Author Topic: Violence Is So Bad In This DC Neighborhood, Bus Drivers Just Stopped Going There  (Read 463 times)

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Violence Is So Bad In This DC Neighborhood, Bus Drivers Just Stopped Going There

Posted By Josh Fatzick On 10:48 AM 08/26/2015 In | No Comments


Washington D.C.’s Metro service announced Monday night that it would no longer operate a bus route through one Southeast D.C. neighborhood, citing a recent incident in which someone shot at the bus.

Friday night at around 10:30 p.m., a man riding the bus was struck by a bullet, NBC Washington reports. Metro believes the shooter was targeting the bus specifically.

The victim, who authorities do not believe was the intended target of the attack, ran from the bus to a nearby apartment complex. He later was taken to a hospital where he was treated for non-life threatening injuries.

The decision to close down three stops on the bus line running along Elvans Road SE came at the behest of the Amalgamated Transit Union, which represents Metro bus drivers.

“We are impressing upon WMATA to do everything it can to insure the safety of the bus operators, including canceling service, if necessary,” the union said in a statement. “With this incident, we are reminded of the need for an increased police presence on Metro buses.”

The safety concerns expressed by the union weren’t enough to keep the bus route closed down for long, though, according to WAMU. Following public outcry Tuesday, Metro Transit Police Chief Ron Pavlik told reporters the route would re-open, but with an increased police presence.

Pavlik said the MTPD will keep a police cruiser in the area of the bus stops following the removal of the detour and undercover officers will continue to ride the buses.

“This is a community effort. We need to work with the mayor’s office, the community stakeholders, the Metropolitan police, and address this issue,” he said.

D.C. has seen a massive spike in murders this summer, with the total homicide count at 103, just two shy of the total for all of 2014.

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