General Category > Immigration/Border

Republican Senators Question Immigration System - 72 Tied to Terrorism


Republican Senators Question Immigration System After Finding 72 Individuals Tied to Terrorism

In an effort to learn more about the growing terrorism threat posed by weaknesses in our immigration system, Sens. Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions have written a letter to DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, Secretary of State John Kerry, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, asking for more information regarding the individuals in the U.S. who have ties to terrorism.

“Based on publicly available information, we have identified at least 72 individuals in the United States who, over the last year: have engaged in or attempted to engage in acts of terrorism; conspired or attempted to conspire to provide material support to a terrorist organization; engaged in criminal conduct inspired by terrorist ideology; or who have been sentenced for any of the foregoing,” they wrote. “We would like to understand more about these individuals, and others similarly situated in recent history, and the nexus between terrorism and our immigration system.” ...


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