was because she was a cop.

The Pembroke Pines police chief demanded an apology and caused a public relations nightmare for the company. Arby’s fired the manager of the store and suspended the employee involved, but Rollins told TheDCNF Davenport is still getting paid.

The employees have since said the entire incident was a misunderstood joke and that he was just too busy to serve her.

He has since said he doesn’t hate police. Arby’s gave the officer a refund and has apologized. Arby’s offered free food to police officers in two Florida counties as a way to save face after the incident, but local news could only find one officer who took the offer.

“We once again apologize to the police officer involved and the Dade-Broward County police community for this isolated incident,” the company said in a statement. “Arby’s has always been and will always continue to be a champion of the police in every community across America.”

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