Author Topic: DNC Website Mistakes Foreign Fighters for U.S. Vets  (Read 401 times)

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DNC Website Mistakes Foreign Fighters for U.S. Vets
« on: August 27, 2015, 09:09:18 pm »
 - Washington Free Beacon - -

DNC Website Mistakes Foreign Fighters for U.S. Vets

Posted By Washington Free Beacon Staff On August 27, 2015 @ 4:39 pm In Politics | No Comments

The Democratic National Committee’s website has been mistakenly identifying foreign troops as U.S. military veterans, according to Military Times.

The DNC’s “Veterans and Military Families” webpage has been using as its sole photograph a picture of Polish military veterans from a trip President Barack Obama took to Warsaw in 2011, according to the report.

“The president had been cropped out, but faces of four elderly veterans wearing European-style military uniforms were visible above several paragraphs asserting the party’s ‘commitment to America’s veterans,’” the outlet reported. “The Polish military’s White Eagle insignia was clear on the headgear of two of the veterans.”

While the picture has since been removed from the DNC’s website, Military Times noted that the DNC may need “a refresher course on what U.S. troops look like,” adding that, “for starters, they don’t wear Polish military uniforms.”

“The error points to a common complaint among U.S. veterans groups about the lack of knowledge of many Americans about military life, tradition and challenges,” the paper stated.

The DNC erased the photograph of the Polish veterans just 90 minutes after the news outlet informed it of the mistake.

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