Author Topic: Former PP Director: I Profited By Convincing Women To Donate Aborted Babies  (Read 204 times)

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Former PP Director: I Profited By Convincing Women To Donate Aborted Babies

 1:52 PM 08/10/2015

Abby Johnson quit her job as a Texas Planned Parenthood clinic director in 2009 after witnessing an ultrasound abortion. This is how she and her co-workers would convince women to donate their aborted babies for research, and, she says, profit from their consent.

“We never discussed, [researchers] may want just a leg, or an arm, or these specific organs,” Johnson told The Daily Signal in an interview published Monday. “That would create a sense of humanity in their unborn child.”

“And really, we would even shy away from calling it fetal tissue research because just calling it tissue sanitizes it — the women don’t necessarily think about the body of their baby, they’re just thinking about blood and tissue.”

She and her co-workers received a bonus of between $5 and $20 for every woman they personally convinced to donate to the clinic, depending on the value of that particular unborn baby. Once the woman agreed to have an abortion and signed the paperwork, clinic staff would bring up a “research opportunity.”

“It creates coercive tactics,” Johnson told The Daily Signal.

“We would tell the client that we are participating in a study and she has an opportunity today to donate the tissue that’s removed from her uterus to a research laboratory where they will be working on life-saving treatments for various diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or other types of medical studies,” she added. “We would tell her this is an opportunity for her to possibly save the life of someone else by donating this tissue.”

“By creating this altruistic scenario, women would almost always consent and say, ‘Yes, absolutely.'”

Johnson worked in the Texas mega-clinic featured in the latest undercover video released by The Center for Medical Progress. The group is alleging Planned Parenthood is selling aborted baby parts for profit.

Planned Parenthood denies the allegations, saying the clinics are receiving legal compensation for the cost of procuring the tissue.

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