Author Topic: Rush: Jorge Ramos Isn't a Journalist. He's the General of the Illegal Immigration Invasion!  (Read 208 times)

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Jorge Ramos Isn't a Journalist. He's the General of the Illegal Immigration Invasion!
August 26, 2015


RUSH: Let me grab the phones, quickly, and get started with this.  Houston, Texas. Umberto, it's great to have you on the program, sir. Hello.

CALLER:  Yes, hello. Hi, Rush.

RUSH:  How are you doing, Umberto?

CALLER:  Not bad, not bad.  It's a privilege to be able to be on your show.

RUSH:  Thank you, sir.

CALLER:  Okay, no problem.  Listen, this thing about this Jorge Ramos from Univision. The guy was really out of line.  The guy had no... If I were Univision, I would fire him in a minute, because this represents, I hope, what Univision stands for, as being a program for the benefit of people in the Latin community.  However, this guy, Ramos, doesn't seem to be educated at all. And you can't blame it on the culture, because people are supposed to be educated. And if you're talking to someone, you're supposed to wait until they finish speaking before you can respond.  And Trump was really in line when he told him to sit down because he was not addressed.  He only addressed --

RUSH:  You know what, Umberto? You know what the New York Times said this looked like.


RUSH: It looked like Trump at the border telling an illegal immigrant, "Go get in line. It's not your turn; you can't come in."  The New York Times reported this incident looked like exactly what Trump would do dealing with illegal immigration.  Here you had Jorge Ramos, who was violating the rules (which is commonplace for journalists). He stands up. He's not a journalist, he's not asking questions, he shows up as an activist. His entire purpose is to try to embarrass Trump or to trick Trump into saying something dangerous or negative for Trump or bad.

And Trump's not falling for it. Trump tells him to sit down, shut up, it's not his turn, nobody called on him. And he wouldn't sit down and shut up. He would not behave with good manners. So Donald gave his security guy a little nod; the security guy comes over and walks little Jorge out.  And Jorge says, "Don't touch me! Don't touch me!"  And then Trump invites him back in later when it's his turn, and then spends five minutes with the guy, more than he spent with any other journalist.

And in the process, illustrated there's nothing journalistic about Jorge Ramos.  His entire purpose... There was a part of me that wanted Trump to ask him, "Hey, Jorge, what are you really doing? What is your job? How do you see your job, Jorge? What are you doing?"  I'm glad he didn't, just from a power positioning. But something I'd like to ask because I'd like to put the guy on the spot.

Because this guy has got this credit as the Walter Cronkite of Latino media. By the way, what is this "Latino media"?  We have "black media," we have "Latino media," we have...? Why is the media now bifurcated or trifurcated or what have you? Latino media? So we got media only for Latinos uttered in Spanish?  Yeah.  Jeb Bush goes there; talks in Spanish to 'em.  What is that?

Well, it's clear what it is.  But Jorge was allowed back in when it's his turn, and Trump engaged with him and answered his questions. He chatted back and made it obvious that Jorge Ramos has one interest, and that is... Well, he's not somebody standing on the corner watching all this happening and then telling people about it.  Jorge Ramos is an activist for illegal immigration.

Jorge Ramos is a supporter of illegal immigration, supporter of illegal immigrants, and everything that's attached to them.  And he's disguised as a Walter Cronkite-type journalist on Univision.  And that's how he gets away with his activism.  And he is. I think Jorge Ramos is a microcosm of a whole lot of other journalists who are activists themselves and pushing an agenda.  Thanks for the call, Umberto.  I really glad to have you in the audience.


RUSH: Now, folks, I tell you what, I've got the audio of the Trump presser with Jorge Ramos.  I watched it on TV and I've listened to some of the audio and I watched it again because there's a lot of noise on the airplane.  I still haven't been able to hear the whole thing.  I'm not able to hear what Jorge says.  I've got a transcript.  That's the only reason.  So I don't know if it's productive or worthwhile to play this thing, particularly since probably everybody's seen it by now.  But I'll play maybe a little bit of it just to give you a sample and then dig deep into all of these -- we've got the Trump staff. 


RUSH: Okay, audio sound bites, here we go.  This is the sound bite, this is what led to Jorge Ramos being escorted from the room at the Trump press conference before his speech in Iowa last night.

RAMOS:  Mr. Trump, a question about immigration.  The immigration --

TRUMP:  Okay, who's next?  Yeah, please.

RAMOS:  Mr. Trump, I have a question.

TRUMP:  Excuse me, sit down.  You weren't called.  Sit down.

RAMOS:  No, I'm --

TRUMP:  Sit down. Sit down. Siiit down.

RAMOS:  -- an immigrant.

TRUMP:  Go ahead.

RAMOS:  I have the right to ask a question.

TRUMP:  No, you don't.  You haven't been called.

RAMOS:  I have the right to ask a question.

TRUMP:  Go back to Univision.  Go ahead.

RAMOS:  You cannot deport 11 million.

TRUMP:  Go ahead.

RAMOS:  You cannot deport 11 million people.  You cannot 1900 --

TRUMP:  Go ahead.

RAMOS:  You cannot deny citizenship to children --

TRUMP:  Sit down, please.  You weren't called.

RAMOS:  I'm a reporter and I have -- don't touch me, sir.  Don't touch me.  You cannot touch me.  I have the right to ask a question.

RUSH:  "You can't touch me. I have the right to ask a question."  And Trump, "No, you don't, you weren't called on. Sit down, sit down, wait your turn. You weren't called on."  He gave the nod to the security guy, and the security guy came over, and it was only then that I learned how little Jorge Ramos was.  Not that it matters.  Just the guy is tiny.  I didn't know it.  You know you see these guys on TV, they like six four, authoritative, and you see this guy, you could barely see him over the pitcher's mound if he plays third base.

Jorge Ramos is an activist for illegal immigration.  That's what he is.  He's not a news anchor.  He is an activist.  He's one of the leaders of the whole concept of illegal immigration.  Now, go ahead and play the next one because this next bite, I was originally not gonna do this. I was gonna play something else, but let's play it.  This happened in Dubuque, Iowa, by the way.  After this happened, after Jorge Ramos was escorted out, another reporter stands up for him and Trump said that Jorge is obviously very emotional and there's something not right here.

REPORTER:  President Obama has taken some tough questions from Jorge Ramos. Is there a reason why you won't?

TRUMP:  Because he was out of order.  I would take his question in two seconds, but he stood up and started screaming.

REPORTER:  Would you let him back in now?

TRUMP:  I told you already.  If he wanted to come back in, I'd love to have him come, but you can't just stand up and scream.  I was saying to somebody else to -- is that correct?  I was saying yes, and this guy stands up and starts screaming.  He's obviously a very emotional person.

RUSH:  Right.  Look, everybody knows this.  I spent a lot of time last night, 'cause I was a captive audience, I was watching post-Trump analysis, and it was funny to watch the Drive-By Media try to analyze what had happened here.  But I tell you, the vast majority of them actually concluded that Jorge blew it, that what Jorge did, he walked in there and he was gonna try to take over that press conference.  He thought because he was Univision and Hispanic that he would intimate everybody. Everybody would lay down because they're protected class right now, and Jorge would be able to finally embarrass and humiliate Trump and expose him.  That's what Jorge wanted to do.  There's no question, in my mind.

Jorge Ramos walked in that room with his objective being to take Trump out last night.  There's no question.  He had on his Dan Rather hat. He had on his Sam Donaldson hat.  And instead he got deported.  He got deported right out of the room.  And then a reporter says, "You know, President Obama doesn't have any problem answering question Jorge Ramos.  Why do you?"

"I don't have a problem.  He's out of order.  It wasn't his turn. He wasn't called on." It wasn't his turn to get in the country.  We're gonna build a wall here, we're gonna make it so that you just can't get in here illegally. We're gonna follow the rules, pure and simple.  So Jorge gets escorted out.  "You can't touch me.  You can't touch me."  I don't think anybody wanted to.

Bill Carter on CNN's New Day.  Bill Carter, he is the New York Times TV reporter.  They've been leaving over there.  That's why I pause, I didn't know if he was still at the New York Times or not.  I guess he is.  So, who it was, Chris Cuomo said, "The question is simple, Bill. When you look at that situation yesterday, what was right, what was wrong and what worked in it."

CARTER:  Well, I think it worked very well for Trump.  I think he was commanding the situation.  I think Jorge looked like he was, like, trying to interrupt the guy and then he had the optics of saying get out, which sort of plays like he was deporting him, in some way.  The optics were like his message.  You know, you get out unless you're polite, unless you're polite, now you come back, you can come back, now I'll address, but I command the microphone.  We couldn't even hear Jorge talking.  You could only hear Trump, and it sounded like he was being reasonable, he was handling it.  To me he controlled that situation.

RUSH:  When is the last time you remember a journalist not standing up for another journalist?  (interruption)  No, this is the first.  I can't remember a time where a journalist did not stand up for another one.  This guy at the New York Times just threw Jorge in the back of the coyote wagon. (interruption)   Well, okay, but that was the Neil Munro thing, Neil Munro, he asked -- well, that's my point, Snerdley.  In that case, Obama was not taking any questions, and Neil Munro, The Daily Caller, asked questions, and the media chumped him right out of there, chased him all the way to the Washington Monument for embarrassing Obama and violating protocol.

But this is different.  This is illegal immigration.  This is the cause celebre of the campaign.  This is the Democrat Party voter registration drive, is what this is.  And the lead, the general of the Democrat voter registration drive among Spanish speaking people of this country is Jorge Ramos. He stands up, it's his turn in his mind. He's gonna get Trump. He's gonna expose Trump. He's gonna finally show everybody what a phony Trump is. He's gonna end Trump's campaign last night.  Instead he gets deported, he gets thrown in the back of coyote wagon, and the New York Times supports Trump.

largeThe New York Times says that Trump was in the right. The New York Times says that Trump owned the circumstance, the situation.  Now, Jorge ended up on Good Morning America today and defended himself.  He said he never expected to be thrown out of a press conference.  Who was it talking to him?  It was, yes, another great journalist of our time, George Stephanopoulos. He said, "Was Trump's reaction what you were expecting, given the disputes between Univision and Mr. Trump?"

RAMOS:  No what I would expect is that I can ask a question as a journalist because that's our responsibility. And I would expect Mr. Trump to answer honestly about what he really wants to do, because he hasn't given us specifics. But I didn't expect to be thrown out of a press conference, never in my life, and I've been a journalist more than 30 years, I've been thrown out of a press conference.

RUSH:  You weren't a journalist last night, Jorge.  I don't know why I'm calling him Jorge.  I don't even know him.  But you weren't a journalist last night.  That's the whole point.  I mean, even the New York Times realizes you weren't a journalist.  You showed up there with an agenda.  Well, all journalists do.  You know what the Drive-Bys all said last night, Snerdley, on CNN?  They were they were comparing last night to Reagan in New Hampshire saying, "I paid for this microphone."  They were.  And I didn't even think it was that.

They were comparing Trump to Reagan favorably.  Somebody was protesting Reagan not letting somebody else speak or whatever.  "I paid for this microphone," everybody cheered and the low rent scum in the room shut up and got run out.  They were comparing this with Jorge Ramos.  Now, Jorge claimed that he waited his turn, but he wasn't being a journalist last night, everybody knows it. 


RUSH:  Now, what had happened was, after the Nashua Telegraph offered to host a debate between Reagan and George H. W. Bush, the FEC said that it would violate election rules.  So Reagan arranged to pay for the event with his own campaign money.  So he paid for the microphone.  And then people were accusing him of hogging it or not letting someone speak. He said, "I paid for this microphone," and it got a huge, huge ovation.

RUSH: Here is Jonathan in Orland, California.  Great to have you on the EIB Network, Jonathan.  Hi.

CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  Thank you for taking my call.  My reason for calling is I got a chance to see the interview, I think it was, with George Stephanopoulos on the incident that took place with Ramos. And he made a point of saying that, you know, he believes that he needs to stand up for what he believes is true, which is disingenuous as a reporter or a journalist when they're up trying to bring the news to their constituents.  And as you pointed out, he does, like so many on the left, have an agenda.

They come forth with the guise of being a journalist, and then they go to their audience and just give them this misinformation.  I see... What I saw last night was an activist trying to take a page out of the Black Lives Matters movement and interrupt Trump as he was speaking to another reporter, and I just feel that this is gonna be an ongoing thing with these so-called journalists coming out and pretending that they're reporters with honest truth when they're really nothing but lies.

RUSH:  I think that's exactly right.  I think it's exactly right.  When you... If Jorge Ramos said that he was "standing up for what is right," well, sorry, pal, you're in the wrong business. That's not what journalism is.  Journalism's not standing up for anything.  Although it is.  It has become that in their minds.  But that doesn't even describe who he is. I think Jorge Ramos... This guy, folks, there's much more going on here than just that.  This whole reporter/journalism thing's a pure act.

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Ramos has had his "moment in the spotlight" against Donald Trump.

He isn't going to get a chance to do that again.