Author Topic: Lanny's Letter to Hillary Is D.C.'s Most Cringe-Inducing Document Ever  (Read 449 times)

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The latest stash of emails from Hillary Clinton's private server released by the State Department has (once again!) revealed Washington to be a particularly unbearable place, employing particularly insufferable people. From Clinton's email correspondence with her senior staff we can observe how those with proximity to power engage in rare forms of backstabbing, obsequiousness, pettiness, bad humor, and self-obsession.

There was the revelation that Huma Abedin, Clinton's aide-de-camp who held down multiple six-figure salaries at outside consulting firms while making $135,000 at State, apparently complains about not getting "paid enough." Another top Clinton aide, Philippe Reines, was seen tattling on a colleague directly to the secretary. "I for one loved that you finally called out the ogrish males on your staff who roll their eyes at womens [sic] issues and events," Reines wrote to Clinton before calling out one such male staffer by name.

The Reines email might be the second most cringe-inducing document in Washington ever. The top (so far!) prize, however, certainly goes to Clinton lawyer, advocate, and all-around flunky Lanny Davis. In September 2010 Davis sent his "dear friend Hillary" an email with the subject line "Personal - a personal favor." What follows are two pages of over-the-top praise for the former first lady, more than a healthy dose of self-promotion on Davis's part, several hand-wringing apologies for even bothering the great and powerful Hillary Clinton with such a terrible request, and four groveling "pleases."

The email has to be seen to be believed:

Lannys email here: