Author Topic: Democratic Strategist Thinks Hillary Was Disrespected When Asked About Wiping Her Server [VIDEO]  (Read 309 times)

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Democratic Strategist Thinks Hillary Was Disrespected When Asked About Wiping Her Server [VIDEO]

Posted By Steve Guest On 3:19 PM 08/19/2015 In | No Comments


Democratic strategist Angela Rye said that Ed Henry was “a little bit too testy” when asking Hillary about her server.

Rye, appearing on “CNN Newsroom” Wednesday with Brooke Baldwin, didn’t think it was the right time and place for reporters to be asking the former first lady of the United States and secretary of state such “tough” questions.

Angela Rye proceeded to contradict herself, first saying that “it has to be extremely frustrating to be wanting to run a campaign” while desiring to talk about “real issues” like “families in America hurting, struggling to keep the lights on, and you’re having to constantly revisit” the email server issue.

Later, when pressed by Baldwin, Rye did admit that the server was a “real issue.”


Brooke Baldwin: Let’s just begin with what we just saw, Hillary Clinton with the reporters, the whole, you know, joke about what, what do I use “a cloth” and then arms up after she’s walking away. I mean, obviously she’s frustrated, but this is, this is joke number two she’s made over this in about a week. Is this like the appropriate way to handle this?

Angela Rye: Well, listen, Brooke, I think part of this is, it has to be extremely frustrating to be wanting to run a campaign, talk about real issues, families in America hurting, struggling to keep the lights on, and you’re having to constantly revisit this, personal e-mails versus non-personal e-mails. Classified versus non-classified.

Baldwin: There are people who say this is a real issue.

Rye: It is a real issue, but it’s hardly the right place to talk about in a forum like that. I hope that the campaign will have her do a one-on-one exclusive on air with someone. So that she…

Baldwin: But why not? These are reporters, you know they are going to ask her tough questions when they get a second with her.

Rye: I understand, but Brooke, this is a former First Lady of the United States and former Secretary of State and the reporter who she had the exchange with was a far bit, a little bit too testy and that’s why the forum is important for her to be able to explain this and maybe even go a little bit further than saying she regrets it.

Baldwin: This is, again, just to remind everyone though, this is while she was — I know you point out she’s a former first lady, but this is when she was serving in the Obama Administration as Secretary of State.

Rye: Absolutely. Absolutely.

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