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Rush: Drive-Bys Target Trump Supporters
« on: August 13, 2015, 11:47:21 pm »

Drive-Bys Target Trump Supporters
August 13, 2015


RUSH: On the rebound side in Iowa, there's a new CNN/ORC poll, O-R-C, out of Iowa, and Donald Trump... Did you hear Trump was on Hannity last night? He had one of the funniest lines.  I don't know if we've got it in the audio sound bites.  I didn't have a chance... No I had a chance.  I just haven't read every word of every transcript.  Cookie, if I don't have it, I don't need you to go find it just for this.  I can do it myself.  He said, "You'd have to be an Iranian nuclear scientist to understand the IRS."

Except the way he said it, in context of answering a question, just looking at him, was just hilarious.  I mean, the guy is a laugh riot.  You need to be an Iranian nuclear scientist to understand the IRS.  Anyway, in Iowa, "Donald Trump has a significant lead in the race to win over likely Iowa caucus-goers, according to the first CNN/ORC poll in the state this cycle. Trump tops the field with 22% and is the candidate seen as best able to handle top issues including the economy, illegal immigration and terrorism.

"He's most cited as the one with the best chance of winning the general election, and, by a wide margin, as the candidate most likely to change the way things work in Washington." Now, folks, say what you want: That sounds pretty specific to me. 
However, I must share with you a caveat.  CNN this morning did their best to shatter the image of your average Trump voter.  They went back out and found one.  They do this a lot.

They went out and found somebody that was gonna vote for Christine O'Donnell, and then they went out and found somebody that was gonna vote for Palin, and of course they pick somebody that is nervous as heck being on TV. They pick someone who looks nervous and freezes up trying to answer a question, with the intent of making an average Trump voter look like a dork.  This particular Trump voter did not look like a dork, and this particular Trump voter actually looked pretty composed.

I think it was our stalker, Carol Costello asking question. I'm not sure. I don't remember.  Specifically, "What do you like about Trump?"  And this guy was rattling off things that, I'm sorry, Trump has never said.  And then, for example, he's gonna make Washington work.  And the CNN host said, "Well, how is he gonna make Washington work?" "Well, he's just gonna do it! You know what? He's just gonna go in there and he's gonna fix every and he's gonna make it work!" And then she asked about another specific issue, and the Trump voter...

My point is this: This happened to me back during 1992 and Perot.  I had people calling here telling me what Perot was gonna do that Perot hadn't said a word about.  It was what these people wanted Perot to do and thought that he would do based on their support for him.  Now, this -- and, by the way, this happens with every candidate among people that support them.  This is not unique to Trump. But the effort is ongoing to create a caricature of a Trump voter as living in fantasy world.

This is how the Drive-By Media are attempting to negatively impact.  They tried attacking Trump, and they tried making Trump look like a buffoon.  That backfired on 'em; so now the strategy they're employing is to go out and try to make Trump voters look like they're just mindless.  Go out and find an average person who's gonna vote for Trump, and then have this person give you the list of reasons why and the things Trump says he's gonna do, except Trump hasn't said them. Not nearly as specifically as the voter spells it out.

It's clear that what you have is people who are supporting Trump and putting words and thoughts in his mouth and brain because that's what they hope he stands for.  I'm not trying to delegitimize the support, don't misunderstand.  It's just it's a fact of human nature.  Obama?  This was exactly what Obama was so popular.  Obama was an empty canvas.  Do you realize how many people voted for Obama hoping, imagining the things he was gonna be?  Obama never got specific.

That's what's kind of funny and ironic about all these attempts to make Trump get specific.  Trump is much more specific than Obama ever was.  Obama was a blank canvas, and you could make of Obama whatever you wanted him to be.  And the Democrat Party milked it.  They maxed it out.  I would venture to say that there is more genuine "hope and change" invested in all of these Republican candidates than there is in Obama.  I think "hope and change" was nothing more than a slogan, a tactic with Obama and the Democrats.

But I'm just warning you -- You Trump people keep a sharp eye, because this is what they're going to try to do, and in the process you're supposed to watch it and get mad.  And the general public, the low-information voters are supposed to watch it and think Trump voters are stupid.  That's the latest tactic being employed by the Drive-By Media, 'cause they've tried to take Trump out, and they can't.  But you look at, again, this CNN poll. All of these things that Trump's winning big on, they're all specific.

Trump "is the candidate seen as best able to handle top issues including the economy, illegal immigration and terrorism. He's most cited as the one with the best chance of winning the general election, and, by a wide margin, as the candidate most likely to change the way things work in Washington."  And these, by the way, the Drive-Bys tell us these are Trump's biggest weaknesses, the issues and winning the general.  They tell us he's not specific on the issues. "He can't get specific 'cause he doesn't know what he's talking about," they say, "and he'll never win the general.

"Everybody knows he's never gonna win the general." That's why this is all a lark, and yet he is leading dramatically in the polls on those very two points.  Number two in this Iowa poll is Ben Carson at 14%, eight points behind Trump, who again is at 22%.  Carson has now edged ahead of Governor Scott Walker, who, if you'll recall, was winning Iowa going away months ago. I mean, it was dramatic. Even before Walker had announced it was in the forties -- thirties and forties and maybe higher -- in Iowa.

Now, admittedly, the field was not as crowded, and it was way early, and I cautioned everybody to remember that back then.  But Ben Carson now in second place at 14%, Scott Walker is at 9%, and a lot of other candidates are at nine and eight.  So pretty clear here to me that Iowa Hawkeye Cauci attendees want "outsiders" over proven insiders.  I mean, the two leaders are outsiders, and again I want to remind you about Ben Carson.  Ben Carson has vaulted into second place here.

He's not running any ads.

He's not buying his name recognition.

How's he doing this?

One debate appearance?  Yeah.  Well, maybe, 24 million people watched it. So one debate appearance and personal appearances all over, but he's not running ads touting what a great guy he is.  And the media appearances that he's getting, they're snarky and insulting.  And he's maintaining his decorum and his temperament, his demeanor.  "In previous similar polls," 'cause this is the first CNN poll in Iowa, Carson was around 10%.  Those polls are released prior to the debate.

"A Suffolk University poll of Iowa Republicans released on Tuesday found that Carson's closing remarks were the most memorable moment for those who watched the debate." Did you hear that, that Carson's closing statement was the most memorable moment for a ton of viewers (Republicans) who said they watched the debate?  Ted Cruz is at 8%.  Carly Fiorina and Huckabee are at 7%.  Jeb Bush is at 5%.

Rand Paul and Marco Rubio are also at 5% and then the rest are down there at around 3%.  And Rand Paul has now started imitating Trump out there on the stump.  Have you seen that?  (interruption)  Well, he's actually... He's... Let me find it.  I know I've got it here somewhere, and I just must have zoomed past it.  What...? (interruption) Well, he's... Yeah.  It's number 16.  Rather than try to describe this, this was in Nashua, New Hampshire, yesterday.

PAUL:  We have now people up there who say such profound thing as, "You're stupid.  You're fired.  You're a pig.  You look terrible.  You only have half a brain."  And then when you respond with an argument, it's like, "You're stupid!" Or my favorite is, "Yeah, the reason I tell women they're ugly is because I'm so good-looking.  Everybody knows I'm good-looking, right?"

RUSH:  Okay, so that's Rand Paul, and he's down there... What did I just say? Rand Paul's at 5% with Jeb Bush. 


largeRUSH: This Republican field, the leaders of the field are seen as specific. They are seen as able and capable.  They are seen as winners.  They are seen as having specific solutions to problems, which is in direct contravention to the way the Drive-Bys have tried to characterize these people. 


RUSH: That be Matthew in Saratoga Springs, New York.  Matthew, it's great to have you on the program.  Hello, sir.

CALLER:  El Rushbo, I deeply appreciate you taking my call.  And God bless Mr. Snerdley for his keen intellect in this call.  I said it before and I'll say it again:  Donald Trump is the General George S. "Blood and Guts" Patton of presidential candidates and he will turn this country around in the same manner.

RUSH:  You have no doubt about this?

CALLER:  I have no doubt of it.  The finger of God points to him, because we're in such great trouble.  Donald Trump is fearless, he has 10 billion-plus dollars, and he is not afraid of the political machine that we're under, which is a very great tyranny.

RUSH:  Now, that's an interesting question.  Let me ask you.  You just made a pretty bold statement here that he is not afraid of the political machine that we're under.

CALLER:  Well, it's obvious in his political statements.

RUSH:  Now, wait.  Let me ask you a question.

CALLER:  Go ahead.

RUSH:  There's no wrong answer.  You inspired some curiosity to me.  Is there anything...? I know this is gonna take an imagination.  Is there anything that you can imagine that is common or typical in dirty politics that could be mounted against Trump that would force him out?

CALLER:  He's not exactly a politician.  He knows the American people -- who, we're about to be thrown out of our home -- are hurting greatly. And the people in Washington, DC, do not care.  They're only interested in the money and power that they can obtain in their dirty political deals.

RUSH:  Let me ask you again: Is there anything that that group of people could do that you think that would blackmail him, that would threaten him, that would scare him, that would force him out of the race?

CALLER:  No.  Absolutely not.  Because I will state this.  The Scott Walker campaign called him a dumb-dumb.  Now, you do not become a dumb-dumb by becoming a $10 billion billionaire.

RUSH:  Damn wrong.  You can be a dumb-dumb and have $10 billion if your last name is Kennedy and you inherited it.

CALLER:  Well, Kennedy wasn't exactly morally correct and that's part of the problem with this country.  Our politicians do not care about morality.  They only care about money and power.  Harry Reid is an excellent example of that.  Bill and Hillary Clinton are also.

RUSH:  There's the notion.  By the way, folks, I think, Matthew here is on to something, and I think everybody is aware of this to one degree or another.  And it's one of the things that I think people instinctively know isn't right.  Now, there's always been money in politics.  That's a given.  To me, anyway, it's rather recently all of this cronyism took hold.

This alignment of moneyed interests at the upper levels of government to advance things that have nothing to do with politics or issues or what's best for the country or anything else.  I think... Don't misunderstand.  I'm not being naive.  There's always been lobbyists and money has always talked.  I'm not saying that any of that is new.  But the idea that... We get stories that the donors have ordered candidates to take Trump out? The fact that corporate interests or moneyed interests align themselves with government.

There always was a pretense in the past that it was in the national interests.  There was always a pretense. If nothing more than that, at least there was a pretense of trying to do what it was thought the American people wanted.  Governing against the will of the American people is now common, major, and obvious.  I think that it has reached new depths of depravity, so much so that I don't think they even go through the motions anymore of trying to disguise it as good policy.  They don't even care whether the American people support it.

It used to be when a candidate or a party took a huge beating in an election, there was an immediate attempt by that party to reconnect with the voters who voted against them. Even if it was phony, there was an effort to convince the American people that what they were doing, either an individual politician or party, that was in the interests of the American people and that it was serving the interests of the majority of Americans.

None of that's a factor anymore, and they don't even make any pretense.  Immigration's the greatest example.  There has never been majority support for amnesty.  There has never been majority support for Obamacare.  It doesn't matter.  It's in our face now.  And to me that's different. I know it's always been there subtly and under the surface and so forth  It's now quite visible, and it's destructive.


largeRUSH: Cookie went and grabbed that CNN sound bite that I was trying to describe, the Trump voter, the CNN technique. Drive-By Media technique.  It's not just CNN.  They've tried every way which to get Trump; they can't get Trump.  So what they're doing now, they're gonna go get average Trump voters -- they say -- typical, average Trump voters. They're gonna bring 'em in and ask them questions, hoping to illustrate that Trump supporters are not all there, or don't know what he's really saying, or what have you.

And this is an example of it. It's... Well, look my purpose is not to embarrass anybody.  I'm not gonna name the guy.  That's not the point.  What I'm trying to illustrate here is the technique that CNN and others in the Drive-By Media are going to use and are using to try to damage Trump and discredit him on the basis of his supporters.  Carol Costello says, "How would Donald Trump improve your life?"

MAN:  Just to give you a perfect example: Over the last couple years, just looking at my insurance costs, okay -- which should resonate with a lot of folks in this country, and I know they do because I'm getting a lot of these stats from my website that I built to support Donald Trump.  Because my deductible and the cost of my insurance has increased at such a high rate, it's actually exceeded my raises, which is not a good thing.

COSTELLO:  So what will Donald Trump do for you to, umm, ease that?

MAN:  Well, what Donald Trump will do for not just me, but for the entire country is he'll bring the jobs back from other countries.  Basically, like he says, they're killing us right now.

COSTELLO:  How will he do that?

MAN:  He will... He'll make certain restrictions, okay, and he'll make wise decisions to make sure that the jobs stay here.

RUSH:  Okay, so you see what they're trying to do here.  They choose who to put on the air.  They pre-interview these people.  They go out and find pre-interviewed 'em. They could be actors, even.  I'm not accusing them of that, but stranger things have happened.  You know, they stacked the audience for Hillary events, for example, back in the Bernard Shaw CNN days.  She or Bill would go out and do a public appearance and they'd only let Clinton supporters in.  We know this kind of thing happens.

But they interview these people beforehand.  They put on the air who they want to put on the air.  If they wanted to find somebody who could answer those question specifically, they could have found them, but they didn't.  This is a technique. This is a tactic commonly employed by the Drive-Bys, and not just against Trump.  Against any Republican or conservative who happens to be doing well that they wish to discredit. 

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