Author Topic: Did Army Officials Just Get In A Troll Fight On Facebook Over Female Rangers?  (Read 411 times)

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Did Army Officials Just Get In A Troll Fight On Facebook Over Female Rangers?

Posted By Jonah Bennett On 5:37 PM 08/19/2015 In | No Comments


Army officials were sucked into a Facebook fight Monday after some users suggested the integration of women into Ranger School is just another social experiment.

“So glad that our Military can be a Social experiment,” user Monte Tate wrote in response to a status posted by Fort Benning on Facebook announcing that two women completed Ranger School.

Instead of letting the comment go, the US Army Fort Benning Facebook page shot back a reply to Tate, saying “How is allowing women to serve equally while serving their country an experiment? Only 1% of citizens serve their country and a smaller percent volunteer for Ranger training. So why should a Soldier be limited when they have the courage to do what most only talk about.”

Another user, Frank Peirce, chimed in and stated, “Yeah but they passed the short course I wonder if they would have made it through the original 90 day course.”

“There was nothing short about their 120 plus day course,” the Fort Benning Facebook page protested.

The comments have since been deleted, covering up the military’s hasty response.

Out of 19 women who initially volunteered to participate in the Ranger School integration experiment, two made it through the entire course and will graduate Friday at Fort Benning with 94 other men. About 45 percent of Ranger School students graduate from the grueling and demanding course. (RELATED: Two Female Ranger Students Set To Graduate, Obama Will Attend Friday Ceremony)

Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh quickly pronounced in a statement that “This course has proven that every Soldier, regardless of gender, can achieve his or her full potential.”

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