Author Topic: Cruz accuses Megyn Kelly of asking "mainstream media liberal" question  (Read 2683 times)

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Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Cruz accuses Megyn Kelly of asking "mainstream media liberal" question
« Reply #50 on: August 27, 2015, 03:22:00 am »
But those parents were legally in the United States when they gave birth to him, no? If I'm wrong, please correct me.

The reason Wong Kim sued was that the Chinese Exclusion Act denied any and all Chinese from gaining legal status, so he as disallowed re-entry into the U.S. after a visit to China.

So the SCOTUS in effect found that by virtue on being born on U.S. soil, Wong Kim was a U.S. citizen, the Chinese Exclusion Act notwithstanding.

Any laws passed by Congress trying to redefine the standing interpretation of the XIV Amendment's birthright citizenship will end up back in the hands of the SCOTUS. It will be interesting to see whether they uphold previous court findings, or vacate them.
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Offline Fishrrman

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Re: Cruz accuses Megyn Kelly of asking "mainstream media liberal" question
« Reply #51 on: August 27, 2015, 03:24:16 am »
Luis wrote above:
[[ Secure the borders by increasing personnel and moving them closer to the actual border. Use drones to patrol the border and dispatch rapid-deployment units when border jumpers are identified.
Offer a pathway to legal status to qualifying individuals and minor children.
Set up a program like the old Bracero program but more suited for our times and allow for controlled flow back and forth over the border for legal, registered seasonal workers.
Set up expedited processing Courts in every State to deal with unwanted illegal aliens who did not take the chance to become legal, or legalized aliens who break laws.
Expand ICE 287(g) participation and increase the States' power under the program to identify, detain and begin actaul deportation processing.

Cut off all Federal funds to Sanctuary cities.
Replace family reunion policies with policies that control immigration based on the nation's specific needs. ]]

Actually, Luis, I agree with -most- of what you have stated above.

The exceptions:
Secure the border with a "passive barrier" (i.e., a real-life "wall"). They're really not hard to build, and they can be built so as to minimize the "ugliness" and still remain effective. And yes, THEN patrol the inside perimeter with "personnel", drones, rapid-deployment teams, etc. And also use a monitoring system to prevent tunneling.

I disagree with the concept of "a pathway to legal status".
Instead, I would implement a policy of "benign neglect". That is to say, "we won't deport you so long as you 'live clean', but get in trouble and we WILL move to deport you."
AND -- no "normalization", EVER. Those who have come illegally must forever ("forever" means until they die, Luis) remain "non-citizens".
You are a wise enough man to understand that any "normalization" will eventually lead to "citizenship". This is why it can't be permitted.

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Re: Cruz accuses Megyn Kelly of asking "mainstream media liberal" question
« Reply #52 on: August 27, 2015, 03:37:40 am »
Luis wrote above:
[[ Secure the borders by increasing personnel and moving them closer to the actual border. Use drones to patrol the border and dispatch rapid-deployment units when border jumpers are identified.
Offer a pathway to legal status to qualifying individuals and minor children.
Set up a program like the old Bracero program but more suited for our times and allow for controlled flow back and forth over the border for legal, registered seasonal workers.
Set up expedited processing Courts in every State to deal with unwanted illegal aliens who did not take the chance to become legal, or legalized aliens who break laws.
Expand ICE 287(g) participation and increase the States' power under the program to identify, detain and begin actaul deportation processing.

Cut off all Federal funds to Sanctuary cities.
Replace family reunion policies with policies that control immigration based on the nation's specific needs. ]]

Actually, Luis, I agree with -most- of what you have stated above.

The exceptions:
Secure the border with a "passive barrier" (i.e., a real-life "wall"). They're really not hard to build, and they can be built so as to minimize the "ugliness" and still remain effective. And yes, THEN patrol the inside perimeter with "personnel", drones, rapid-deployment teams, etc. And also use a monitoring system to prevent tunneling.

I disagree with the concept of "a pathway to legal status".
Instead, I would implement a policy of "benign neglect". That is to say, "we won't deport you so long as you 'live clean', but get in trouble and we WILL move to deport you."
AND -- no "normalization", EVER. Those who have come illegally must forever ("forever" means until they die, Luis) remain "non-citizens".
You are a wise enough man to understand that any "normalization" will eventually lead to "citizenship". This is why it can't be permitted.

I didn't use the word "citizenship" once in that post. You injected it into the post then disagreed with something I didn;t say.

We can't secure the border with a wall. Here's why:

We have a border with Mexico that's 1,975 miles long, but we have in excess of 95K miles of shoreline. Add to that the fact that of the 11M illegals and their 4.5M children, almost 7 million are visa over stayers and/or non-Hispanics.

Basic fact.

While I disagree with Jose Ramos' grand standing in Trump's presser today, we're not going to deport 11 million people and their 4.5 million children.

Dream about it all you want, but it not going to happen.

They're here, they've been here, may as well know who they are and bring them in out of the shadows so that we can integrate them into society.

I simply agree with Reagan on this.
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx