Author Topic: BlackLivesMatter man arrested for call to violence  (Read 320 times)

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BlackLivesMatter man arrested for call to violence
« on: September 03, 2015, 09:54:00 pm »
BlackLivesMatter man arrested for call to violence
'Kill all the white ppl' tweet gets activist in trouble
Published: 4 hours ago
BlackLivesMatter protesters take to the streets.

A Maryland man who sent out a tweet in support of the Black Lives Matter movement, calling for the killing of white people in his town of La Plata, has been arrested and charged with the issuance of deadly threats against local citizens.

Carlos Anthony Hollis, under the Twitter name of “black guy in avi,” reportedly wrote on Twitter: “IM NOT GONNA STAND FOR THIS NO. MORE. TONIGHT WE PURGE! KILL ALL THE WHITE PPL IN THE TOWN OF LAPLATA #BlackLivesMatter.”

Other social media users were quick to point out the violent rally call.

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YouLootWeShoot, for instance, wrote this on Twitter in response, Breitbart reported: “#BlackLivesMatter member advocating killing all white peeople in La Plata, MD. #BlackLivesMatter is a terrorist group.”

Hollins reportedly turned himself in to police, who found he already had a criminal record. reported: “Court records show a peace order was issued against Hollins in April of 2014 and it expired seven months later. He was also previously charged with trespassing in 2013. Those cases have been closed. There is no information on when Hollins will be in court for a hearing on this latest charge.”