Author Topic: Obama Let This Marine Rot in Jail. Look What Donald Trump Did for Him!  (Read 696 times)

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Offline Paladin

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A story sure to set some teeth a'gnashing, produce tears of anger, expressions of bewailing and blubbering. LOL

"Remember when U.S. Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi spent 214 days rotting away in a filthy Mexican jail? The conditions were so bad, and his hope of returning home was so dismal, that he tried to take his own life on more than one occasion.

And what was President Obama do during that time? Why, what he does best! He vacationed on your dime and he played golf at the priciest and most exclusive courses in the country. He couldn’t even bring himself to pencil in one phone call to discuss Tahmooressi’s release.

Well you can bet that had Donald Trump been the one in the Oval Office, things would have shaken out much differently.

“We don’t have a good relationship with Mexico,” Trump said at a recent campaign event. “Remember Sgt. Tahmooressi?”

“They kept him in jail,” continued the 2016 Republican frontrunner. “We had a president that didn’t even want to make a phone call. He was in that jail, rotting in that jail, and I helped him with Greta and some people. And I helped him financially, and finally he got out. But he was in there so long!”

Trump offered an undisclosed amount of financial assistance to Sgt. Tahmooressi after his release so that he could jumpstart his life. The real estate mogul did so quietly, which makes his gesture all the more noble.

We’re just finding out about this now, because at the time Trump gave Tahmooressi money, he didn’t publicize it, he simply did the right thing because he genuinely appreciates everything our soldiers do. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a Commander in Chief with that kind of respect for our military?"
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.

Offline aligncare

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Amidst all the Trump hatred, this is a bit of uplifting news. But it's really not that surprising. People who know Trump, know he's an American patriot and that he supports military troops and service veterans. He knows Obama doesn't respect the troops and has angrily blasted Obama's mishandling of the military.