Author Topic: Rush: More Drive-Bys Are Speculating: What Role Is Obama Playing in the Hillary E-Scandal Drip, Drip, Drip?  (Read 475 times)

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More Drive-Bys Are Speculating: What Role Is Obama Playing in the Hillary E-Scandal Drip, Drip, Drip?
August 21, 2015


RUSH: Look at this headline.  This is Reuters: "Dozens of Hillary Clinton Emails Were 'Born Classified.'"  What, do we have anchor e-mails now?  Hee-hee.  Anchor e-mails.  This could be... I mean, if it's possible for there to be a blockbuster or bombshell where Hillary is concerned.

But I'll tell you what I'm seeing, folks.  I am seeing more and more people in the Drive-By Media starting to speculate about things I shared with you weeks and months ago.  And primarily the speculation in the Drive-By Media is what role is Obama playing in all of this?  And even some of the Drive-Bys who've just figured out this out, who think Obama's playing a role, think so because Obama doesn't want to entrust his third term to Hillary, which we speculated about months ago on this program, which I detailed for you weeks ago and why that would not be a choice.

And whether this Obama strategy is to ultimately drop the hammer and announce a full-fledged DOJ investigation of Mrs. Clinton or just this continual drip, drip, drip of every day something new, maybe small, maybe medium-sized, maybe big, but every day there's something new being released about these e-mails of hers.  And every day there's something new, little tidbit added about her server.  It's not going away.  It is intensifying.

Now we're starting to get stories about Huma Weiner, who is Hillary's number one aide-de-camp, the liaison, Huma. We are learning bad things about Huma, that Huma is disrespectful of the Secret Service.  One time Huma was stopped by the Secret Service heading somewhere, and she said, "Don't you know who I am?" as though she didn't have to go through the normal security checks because she is Huma Weiner.  Everybody should know that she's Huma Weiner and that she's Hillary's Huma Weiner.

We get the same kind of stuff about her that we've had about Hillary for the longest time, disrespectful of uniformed military personnel and Secret Service and so forth. But every day it's just a drip, drip, drip with added speculation of who might then come in and save the day as a Democrat nominee.  We get more and more name references of Joe Biden, who would be loyal to Obama.  If Obama is envisioning the next Democrat to actually serve his third term, we know he doesn't want to entrust Hillary, or more importantly, he doesn't want to let Bill Clinton anywhere near it, either.  If Hillary's there, you know Bill's not far.  He's going to be lurking.

We have a piece from Jeff Greenfield today which also, ladies and gentlemen, is the Limbaugh Echo Syndrome.  This is what I mean by you listening regularly here you'll be on the cutting edge.  'Cause all of this stuff that pops up in the Drive-By Media, you will have heard it on this program, either reported or analyzed or commented upon.  The Greenfield piece: "Democratic Blues -- Barack Obama will leave his party in its worst shape since the Great Depression -- even if Hillary wins."

Well, this of course is very true, and the reason it's true we have discussed here countless times.  One of the ways is electoral.  The Democrat Party in the last two midterms has lost close to a thousand seats in the US House, in the United States Senate, statehouses, I mean, all the way down to town council, a thousand seats across the country.  It's a major, major defeat.  The economy is in a shambles.  The stock market today, the last I looked, was down over 300 points, and people are starting to talk global recession.

But you know what's different about this one?  China, the ChiComs.  It used to be that as went the United States, so went the world.  Now it's as goes the ChiComs, so goes the world.  The panic in the United States stock market has to do with the ChiComs and their economy, and it has to do with the price of oil and so forth.  Not that there are not concerns about the US economy, but we are no longer perceived to be leading the world.  We're followers in a lot of ways, and this is one of Obama's legacies, too.

This is a long piece by Greenfield.  I will share with you in due course.  But, again, it's the Limbaugh Echo Syndrome.  It is exactly the things that we've been talking about on this program.  They're not a majority. They don't represent the majority of thought. The damage that has been done to the country and to the party is obvious to people that want to look.  The Drive-By Media's done their best to cover it all up. 


RUSH: "For months, the US State Department has stood behind its former boss Hillary Clinton as she has repeatedly said she did not send or receive classified information on her unsecured, private email account, a practice the government forbids. While the department is now stamping a few dozen of the publicly released emails as 'Classified,' it stresses," that this does not mean the information was classified when Clinton first sent or received. Then why make a big deal of it?  If ultimately she didn't do anything wrong, then why leak anything that might give low-information voters the idea that she did?

I mean, this story, "Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton E-mails Were Classified From the Start, US Rules Suggest." But then the State Department is now stamping a few dozen of the publicly released e-mails as classified, but it doesn't mean they were classified when Clinton first sent or received. This is the drip, drip, drip to which I am referring.  "But the details included in those 'Classified' stamps -- which include a string of dates, letters and numbers describing the nature of the classification -- appear to undermine this account, a Reuters examination of the emails and the relevant regulations has found."

Here's Reuters now participating in the drip, drip, drip against Mrs. Clinton.  "The new stamps indicate that some of Clinton's emails from her time as the nation's most senior diplomat are filled with a type of information the US government and the department's own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go -- regardless of whether it is already marked that way or not."

Okay.  But the State Department says, "Wait, wait, wait, wait. It's only recently they've been classified."  But Reuters and the other people, "No, no, no, no, they started that.  They were born classified. These are anchor e-mails."  He-he-he-he-he.  They were born that way.  You know, folks, with all due respect to everybody, we have been talking about this until I'm blue in the face.  Anything that reveals intelligence sources or methods is obviously automatically considered to be classified whether it's stamped "classified" or not.

There is an assumption that secretaries of state know whether something is classified, whether it's high value, whether it's secret, private, or what have you.  You don't need a stamp on everything.  But apparently Mrs. Clinton does.  Apparently her defense is, "Well, there was nothing on it. I didn't see it was classified here."  She's telegraphing the fact that she doesn't have any independent ability to know whether what she's looking at is super-secret or not.

But Reuters is coming at this from a different angle.  "In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own 'Classified' stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The US government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to US officials by their foreign counterparts.

"This sort of information, which the department says Clinton both sent and received in her emails, is the only kind that must be 'presumed' classified, in part to protect national security and the integrity of diplomatic interactions, according to US regulations examined by Reuters."

Now, I think, in the normal ebb and flow of things, this is quite the bombshell.  I mean, it's nothing new to you who listen to this program regularly, but what it does, it spells out what we've been saying from the start, that things are classified whether they're stamped that way or not.  But here comes Reuters saying that any information written or spoken provided in confidence to US officials is automatically classified, and Hillary's e-mails are chock-full of that.

So here comes the Drive-By Media dumping on Mrs. Clinton in a major way here, and the story has been picked up, and it's got legs. This is exactly what I mean, folks, by the drip, drip, drip, drip, drip. Every day there's just a little bit more and Mrs. Clinton can't keep up with it.

I was driving in today and I was listening to radio, and there was tape of Mrs. Clinton responding to this.  And honest to God I thought I was listening to an A I, Robot.  I thought I was listening to artificial intelligence.  I thought it was a Siri-like entity.  It was a woman talking like this. (imitating Clinton) "And I am sure, you can trust me, I would never."  Just no familiarity with what she was talking about.  I might have had Fox News on the satellite radio, might have been there.  They played Mrs. Clinton reacting to this stuff, and it was stiff and uncomfortable.  But what it was mostly, it sounded like somebody who didn't know what she was saying, that it was on a prompter or that was it written for her, and she was just going through motions.

Now, you know me.  I've been very open and honest about this, I have never understood why it is that the conventional wisdom is A, she's the smartest woman in the world, and, B, an automatically unbeatable candidate.  I have never understood it for the very reasons that people are talking about now.  She can't tell a joke.  Even when she tries to tell a joke, she doesn't know what she's talking about, such as the Snapchat joke.  I think it's just her name and there's a D by her name on a ballot.

Folks, the reason that I also have this opinion is, you know, I know what connections with an audience are because of the unbelievable experience that I've had with all of you for all these years.  I know what one is, and I know when people don't have that.  So here's Mrs. Clinton, she gets $14 million in advance to write her memoirs.  And nobody cared, within the general public, nobody cared.  Now, at the publisher, $14 million, they obviously thought everybody would care.  This is the mirage, if you will, that surrounds Mrs. Clinton, that she is interesting and curious and people look at her admiringly from afar.

I don't think they care, and I don't think people have the slightest desire to know anymore about her than they already do.  She couldn't draw flies to book signings.  She didn't sell any books.  Those are not the kind of things that happen when you have a connection with an audience.  I don't care how small the audience is, the connection makes the bond one of loyalty, and the loyalty makes the audience supportive.

So here's Mrs. Clinton with a book.  She supposedly has all these people that love her and all these donors that can't wait for her to be elected, and none of them came out to show her support.  They might have shown up at her book party, but big whoop, these are people that get complimentary copies of the book.  Nobody's buying them.  These are people showing up for freebies, hors d'oeuvres and so forth at book parties. Granted, they're gonna show up to one of those. But there isn't any audience loyalty. There's no voter loyalty, nobody showing up in droves to go meet Mrs. Clinton, learn more about her, see her in person.  There isn't even that kind of curiosity about her.

I think it's one of the biggest myths that has been perpetrated on the country.  We know how easy it is to make those myths happen.  We had the news yesterday about this guy, 9% in the Public Policy presidential polling in North Carolina who doesn't even exist.  A guy named Deez Butts.  A 15-year-old kid from, I don't know, Michigan, whenever it was.  But, anyway, I think what's happening here with this e-mail story, the server and everything, I think all of these things are beginning now to be exposed, the lack of connection, the lack of loyalty, the fact there isn't a huge amount of curiosity, love, adulation, adoration for Mrs. Clinton.

All of this is manufactured, and all of it is assumed, most of it is, simply because she's Bill Clinton's wife.  But I'll tell you, Bill Clinton gets the exact opposite. He does have a huge audience. He gets tons of loyalty, whatever his audience is, they have a bond, there's a connection there. And I think a lot of people just assumed that that same bond would transfer to Hillary, but it hasn't and it won't.  This woman has been living her political life on the come.

Look at this.  Everything she's done has been for this moment.  Everything she gave up way back when and said "yes" to Clinton and moved to Arkansas, was for this.  Everything that she's done has been for future consideration. They tried to reward her in 2008, it didn't work, and it looks like it's not working now.  Now we got all these new stories such as Greenfield's piece on the real mess the Democrat Party's in because of Obama and you could read as well because of Hillary.  So anyway, that's that for that. 


RUSH: In this story about dozens of Hillary Clinton's e-mails being "born classified," anchor e-mails, Reuters gives an example here. By the way, we had a great call yesterday from a guy who said, "Look, if Mrs. Clinton, as she said, did not give classified documents on her e-mail, where did she get 'em?  If none of the things on her private server -- none of the things in her private e-mail account -- were classified, then where in hell did she receive classified information?"

You know, there's a possibility, folks. Could it be that the State Department knew full well, and maybe they didn't send her any classified information because she's not... Nah, can't be!  I know that didn't happen because of this.  Reuters gives one example: "In an email from November 2009, the principal private secretary to David Miliband, then the British foreign secretary, indicates that he is passing on information about Afghanistan from his boss in confidence.

"He writes to Huma Abedin," Huma Weiner, "Clinton's most senior aide, that Miliband 'very much wants the secretary (only),'" meaning Hillary, "'to see this note.'" Yet Huma is reading it!  It's a note exclusively to Hillary. Huma gets it; Huma intercepts it. "Nearly five pages of entirely redacted information follow. Abedin forwarded it on to Clinton's private email account." So we have from the Reuters store a classified e-mail, five pages of redacted data from somebody in Afghanistan, the British Foreign Service from Mrs. Clinton that ends up on her private server and she says there wasn't any of that.

(Hillary impression) "I never haaaaad classified daaaaata on my serveeeeeeer," whatever she says.  So Hillary was exposing secrets on her unprotected server involving our allies while we're middle of a shooting war!  It's an open question whether she even knew it or not.  Who knows whether she ever saw it! The e-mail was opened by Huma.  Huma forwards it to Hillary's server.  How do we know Hillary even opened it?  Here's Alicia in Columbus, New Jersey, as we head to the phones as promised.  Alicia, thank you for calling.  You're up first.  It's great to have you.  Hi.

CALLER:  Hi.  Hi.  Okay.  I don't understand why the Republicans are going after Hillary right now.  They need to lay off of Hillary.  Why?  Because you... I would want her to be the nominee.  You know, I se, from what you're saying and  from what I see is going on, the Democrat powers that be probably want her out.  They'll put in Biden and Elizabeth Warren.  Why are the Republicans not going after Obama and Biden and Warren and going after them hard and lay off Hillary for a while?

RUSH:  Wait, wait, wait, wait.  Those are good questions.  And I'm gonna answer them for you.  The first, in order: You don't go after Warren or Biden; they're not even doing anything yet.  It's just speculation that somebody in the Democrat hierarchy wants Biden and Warren to replace Hillary, but that hasn't happened yet.  So, you know, you gotta focus your fire.  Now, one of the reasons they're going after Hillary...

I will take the blame for this, Alicia, because it was my advice way back months ago to do this, and the reason I did so was because I'm sick and tired of conservatives firing at each other in these primaries.  And I think conservatives are not the enemy, even of other conservatives.  Mrs. Clinton is, the Democrat Party.  So my advice was to get a head start. She's the presumed nominee. This is before all of this really reached an intense level, this e-mail stuff and the classified data on the server, this scandal.

Before it really intensified, it was presumed that she was the nominee and it was gonna be smooth sailing, and my advice was, "Instead of taking each other out, instead of beating each other up for the low-information voters to see, focus on her."  And some of them took the advice. Some of them didn't.  Not all of them are anymore.  It's cut back considerably.  But I don't think Republican criticism of Hillary is gonna have any impact on the Democrat primary at all.

CALLER:  Well, I can tell you there's a lot of people, the average people, who think about this.  You know, we want to win, and we think that she would be a good nominee.  So I want the Republicans to really start to strategize, because the Democrats, they do.  They're thinking 15 steps ahead.  I don't feel we do that.

RUSH:  Well, Alicia, the Republicans -- and I'll give you details. The Republicans right now are strategizing as you say, but they're strategizing as how to kill the Trump campaign.  I mean, I think they've pretty much forgotten Hillary except a couple or three individual candidates.  Right now the Republican strategy is focusing on Trump, and they're bombing out and they're getting frustrated.  They can't figure him out.  Nothing's worked.  Things they think automatically would have disqualified Trump have made him stronger.  So right now, that's their focus.  I understand your thinking, and in normal circumstances it would be great points.


RUSH:  I think these Republicans ought to be going after the Democrat Party en masse.  I think they ought to be going after liberalism.  This country's a mess. It's obvious. Most people think so. It's time to tell people why.  If you want to throw Hillary's name in there, have at it.  But it's easy, I think, what to be doing.

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You know, there's a possibility, folks. Could it be that the State Department knew full well, and maybe they didn't send her any classified information because she's not... Nah, can't be!  I know that didn't happen because of this.  Reuters gives one example: "In an email from November 2009, the principal private secretary to David Miliband, then the British foreign secretary, indicates that he is passing on information about Afghanistan from his boss in confidence.

"He writes to Huma Abedin," Huma Weiner, "Clinton's most senior aide, that Miliband 'very much wants the secretary (only),'" meaning Hillary, "'to see this note.'" Yet Huma is reading it!  It's a note exclusively to Hillary. Huma gets it; Huma intercepts it. "Nearly five pages of entirely redacted information follow. Abedin forwarded it on to Clinton's private email account." So we have from the Reuters store a classified e-mail, five pages of redacted data from somebody in Afghanistan, the British Foreign Service from Mrs. Clinton that ends up on her private server and she says there wasn't any of that.

(Hillary impression) "I never haaaaad classified daaaaata on my serveeeeeeer," whatever she says.  So Hillary was exposing secrets on her unprotected server involving our allies while we're middle of a shooting war!  It's an open question whether she even knew it or not.  Who knows whether she ever saw it! The e-mail was opened by Huma.  Huma forwards it to Hillary's server.  How do we know Hillary even opened it?

Does the SoS get the same classified info as the prez? I would think the prez gets some the SoS doesn't.  How much damage has Hil done to this country by those emails? How many have died? Or will?