Author Topic: ABC still hiding TV shooter's manifesto. 'Killer Vester Flanagan was a big Obama supporter'  (Read 312 times)

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ABC still hiding TV shooter's manifesto
'Killer Vester Flanagan was a big Obama supporter'
Published: 18 hours ago


When nine black people were murdered in June at a church in South Carolina, suspect Dylann Roof’s “manifesto” was widely publicized and analyzed immediately.

Along with his racist rants, photos emerged of him with a Confederate flag, prompting scores of demands to remove the banner from public places, and even reruns of the Old South-themed TV series “Dukes of Hazzard” were canceled.

Also, statues and other monuments to Southern Civil War-era leaders were targeted.

So what’s been the impact of the 23-page manifesto delivered to ABC News by Vester Flanagan, a black man who shot and killed two white former co-workers at a Roanoke, Virginia, television station?

Not much, because ABC still hasn’t released the manifesto.

Quoted a few lines? Yes.

But let the public see? No.

On Tuesday, two full weeks after the shooting, an ABC spokeswoman confirmed to WND the manifesto had not been released. She referred WND to a co-worker for further questions, but after submitting questions by email as instructed, WND never heard back from ABC.

At the Gateway Pundit, blogger Jim Hoft said there must be some reason.

“Killer Vester Flanagan was a big Obama supporter. But, you’d never know it from the liberal media,” he wrote. “The media is hiding Flanagan’s political leanings from the American public.

“ABC has yet to release Flanagan’s manifesto. It must be littered with embarrassing liberal propaganda.”

“Outlasting the Gay Revolution” spells out eight principles to help Americans with conservative moral values counter attacks on our freedoms of religion, speech and conscience by homosexual activists

At PJMedia, former Department of Justice prosecutor J. Christian Adams wrote: “ABC reported bits and pieces of the manifesto. Yet we still haven’t seen the full document. ABC hasn’t made it available. Why?”

He cited Roof’s attack that killed nine and Flanagan’s that killed two.

“Unquestionably, they were both racially motivated. But you’d never know that from reading the headlines in the Washington Post or other mouthpieces that enable the (one way) racial grievance industry,” he said. “It’s understandable, perhaps, that some of them simply lack the courage to confront evil motives in whatever color they come. Others have been conditioned to believe that racial wrongdoing is a one-way street. The worst are handmaidens of the ethnic front groups who view racial strife as the means to power and cash. But no race is free from racially motivated bad actors.”

He said that until ABC News “releases the full text of Flanagan’s hate manifesto, the public won’t get the full story of what motivated and animated him.”

“Perhaps that provides a clue as to what might be in it and why ABC News, so far, has decided to hide the manifesto.”

At National Review, attorney David French said there was no doubt about the racism behind Roof’s attack.

“The Internet was deluged with think pieces about whiteness, white privilege, white racism and the legacy of American racial injustice. … Flags had to come down, statues had to be toppled and even Confederate bones had to be exhumed.”

Flanagan, “a gay black man, was every bit as race-obsessed as Roof,” he said.

“Former colleagues report a long history of unhinged behavior on Flanagan’s part. The anecdotes stretch back for years,” said French.

“Should there now be a cultural hunt for symbols or expressions of that rage or a quest to batter history into submission until it tells only the stories we want to tell? After all, police reportedly confiscated a ‘gay pride flag’ from his home.

Yet, for the left, he said, “brutal murders are all about guns.”
ABC reported at the time of the shooting that “a man claiming to be Bryce Williams [Flanagan's on-air name] called ABC News over the last few weeks, saying he wanted to pitch a story and wanted to fax information.”

“He never told ABC News what the story was.”

Then a couple hours after the shooting, ABC received a fax, followed by a phone call from Flanagan, who said he had shot two people.

ABC News said it “contacted authorities immediately and provided them with the fax.”

In Roanoke, police officials were not available Tuesday afternoon to discuss the manifesto. They said last week they were investigating the manifesto and were not releasing it.

But ABC had quoted a few snippets.

One was: “Why did I do it? I put down a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15. The church shooting in Charleston happened of 6/17/15.”

Flanagan said that what “sent me over the top was the church shooting.”

“And my hollow point bullets have the victims’ initials on them.”

He also referenced Roof: “As for Dylann Roof? ‘… You want a race war (deleted)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE (deleted)!!!”

ABC also reported Flanagan called the Virginia Tech mass killer, Seung Hui Cho, “his boy” and expressed admiration for the Columbine High School killers.

At the Bustle blog, Hope Racine said, “The rest of the manifesto, according to ABC, is reportedly made up of letters to friends, families and authorities, and discusses Flanagan’s time at WDBJ7, the television station where [shooting victims Alison) Parker and [Adam] Ward worked.”

ABC also reported Flanagan complained of facing discrimination for being “gay” and black, and that he considered himself “set to go boom!!”

The report continued, “In the manifesto, Flanagan describes how his anger has been building, as a result of these alleged slights.”


Offline flowers

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I am sure it has been shredded and now down the memory hole. 20 or so pages of support for obama and rage from a violent gay black man. Not what our dear leaders can have out in the open.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 07:41:25 pm by flowers »