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Students clueless about 9/11 terror attack
« on: September 12, 2015, 08:38:44 am »
Students clueless about 9/11 terror attack
'I should know more, but I don't'
Published: 6 hours ago

They were only about 4 years old when Islamic jihadists attacked the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, killing nearly 3,000 people in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

Nevertheless, many of the students displayed a shocking lack of knowledge about 9/11 and the motives behind it in an informal sampling by the Young America's Foundation on the campus of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

"Why were we attacked on 9/11?" asks an interviewer.

"I don't know," was a common response.

Some blamed the attack on oil, gas and the economy.

In a Daily Caller report, Emily Jashinsky of YAF said, "Our country cannot depend on academic institutions to adequately educate students on the history of the 9/11 attacks."

She said universities "are actively teaching students the United States was to blame for the tragedies of that day."

"It's crucial we do everything in our power to impart the proper lessons regarding the abhorrent actions of radical Islamists to students as we move further and further away from the attacks," Jashinsky said, according to the Daily Caller.

A YAF video released for the 9/11 anniversary Friday shows numerous students with a complete lack of knowledge of the attacks.

"That’s a good question," one student responds when asked why the attacks happened. "I should know more, but I don't."

Get the "Harbinger" and its companion movie, "Isaiah 9:10 Judgment" for insights on the parallels between the attack on America, and the judgment on Israel in the Old Testament.

"I hear a lot about it being religious, but I think that's just covering up economics," says one.

Probably Bush did "something bad," states another.

The 911 Memorial website explains the terrorists "did not have the capacity to destroy the United States militarily, so they set their sights on symbolic targets instead.

"The Twin Towers, as the centerpieces of the World Trade Center, symbolized globalization and America's economic power and prosperity. The Pentagon, as the headquarters for the U.S. Department of Defense, serves as a symbol of American military power. It is thought that Flight 93 (which went down in Pennsylvania) was headed to the Capitol building, the center of American legislative government."

The site explain the jihadists "hoped that, by attacking these symbols of American power, they should promote widespread fear throughout the country and severely weaken the United States' standing in the world community, ultimately supporting their political and religious goals in the Middle East and Muslim world."

Fifteen of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Lebanon and one from Egypt.


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Re: Students clueless about 9/11 terror attack
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2015, 10:30:35 pm »

Never forget?

When college students at George Mason University are asked by the Young America’s Foundation what caused 9-11, several give baffling or just plain wrong answers about the largest terrorist attack in U.S. history. This is an inexcusable failure of the U.S.’ education system and the major news media.

The 9-11 terrorist attacks fundamentally changed Americans’ way of life and its foreign policy for the last fourteen years. On that harrowing morning in 2001, two planes struck the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Two other planes were hijacked: one struck the Pentagon building, and the other was brought down by brave passengers on United Airlines Flight 93 over Pennsylvania.

The terrorist group al-Qaeda, a Sunni Muslim fundamentalist organization led from Afghanistan by the now-deceased Osama bin Laden, coordinated by later Guantanamo Bay detainee Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, carried out the 9-11 attack in ‘retribution‘ for U.S. foreign involvement in the Middle East.

The attack involved 19 hijackers; 15 of them Saudi nationals. There are a missing 28 pages in the 9-11 report yet to be released publicly. Congressmen Walter Jones (R-NC) and Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) have currently issued a proposal to release that classified information.

And… even if you had somehow never heard of the 9-11 attacks, you already know more about what happened than these college students at the largest public research university in Virginia.

The main issue is that not a single college student at any university should be stumped by the question: “What caused 9-11?”

If one is looking for a positive takeaway, at least several of the students in the video acknowledged that the educational system had failed them by saying that the tragic event – an act of war – should be discussed more in the classroom.


Millenials are the strangest ducks to me. 911 happened in their lifetime but they are clueless about it. Vietnam happened at the same point in my life and not only can I remember it, but I know exactly the how's and why's. How can you not be aware of what is happening right around you?
The Republic is lost.

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Re: Students clueless about 9/11 terror attack
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2015, 04:18:38 am »
I still think all that malarky about go about your business Don't make movies about 9/11/01 don't rock the boat was just that malarky. I remember hearing how we should do it so the people who had losses wouldn't be reminded how silly they will never forget but the kids coming up seem to  know nothing about that day.  I recorded all the documentaries even cnn and fox's recordings of that day and every so often I watch them it keeps me focused on how we should be very suspicious of any Muslims. The fact college age students and even high school students don't have a clue is due to lets not rock the boat. Well they rocked our boat royally and we still allow the Muslims to give us the finger by not profiling like we should and not keeping more Muslim refugees out of this country allow the Christians they don't blow anybody up and they are the ones isis go after but tell the Muslims to go back and fight for their country and leave us alone. Today I read that Illinois is now allowing Muslims to were a burqa when taking their drivers license picture. An ID card that shows no face how smart is that. I think IQ's have dropped so low these days it is a miracle people can get our of bed without help.