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The Obama Era Just Hit Another Amazing Low Point!
« on: August 12, 2015, 09:58:45 am »

The Obama Era Just Hit Another Amazing Low Point!

By Tim Brown   / 12 August 2015   / 0 Comments   

The Obama administration always looks for, or creates, a distraction to act unlawfully or release important information, hoping that whatever the distraction is will override the more important information or unlawful action in the public's mind. While the Donald Trump / Megyn Kelly fiasco was taking place, little was heard about the Department of Labor statistics that paint a terrible picture of jobs and the workforce, which is at a 38-year-low.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, whose July report was released on Friday, 93,770,000 people (16 and older) were neither employed last month nor had made specific efforts to find work in the prior four weeks. One has to ask whether or not any of these people were receiving unemployment benefits, which requires that they be seeking work.

Consider that is nearly one-third of the population.

CNS News reports:

In July, according to BLS, the nation's civilian noninstitutional population, consisting of all people 16 or older who were not in the military or an institution, reached 250,876,000. Of those, 157,106,000 participated in the labor force by either holding a job or actively seeking one.

The 157,106,000 who participated in the labor force equaled only 62.6 percent of the 250,876,000 civilian noninstitutional population -- the same as it was in June. Not since October 1977, when the participation rate dropped to 62.4, has the percentage been this low.

obama_nojobs2Caroline May pointed out, "While the labor participation rate remains at the lowest its been since the late 1970s, the BLS highlighted that the unemployment rate remained at 5.3 percent and non-farm payroll jobs increased by 215,000."

While CNS reported that the Congressional Budget Office's 2015 long-term outlook said that jobs should increase slowly in the coming decades due to workers exiting the labor force via retirement, that doesn't mean an increase in jobs. It means there will be those replacing those jobs, but the job numbers don't increase with replacement.

Let's face it, we are being led by a Marxist administration that has the downfall of America in mind. At the rate things are moving, it won't be long until we find ourselves under full-blown fascism.

Derrick Wilburn wrote about the BLS statistics release in light of the current Trump/Kelly ongoing saga and reminded his fellow Americans, "I'm a little tired of pulling. But until we get more people paying attention to the substance than the flash, we have little chance of turning this nation around."

"While you're discussing the sparks and fireworks of the debates, please take a moment to look around at the slow burn which is quietly destroying our nation," he concluded.


I agree. Too often people are more concerned with things that don't necessarily affect them than they are those things that do.