Author Topic: Trollops, Trannies and Trump. The Coming of Age of the Morton Downey, Jr. Generation  (Read 74050 times)

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Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Trollops, Trannies and Trump. The Coming of Age of the Morton Downey, Jr. Generation

By Luis Gonzalez

Bong hits, Donald Fagen and maybe a little José Cuervo.

“Biscayne Bay, where the Cuban gentlemen sleep all day.”

Loved that line. Always sang out loud. Still do actually.

Maybe it’s in the blood… ya think?


A decade-plus old LP spinning on my decade-old Technics SL-3300 table that still sounded good, even with the pops and that one skip about a minute and fifteen seconds into “Any World (That I’m Welcome To)” . Throw throw in some friends and libations.

Any random night in 1988.

Well, all that and eventually Morton.

Morton Downey Jr. that is.

Look… I was young and stupid.

I could have TRIED talking the bong hits and tequila crowd hanging out at my place into tuning to Buckley’s “Firing Line”, it had the shit time slot on the one other TV station we could get in the apartment, but let’s be real for a minute here. What guy my age  in 1988 would own up to watching Buckley?

Old people watched that crap.

Strippers for God, white supremacists at the Apollo and Al Sharpton getting knocked on his ass, Morton was entertainment for sans-culottes. The main course to follow the bong hits, Steely Dan and the shots of José Cuervo.

It’s hard to imagine that The Morton Downey Jr. Show only lasted two years.

Buckley’s Firing Line ran for thirty-three years. Over fifteen hundred episodes with Buckley being its only host. I watched as many as I could once I was alone, far from the madding crowd… well, madding only up until the second round of Cuervo anyway.

I have to admit that a lot of it went over my head, and some of it put me to sleep, but sometimes Buckley could make my head buzz as wildly as some of the other stuff did.

Buckley was great.

Thirty-three years of intelligent, erudite conversation and on topics of substance being batted about by people of substance equal to the complexity of the issues, yet, it was Morton Downey Jr. that changed America forever.

Morton saw us for what we were.

Morton saw the future.

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What was scandalous about the Morton Downey, Jr. show yesterday, is standard in pretty much every show on TV and even our daily lives.

Case in point.

My wife watches a “reality” show called The Bachelor/Bachelorette. The format is very simple:

  • You take a guy, you surround him with a bunch of single women.
  • Add all the booze they can consume.
  • Fly them around to exotic places in the world.
  • He sends a woman (or two or three) who fail to please him (to one degree or another) home every week, and the party’s over for them
He gets to hook up with all of them (to one degree or another) which is how he decides who stays and who goes, and eventually falls in love (to one degree or another) with one of them, and he may (or may not) propose matrimony to that last standing babe.

The Bachelorette is the same thing, except with one gal and twenty-five guys heading off into the sunset, looking for love, or at least hook ups.

This season, I watched The Bachelorette with my better half (happy wife, happy life!) and it was something else.

You see, this season’s Bachelorette almost immediately knew who was “it”, but she had to continue on with the show. All the flights and hotels hab been booked after all.

Now, she told Mr. “It” that he was “it” way early in the show, but seeing how the show had to go on, he had to watch her make out with twenty plus other guys that he had to room with for weeks. And as if that wasn’t bad enough, one guy decided to join the show two weeks into the process, and he KNEW our heroine from “before”. Then in a booze-drive romantic tryst, somewhere in the Irish countryside, the Bachelorette and the late arrival consummate their passion while Mr. It sits back at the hotel and talks about trusting his girl.

There is a point to all this… truet me.

Not unexpectedly, the blogosphere and social media went after our randy heroine with a passion. It was ugly.

Every day my wife would read the worst of the worst comments from fan pages and Facebook groups, and they were bad.

Then, she had to tell Mr. It, on camera, that she had slept with the Other Guy. He just sat there until he had to leave the room.

A few episodes later, he proposes to her.

Then came the “After the Show” show and when the issue of all the nastiness came up, the crowd stood and cheered for our brave Bachelorette and her brave stance in the face of all the”unfair and unjustified” attacks on her values and morals, and just like that, the trollop had her virtue (sort of) restored as she sat there fighting back tears and holding her head up, while Mr. “It” sat next to her wondering just how many more times he was going to have to hear about how the girl of his dreams had banged some guy on national TV, just a few nights before he proposed to her.

The show plays twice a year (one Bachelor and one Bachelorette) and a selected number of each of the show’s “also rans” (the ones sent home early) get to spend a few weeks at a Mexican Beach resort in Puerto Vallarta, where Jorge the bartender pours them drinks in coconuts while dishing out relationship advice. The hook ups run wild.

This, oddly enough, doesn’t play as “odd” to most people today. It’s normal.

This year, the summer hook-up-in-Mexico-for-losers show ran roughly during the same slot as another odd show.

I’m talking about “I Am Cait.”

For those of you that have been stuck in the International Space Station for the past year or sow, this show is basically a set of cameras and microphones following Bruce Jenner (the former Olympian) dressed like a woman and (among other things) shopping for one-piece bathing suit that properly hides her package, some sensible pumps in a man’s size 12, and a women that “she” may be attracted to.

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This too, is part of the new normal.

Caitlyn Jenner was awarded the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage, so named for the universally admired tennis player who died in 1993 and was famous for his steely determination and sense of personal dignity.

There were others that could have been considered for the award like Lauren Hill, the 19-year-old college freshman from Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati who helped raise money for cancer research while waging an inspirational battle with an inoperable brain tumor that failed to stop her from achieving her dream of playing college basketball.

Lauren was apparently not as courageous as Caitlyn.

Then there was Noah Galloway, an Iraqi war veteran who lost two limbs but in spite of that continued to enter competitions, including an inspiring run on ABC’s “Dancing With the Stars.”

Noah was apparently as courageous as Caitlyn.

It’s a mad, mad, mad world.

It’s a Morton Downey, Jr. world, because Morton understood the power that one can generate by tapping into the people’s base instincts. He led the way and along the way created an entirely new genre of TV entertainment that gave life to shows like The Jerry Springer Show, the Sally Jesse Raphael Show, Maury “Who’s Your Daddy” Povich, The People’s Court,etc.

Beyond that, and equally as significant, Mort’s trend have permeated the TV talking head shows, with the likes of Chris Matthews, Glenn Beck, Al “You a Punk Faggot” Sharpton, Sean Hannity, Judge Jeanine, Rachel “Mad Cow” Maddow, Bill O’Reilly taking up the Morton Downey, Jr. standard to one degree or another.

The Morton Downey, Jr style can be heard over the airwaves and podcasts. Too many there to name.

These entertainers reign over the media. Sure, there are some remnants of the old “Firing Line” format, but no one watches them because they’re bland, boring and no one yells at anyone. And we want yelling and we want to be entertained, and to Hell with substance and erudite conversation.

But I don’t think that even Morton could have seen Trump coming.

I don’t think that even in his wildest imaginings Morton could have imagined the Trump candidacy, and his standings in the polls.

Morton, whose entire show premiered and peaked during the Reagan Presidency could have never believed that just a few decades later, he GOP’s leading contender and the conservative choice for the Presidency would be a pro-choice, pro gun control, pro taxation, pro socialized medicine billionaire who as a registered Democrat during the George W. Bush administration, and whose most recent job experience was as a host in a TV “reality” show. Conservatives who spent the entire Obama administration hammering him on his crippling inexperience have elevated three candidates to the top of the polls who “make Sarah Palin look like a wisened political veteran”.

Even Morton may be shocked.

So this is the world where those people who watched The Morton Downey, Jr. show live now live in.

A world where Target removes “Gender-Based Signs” from their aisles to avoid some manner of frustrations expressed by some of their customers over signs offering gender-specific products, while Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner shops for a one-piece bathing suit dressed as a woman and discusses a woman that “she” is going away for a weekend with.

A world were trollops are virtuous and virgins rare and even weird.

A world were trannies are courageous and police officers cowards.

A world were Donald Trump is the leading contender for the office once occupied by the likes of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Reagan.

A world were people will wonder around Target lost, not knowing where to find tampons or cup protectors.

Somewhere, Morton may be thinking of suing the nation for royalties.

He should.

Our world is one never-ending Morton Downey, Jr Show every day.

Or maybe, Morton should be The Donald’s VP.

That way at least there would be one real Republican in the ticket.

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« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 04:41:40 am by Luis Gonzalez »
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline andy58-in-nh

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It would appear that Reality Television has finally caught up with us.

In reality.

We have - at long last - a decent handful of smart, articulate, experienced and attractive Republican candidates from whom to choose and instead, the American people go all Jerry Springer on our ass. 

It's so depressing that I've been changing the channel both literally and figuratively for weeks now.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Offline DCPatriot

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I'll tell you why I'm encouraging Donald Trump's candidacy at this time.

It's gotten to the point that proper decorum is out of place in politics.  Tis true.  "Nice guys finish last".

In fact, after being 'burned' now several times going back to Robert Dole and John McCain, while the country seems to be sprinting toward Socialism, what exactly is it about Republicans' fascination with one-arm handicapped Nominees?  It's beyond ridiculous.

Next up, the candidate with the pearly white smile.  Like something out of a Pepsodent commercial.  One that you swore, stepped out of a Leave it to Beaver or Donna Reed episode.

If Mitt Romney couldn't beat a conniving Marxist like Barack Obama and the mainstream media complex, who could possibly pick up the banner and save our Republic?

Not only "No Sir!", but "HELL NO, YOU STUPID SOBS!"   I've had it.

Time to try something new and different.   How about a candidate that has the ballz to rip off an opponent's face and show it to him?

My country is circling the drain and Social Conservatives are still stomping their feet and asking for another 'one' armed Savior?

Uh....before you run out to pick out the proper color to paint the house....FIRST put out the Goddamned fire!

It may be true that Donald Trump is more Democrat than Republican. 

NEWSFLASH!!   I don't give a ###K.  The hillside our Republic was built upon has been steadily eroding.  Blame it on WoodStock.  Blame it on Kent State.  Blame it on VietNam.  Blame it on public sector unions.  DON'T CARE!

Shoring up the hill is fruitless and pointless.

Today's Democrats are not in the vein of John F. Kennedy or even William Jefferson Clinton.  Today's Democrat leadership would have been rounded up and arrested 'only' 60 years ago.

Therefore, I choose to understand and respect my enemies on the Left, and get realistic in my new chosen leader.

#1.  I want an unabashed Capitalist who appreciates the concept of Trickle Down Economics.  One who knows full well that there is a pent-up pile of cash just waiting for a signal that it's safe to come out and grow a business once again without punishing regulations whose only intent was to destroy wealth.

#2.  I want every single one of Obama's Executive Orders to be rescinded.

Does anybody think for one minute that Barack Obama, the retired POTUS is going away?  He'll be in our faces every damned night on the news.  They'll have a Barack Obama segment for chrissakes.

No.  We need a POTUS that will not go the 'mature', 'adult' way filled with gravitas and other assorted happy horsesh*t.  One that stays pissed and vindictive and continues to destroy our enemies.

And that person today is Donald Trump.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 01:54:52 pm by DCPatriot »
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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It would appear that Reality Television has finally caught up with us.

In reality.

We have - at long last - a decent handful of smart, articulate, experienced and attractive Republican candidates from whom to choose and instead, the American people go all Jerry Springer on our ass. 

It's so depressing that I've been changing the channel both literally and figuratively for weeks now.

I've been talking about Jerry Springer politics for quite sometime now. It's the norm for both sides of the political spectrum now.


Trump/Downey 2016!
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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I'll tell you why I'm encouraging Donald Trump's candidacy at this time.

It's gotten to the point that proper decorum is out of place in politics.  Tis true.  "Nice guys finish last".

In fact, after being 'burned' now several times going back to Robert Dole and John McCain, while the country seems to be sprinting toward Socialism, what exactly is it about Republicans' fascination with one-arm handicapped Nominees?  It's beyond ridiculous.

Next up, the candidate with the pearly white smile.  Like something out of a Pepsodent commercial.  One that you swore, stepped out of a Leave it to Beaver or Donna Reed episode.

If Mitt Romney couldn't beat a conniving Marxist like Barack Obama and the mainstream media complex, who could possibly pick up the banner and save our Republic?

Not only "No Sir!", but "HELL NO, YOU STUPID SOBS!"   I've had it.

Time to try something new and different.   How about a candidate that has the ballz to rip off an opponent's face and show it to him?

My country is circling the drain and Social Conservatives are still stomping their feet and asking for another 'one' armed Savior?

Uh....before you run out to pick out the proper color to paint the house....FIRST put out the Goddamned fire!

It may be true that Donald Trump is more Democrat than Republican. 

NEWSFLASH!!   I don't give a ###K.  The hillside our Republic was built upon has been steadily eroding.  Blame it on WoodStock.  Blame it on Kent State.  Blame it on VietNam.  Blame it on public sector unions.  DON'T CARE!

Shoring up the hill is fruitless and pointless.

Today's Democrats are not in the vein of John F. Kennedy or even William Jefferson Clinton.  Today's Democrat leadership would have been rounded up and arrested 'only' 60 years ago.

Therefore, I choose to understand and respect my enemies on the Left, and get realistic in my new chosen leader.

#1.  I want an unabashed Capitalist who appreciates the concept of Trickle Down Economics.  One who knows full well that there is a pent-up pile of cash just waiting for a signal that it's safe to come out and grow a business once again without punishing regulations whose only intent was to destroy wealth.

#2.  I want every single one of Obama's Executive Orders to be rescinded.

Does anybody think for one minute that Barack Obama, the retired POTUS is going away?  He'll be in our faces every damned night on the news.  They'll have a Barack Obama segment for chrissakes.

No.  We need a POTUS that will not go the 'mature', 'adult' way filled with gravitas and other assorted happy horsesh*t.  One that stays pissed and vindictive and continues to destroy our enemies.

And that person today is Donald Trump.

I love you man, but you're delusional.

You have no way to predict that Trump will do any of the things that you think he will do. He's not anything if not unpredictable.

The rest of our government isn't simply going to fade into obscurity while Trump carries out your crusade.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 02:06:01 pm by Luis Gonzalez »
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline DCPatriot

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I love you man, but you're delusional.

You have no way to predict that Trump will do any of the things that you think he will do. He's not anything if not unpredictable.

The rest of our government isn't simply going to fade into obscurity while Trump carries out your crusade.

Perhaps not, but I'll guaran-effing-tee you that he can emulate Obama's 1st two years and get us going.  He'll have a GOP House and Senate, and perhaps, a super majority to work with until the notorious 2018 mid-terms come to screw up everything again.

"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

Offline aligncare

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I'll tell you why I'm encouraging Donald Trump's candidacy at this time.

It's gotten to the point that proper decorum is out of place in politics.  Tis true.  "Nice guys finish last".

In fact, after being 'burned' now several times going back to Robert Dole and John McCain, while the country seems to be sprinting toward Socialism, what exactly is it about Republicans' fascination with one-arm handicapped Nominees?  It's beyond ridiculous.

Next up, the candidate with the pearly white smile.  Like something out of a Pepsodent commercial.  One that you swore, stepped out of a Leave it to Beaver or Donna Reed episode.

If Mitt Romney couldn't beat a conniving Marxist like Barack Obama and the mainstream media complex, who could possibly pick up the banner and save our Republic?

Not only "No Sir!", but "HELL NO, YOU STUPID SOBS!"   I've had it.

Time to try something new and different.   How about a candidate that has the ballz to rip off an opponent's face and show it to him?

My country is circling the drain and Social Conservatives are still stomping their feet and asking for another 'one' armed Savior?

Uh....before you run out to pick out the proper color to paint the house....FIRST put out the Goddamned fire!

It may be true that Donald Trump is more Democrat than Republican. 

NEWSFLASH!!   I don't give a ###K.  The hillside our Republic was built upon has been steadily eroding.  Blame it on WoodStock.  Blame it on Kent State.  Blame it on VietNam.  Blame it on public sector unions.  DON'T CARE!

Shoring up the hill is fruitless and pointless.

Today's Democrats are not in the vein of John F. Kennedy or even William Jefferson Clinton.  Today's Democrat leadership would have been rounded up and arrested 'only' 60 years ago.

Therefore, I choose to understand and respect my enemies on the Left, and get realistic in my new chosen leader.

#1.  I want an unabashed Capitalist who appreciates the concept of Trickle Down Economics.  One who knows full well that there is a pent-up pile of cash just waiting for a signal that it's safe to come out and grow a business once again without punishing regulations whose only intent was to destroy wealth.

#2.  I want every single one of Obama's Executive Orders to be rescinded.

Does anybody think for one minute that Barack Obama, the retired POTUS is going away?  He'll be in our faces every damned night on the news.  They'll have a Barack Obama segment for chrissakes.

No.  We need a POTUS that will not go the 'mature', 'adult' way filled with gravitas and other assorted happy horsesh*t.  One that stays pissed and vindictive and continues to destroy our enemies.

And that person today is Donald Trump.

If Mitt Romney couldn't beat a conniving Marxist like Barack Obama and the mainstream media complex, who could possibly pick up the banner and save our Republic?

Money line.

Mitt Romney was exactly the right candidate at the right time, and he lost because of politics –I spit that last word out.

Voters sometimes make the worst decisions under the influence of mainstream media, pop culture and the democrats' special brand of grevience politics. Nothing was going to change the trajectory. America's first black president was going to be reelected. Period. Evidence of his duplicity and failures be dammed.

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Donald Trump is not Barack Obama.

Online Bigun

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For whatever it's worth here is my personal list in the order that I would actually VOTE if I had to vote tomorrow!

 •  Scott Walker 

 •  Ted Cruz 
 • Rick Perry
 •  Bobby Jindal
 •  Mike Huckabee
 •  Dr. Ben Carson
 •  Carly Fiorina

•  Chris Christie
•  Jeb Bush
•  John Kasich
•  Marco Rubio
•  Rick Santorum
•  Rand Paul 
•  Jim Gilmore
•  Donald Trump 
•  Lindsey Graham
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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I love you man, but you're delusional.

You have no way to predict that Trump will do any of the things that you think he will do. He's not anything if not unpredictable.

The rest of our government isn't simply going to fade into obscurity while Trump carries out your crusade.

Trump would go into the presidency with the same attitude he always has, he is beholden to no one and he did it all himself.  No one knows what he would do.  He would have no problem saying "you know after thinking about it I have decided that we simply have to grant amnesty etc..etc..". 

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Perhaps not, but I'll guaran-effing-tee you that he can emulate Obama's 1st two years and get us going.  He'll have a GOP House and Senate, and perhaps, a super majority to work with until the notorious 2018 mid-terms come to screw up everything again.

You have no idea what Truml will do because you have no record to base anything on.

You hope that he does what you think he will do, but you just don't know.
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline Scottftlc

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I love you man, but you're delusional.

You have no way to predict that Trump will do any of the things that you think he will do. He's not anything if not unpredictable.

The rest of our government isn't simply going to fade into obscurity while Trump carries out your crusade.

Perhaps not, unlike Republicans, the Democrats FIGHT even at poor odds.

Regardless, we do know for a fact that the Republicans DID fade into obscurity while Obama has carried out HIS crusade.  It does suggest that a different breed of Republican might be needed.  For we know with almost perfect knowledge in advance that Jeb Bush would fade into upper-crust genteel obscurity even with super-majorities.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan


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Perhaps not, unlike Republicans, the Democrats FIGHT even at poor odds.

Regardless, we do know for a fact that the Republicans DID fade into obscurity while Obama has carried out HIS crusade.  It does suggest that a different breed of Republican might be needed.  For we know with almost perfect knowledge in advance that Jeb Bush would fade into upper-crust genteel obscurity even with super-majorities.

A new breed that would do what given divided gvmnt?  Great wailing an knashing of teeth?  Government shutdowns?  It's always oh so easy for the critics.

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A new breed that would do what given divided gvmnt?  Great wailing an knashing of teeth?  Government shutdowns?  It's always oh so easy for the critics.

Are you old enough to remember phonograph records?  Do you remember how annoying it was when the needle got stuck in a grove and just played the same thing over and over again?

Probably not!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Are you old enough to remember phonograph records?  Do you remember how annoying it was when the needle got stuck in a grove and just played the same thing over and over again?

Probably not!

Oh of course Bigun but those always whining about the GOP leadership are not broken records?  Name one issue during the Obama administration and tell us how it should have been handled.  All this crying all the time about the GOPe is annoying when you have nothing to offer in its place.

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Are you old enough to remember phonograph records? 

I am old enough. And in math and government classes I learned what a 2/3 majority to override vetoes meant.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

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A new breed that would do what given divided gvmnt?  Great wailing an knashing of teeth?  Government shutdowns?  It's always oh so easy for the critics.

OK I have a plan for you...should suit you perfectly, let's just go on letting the socialists have their way and relish in our new Marxist society.  Because unlike YOU...they will fight for what they want, and because they will...and Republicans like YOU will not...they will get it.

Timid passivity always loses to determination and direction.
Well, George Lewis told the Englishman, the Italian and the Jew
You can't open your mind, boys, to every conceivable point of view

...Bob Dylan


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OK I have a plan for you...should suit you perfectly, let's just go on letting the socialists have their way and relish in our new Marxist society.  Because unlike YOU...they will fight for what they want, and because they will...and Republicans like YOU will not...they will get it.

Timid passivity always loses to determination and direction.

Name an issue and explain how it should have been handled.  You guys are always so outraged because your heros end up face to face with the constitution after all.  What would you do?

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I am old enough. And in math and government classes I learned what a 2/3 majority to override vetoes meant.

But you didn't learn the value of forcing the president to actually VETO bills passed by both houses of congress and sweat out actual over ride votes on those vetoes did you?
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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But you didn't learn the value of forcing the president to actually VETO bills passed by both houses of congress and sweat out actual over ride votes on those vetoes did you?

No I admit I didn't learn the value of that actually.  What is it and is that your entire complaint?

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No I admit I didn't learn the value of that actually.  What is it and is that your entire complaint?

It shows the voting public EXACTLY where the problem lies AND keeps promises made.

Yes! Being continually patronized and outright lied to for decades is my chief complaint.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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It shows the voting public EXACTLY where the problem lies AND keeps promises made.

Yes! Being continually patronized and outright lied to for decades is my chief complaint.

I suspect McConnell has other ideas but lets say you are right.  What about Boener?  How would you do it differently?

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I suspect McConnell has other ideas but lets say you are right.  What about Boener?  How would you do it differently?

Virtually everything.  Boehner and his lemmings have given Obama everything he wanted.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Virtually everything.  Boehner and his lemmings have given Obama everything he wanted.

Can you give me an example?

Online Bigun

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Can you give me an example?
Sure! The cromnibus. I would not have done that at all.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien