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Lois Lerner Used A Second Email Account For IRS Biz
« on: August 25, 2015, 03:08:05 pm »

Lois Lerner Used A Second Email Account For IRS Biz

The Washington Times is reporting that the IRS has admitted Lois Lerner had a second email account, this one a personal one, that she sometimes used for IRS business. The revelation was revealed as part of the Judicial Watch lawsuit attempting to get a look at emails she sent during the IRS targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups

    IRS lawyer Geoffrey J. Klimas told the court that as the agency was putting together a set of documents to turn over to Judicial Watch, it realized Ms. Lerner had used yet another email account, in addition to her official one and another personal one already known to the agency.

    “In addition to emails to or from an email account denominated ‘Lois G. Lerner‘ or ‘Lois Home,’ some emails responsive to Judicial Watch’s request may have been sent to or received from a personal email account denominated ‘Toby Miles,’” Mr. Klimas told Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, who is hearing the case.

The Miles part of her pseudonym came from  her husband's last name, as for where she got the name Toby---your guess is as good as mine.

    Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said it was stunning the agency was just now admitting the existence of the address.

    “It is simply astonishing that years after this scandal erupted we are learning about an account Lois Lerner used that evidently hadn’t been searched,” he said, accusing the IRS of hiding Lerner-related information throughout — including the existence of the backup tapes of her official email account, which the agency’s inspector general easily found once it went looking for them.

Mr. Klimas didn’t respond to an email seeking comment Monday evening, and a spokeswoman for the tax agency didn’t respond to an email and phone call.

    But in his court filing Mr. Klimas argued that the IRS had previously hinted there may be other personal email accounts, pointing back to a footnote in a letter attached to a June 27, 2014, brief that mentioned “documents located on her personal home computer and email on her personal email account.”

    He altered that wording in his filing Monday, saying the database of Lerner emails turned over to Congress included messages from her “‘personal home computer and email on her personal email’ account(s).”

    The use of secret or extra email accounts has bedeviled the Obama administration, which is has tried to fend off a slew of lawsuits involving former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and her top aides, the White House’s top science adviser, top Environmental Protection Agency officials and the IRS.

Boy oh boy, private email accounts seem to be a bad habit of this, the most transparent administration since the big bang, billions of years ago.


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Re: Lois Lerner Used A Second Email Account For IRS Biz
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2015, 09:30:29 pm »
August 25, 2015
Another Lois Lerner secret email account uncovered
By Thomas Lifson

Judicial Watch has uncovered a secret email account linked to official business that was used by Lois Lerner, the IRS executive who took the Fifth Amendment and retired to an estimated $100,000-a-year retirement income.  The effect of using a secret email account – in this case, Lerner’s email account was in the name of Toby Miles – is to prevent Freedom of Information Act inquiries from uncovering the official information contained in the secret emails.  In other words, it is a way for a government official to deny the public its right to see how the government is operating.

Stephen Dinan reports in the Washington Times:

    Lois Lerner had yet another personal email account used to conduct some IRS business, the tax agency confirmed in a new court filing late Monday that further complicates the administration’s efforts to be transparent about Ms. Lerner’s actions during the tea party targeting scandal.

    The admission came in an open-records lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch, a conservative public interest law firm that has sued to get a look at emails Ms. Lerner sent during the targeting.

The IRS, years into the scandal investigation, has yet to turn over the official emails contained in the Toby Miles account to Judicial Watch, but the agency says that it is working toward doing so.  The IRS’s lawyer, Jeffrey Klimas, may be playing it cute in the agency’s dealings with Judge Emmett Sullivan, the federal judge also handling Judicial Watch’s FOIA suit in the Hillary Clinton email scandal:

    But in his court filing Mr. Klimas argued that the IRS had previously hinted there may be other personal email accounts, pointing back to a footnote in a letter attached to a June 27, 2014, brief that mentioned “documents located on her personal home computer and email on her personal email account.”

    He altered that wording in his filing Monday, saying the database of Lerner emails turned over to Congress included messages from her “‘personal home computer and email on her personal email’ account(s).”

The existence of the email account came to light when the email address was included among recipients of official emails from Lerner already turned over to Judicial Watch.

There is now a pattern of three key officials – Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, and former EPA administrator Lisa Jackson – who used private email accounts to evade disclosure requirements and operate a secret government operation.  Jackson notoriously adapted her dog’s name to send emails under an account name “Richard Windsor.”

Among the reforms that should be on the agenda of any GOP candidate is legislation terminating all pension payments to officials who evaded FOIA requirements or take the Fifth Amendment.

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Re: Lois Lerner Used A Second Email Account For IRS Biz
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2015, 09:44:50 pm »
Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.