Author Topic: Report: Planned Parenthood Allegedly Failed To Report Rape In SEVEN States  (Read 257 times)

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Report: Planned Parenthood Allegedly Failed To Report Rape In SEVEN States

Posted By Rachel Stoltzfoos On 5:15 PM 09/03/2015 In | No Comments


Planned Parenthood staff allegedly failed to report child sexual abuse in seven states, according to a list of court cases compiled by Christian non-profit Alliance Defending Freedom.

In addition to Planned Parenthood’s recently reported failure to report multiple rapes of a 14-year-old mother of two recently in Alabama, ADF found instances of failure to report rape or sexual abuse in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Minnesota and Ohio.

All 50 states and the District of Columbia have mandatory reporting laws regarding suspected sexual abuse that typically includes statutory rape.

Planned Parenthood was sued directly for failing to report sexual abuse or to notify parents of minors seeking abortions in some of the cases compiled by ADF, and in others Planned Parenthood’s failure to report sexual abuse became evident in a criminal case. (RELATED: Nearly 1 in 3 Abortions Happen At Planned Parenthood ‘Health’ Clinics)

“Planned Parenthood facilities frequently and flagrantly disregard mandatory sex abuse reporting laws,” ADF alleges in the report. “With the evidence of their crimes covered up and destroyed, predators are free to continue abusing their child victims.”

Planned Parenthood did not respond to a request for comment.

Here’s a summary of the cases ADF found and compiled in the report.

A 23-year-old man who impregnated his 12-year-old foster sister took her to a Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion days before her 13th birthday, and returned with her for a second abortion six months later. The clinic did not notify authorities of the case until five days after the second abortion, and the girl won a settlement from a subsequent lawsuit against the clinic.

In a second still pending case, a 15-year-old girl’s mother took her to a Planned Parenthood for an abortion, and says she notified the clinic her daughter had been sexually assaulted. The mother later told investigators the clinic employee told them it wasn’t worth the “hassle” to report the assault and recorded it as consensual. The man who allegedly carried out the assault was later charged with sexual assault against a number of other minors.

A girl impregnated by her father, who had been abusing her for four years, went to a Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion when she was 16, and told an employee she had been raped. The clinic did not report her case to police, and she was abused for another one and a half years. Her father was later prosecuted and incarcerated, and the clinic settled a civil lawsuit on behalf of the girl.

Before 61-year-old Andrew King was convicted of sexually abusing scores of young girls over decades while working as a swim coach, one of his 14-year-old victims went to Planned Parenthood for an abortion. The clinic did not alert the authorities and only learned of King’s pattern of sexual assault after a different victim brought charges.

A man convicted for raping his 13-year-old stepdaughter brought her to a Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion in order to conceal his crime when she started putting on weight. The clinic did not report the case to authorities, but referred the girl for a late-term abortion that required a surgical procedure.

A man prosecuted for sexually abusing his daughters impregnated his 13-year-old daughter, who went to a Planned Parenthood clinic in 2010 for an abortion. About six months later the girl returned to the clinic for a second abortion, and the doctor implanted an intrauterine device to stop her from getting pregnant. The clinic did not report either case, and authorities arrested the man only after the girl’s older sister went to the police.

A 41-year-old man who kept a 14-year-old girl locked in a small room in his home, where he regularly raped her, brought her to a Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion under a fake name. The clinic did not report suspected statutory rape, and the girl was held captive for a year until police found her while investigating the man. He was later convicted and incarcerated.

A 21-year-old man convicted of sexually abusing a 14-year-old girl, who was his girlfriend at the time, became pregnant three times in six months. She got abortions at a Planned Parenthood clinic each of those times, but the clinic allegedly did not report the first statutory rape and abortion to authorities.

A man who had been abusing his stepdaughter for seven years took her to a Planned Parenthood clinic for an abortion when she was 13. Although the man who brought her to the clinic did not share the girl’s last name, and wanted her to get a form of birth control she wasn’t comfortable with, Planned Parenthood did not notify the child’s parents or report the case to police. The man was later prosecuted and incarcerated, and Planned Parenthood settled a civil suit from the child.

A 42-year-old father was prosecuted for sexually assaulting his son’s 14-year-old girlfriend — having her sleep over when the son wasn’t home and grooming her by driving her to and from school and buying her things, such as Victoria’s Secret underwear. He also took her to Planned Parenthood to get birth control, but the clinic allegedly did not report the case to authorities.

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