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NIH Bills Taxpayers for Aborted Baby Body Parts
« on: September 02, 2015, 08:25:57 am »
 - Washington Free Beacon - -
NIH Bills Taxpayers for Aborted Baby Body Parts
Posted By Bill McMorris On September 1, 2015 @ 12:55 pm In Issues | No Comments

The federal government uses taxpayer dollars to buy body parts harvested from aborted babies, according to a new video.

The Center for Medical Progress released a ninth video featuring major Planned Parenthood partner Advanced Bioscience Resources on Tuesday. The company’s procurement manager, Perrin Larton, said that one of the company’s biggest buyers is the National Institutes of Health.

“We continued to send tissue to people like NIH,” Larton told the undercover videographers. “Even though the government was paying for it, fetal tissue weren’t put in that little box of embryonic because it’s different.”

An NIH spokeswoman declined to comment on the use of taxpayer money for buying baby parts saying she was “not an expert.” The NIH did not return email inquiries into what the body parts were used for or if the government intended to maintain its relationship with companies that traffic baby organs.

Larton lamented that pro-life lawmakers could cut off its moneymaking capabilities.

“Now they’re trying to make abortion illegal and that’s where we get our tissue,” she said. “The whole point is not to have a live birth.”

The Center for Medical Progress, a pro-life nonprofit, has pointed to other conversations of “intact fetuses” as proof that abortionists perform illegal partial-birth abortions. Lorton told the undercover videographers that the babies “just fell out” before their body parts were harvested and sold.

“I literally have had women come in and they’ll go in the O.R. and they’re back out in three minutes, and I’m going, ‘What’s going on?’ Oh yeah, the fetus was already in the vaginal canal whenever we put her in the stirrups, it just fell out,” ABR procurement manager Perrin Larton said. She added that this is rare because “the abdomen is almost always ripped open.”

The company has turned a profit on selling body parts over the past decade it has partnered with California chapters of Planned Parenthood. It plans on expanding to other localities, including Minnesota, New Jersey, and Philadelphia—home of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, the abortionist convicted of murder for killing babies who survived abortion. Larton said that its business model relies on a hole in previous federal laws that prohibited federal funding of stem cell research.

Larton, who did not return request for comment, said the company took advantage of that loophole and even received taxpayer dollars for the organs of aborted babies.

“You know what the really weird thing is? Embryonic there is still a lot of controversy, but then fetal kind of got lost in the mix,” she said. “It was never outlawed.”

The Center for Medical Progress has released nine undercover and documentary videos featuring top doctors and executives from Planned Parenthood who candidly discussed how they use “less crunchy” procedures to better harvest organs and “line item” babies to maximize profits. Federal law prohibits the altering of abortion procedures to increase the chances of harvesting intact organs, as well as profiting from their sale.

Planned Parenthood, which receives $500 million from taxpayers and is the nation’s largest abortionist, is under investigations from several congressional committees, as well as 10 states. The organization did not return request for comment.

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