Author Topic: Obama Admits Iran Could Acquire Bomb In "A Matter Of Months"  (Read 304 times)

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Offline Free Vulcan

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Even though the American public has been assured time and time again that there is no “sunset” on the While House’s nuclear deal with Iran, even world-class liar President Obama is having a hard time selling his deal.

The deal does not cut off Iran’s ability to get a bomb forever. something that Obama was recently forced to admit. He conceded that once the deal expires, Tehran would be able to acquire material to build a bob in “a matter of months.”

When asked by NPR’s Steve Inskeep what the rogue nation’s “breakout time” will be 15 years from now, the president said “it shrinks back down to roughly where it is now … which is a matter of months.”

Breakout time is the amount of time it would take Iran to amass enough highly enriched uranium to build a nuclear weapon.

“If in fact the breakout times now are a few months, and we’re able to push that breakout time out to a year so that we have more time and space to see whether or not Iran is cheating on an agreement, kicking out inspectors, going for a nuclear weapon; if the breakout time is extended for 15 years and then it goes back to where it is right now, why is that a bad deal?”

Maybe because at the end of the day they’re still getting money to fund terrorism and a bomb? I don’t know…just a thought.
The Republic is lost.