Author Topic: These Black Lives Don’t Matter to Black Lives Matter  (Read 298 times)

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These Black Lives Don’t Matter to Black Lives Matter
« on: August 19, 2015, 12:53:53 pm »

These Black Lives Don’t Matter to Black Lives Matter

By Aaron Goldstein on 8.18.15 | 10:26AM

I just read a piece in the Baltimore Sun by Adam Marton that reveals the following:

Homicides are up 60% and shootings are up 105% year-over-year and the crimes follow predictable trends. Violence is concentrated in neighborhoods that are predominantly African American, and have high rates of poverty and unemployment; other areas remain largely unscathed.

Marton then offers a number of maps that show the concentration of homicides and shootings in African-American neighborhoods.

All of which prompts me to ask this question. Does Black Lives Matter give a damn?

I say they don’t. All they want is to have the heads of the six police officers charged with killing Freddie Gray on a stick.

By all means, please investigate the six police officers and if the evidence supports murder then fine. I only ask that we stop pretending this is only about race. After all, three of the officers charged are African American.

But because Black Lives Matters and other demagogues insist that it is solely about race, the majority of diligent police officers in Baltimore have had their hands tied by State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby. If they are put into the position where deadly force is warranted there is a reasonable fear that Mosby will see fit to prosecute them. So Baltimore PD refrains from intervening and, voila, murder is on the rise and nearly all of those who die are African Americans. And here I thought that black lives were supposed to matter. But as far as Black Lives Matter is concerned, to paraphrase Orwell, some black lives matter more than others. Unless an African American is killed by a police officer, these black lives simply don’t matter to Black Lives Matter.

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