Author Topic: Al Sharpton Manages To Make The Iran Nuclear Deal About Race  (Read 358 times)

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Al Sharpton Manages To Make The Iran Nuclear Deal About Race
« on: August 17, 2015, 04:06:35 pm »
Al Sharpton Manages To Make The Iran Nuclear Deal About Race


Brian Anderson 
August 16, 2015

We all know that Al Sharpton is Obama’s “go-to” guy on race, but now it appears the race-hustling Reverend is also the President’s foreign policy advisor. With it becoming increasingly likely that Obama’s terrible Iran nuclear deal will be rejected by Congress, he has called upon Big Al to whip up a frenzy in the black community. No, I’m serious. This really happened.

The Huffington Post spoke with Al Sharpton who says he is trying to get blacks to help push the Iran deal through Congress:

The Rev. Al Sharpton plans to call on black churches to organize support for the nuclear agreement with Iran as early as Saturday, he told The Huffington Post.

“I am calling on ministers in black churches nationwide to go to their pulpits Sunday and have their parishioners call their senators and congressman to vote yes on the Iran nuclear plan,” said Sharpton.

You might think that Sharpton is burning up any credibility he had left with blacks by shilling for Obama’s deal, but remember who we are talking about here. Of course this is about race. That’s Sharpton’s forte. Here’s how he manages to make this a racial issue.

“We have a disproportionate interest, being that if there is a war, our community is always disproportionately part of the armed services, and that a lot of the debate is by people who will not have family members who will be at risk,” he said.


So basically Sharpton is saying that if Congress doesn’t approve the Iran deal that we will be going to war with Iran. And then, because of this looming war, blacks will be killed in disproportionate numbers due to the racial profiling practices of the rogue Islamic nation or something.

This may be the most insane thing he’s ever said, which is quite an accomplishment for someone who specializes in being completely bonkers. He is of course wrong in everything he said, but you have to admire the skill in which he weaves his racial tapestry of bullshit.

“There needs to be a balance in this. Clearly lobbyists and others like AIPAC are pushing on their side and there needs to be an organized effort on the other side. And we’re kicking it off tomorrow morning. A lot of Democrats, I think, should have to consider how their voters will feel in their base vote,” said Sharpton.

It’s funny how he thinks saying a rejection of the Iran deal will lead to dead black people brings balance to the debate. I wonder if he knows what that word means.

And so it comes to this. After Secretary of State John Kerry negotiated a horrible deal with the Iranians and Obama can’t even convince members of his own party to support it, the next logical step is to bring Al Sharpton in to fix things. I knew Obama was weak on foreign policy, but this is just pathetic. This is the exact opposite of what an effective leader would do.

For Sharpton though, this is his finest race hustling moment yet. He actually managed to make an international nuclear agreement about race. Those amateurs in the Black Lives Matter movement should take note at how a pro works the scam.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 04:07:13 pm by rangerrebew »