Author Topic: A Government Shutdown Would Likely Be a Disaster for the Pro-Life Cause  (Read 386 times)

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During a government shutdown, most federal funding for Planned Parenthood would continue to flow because mandatory spending (programs like Obamacare and Medicaid) is not affected by a continuing resolution to fund the rest of the government. One hundred percent of federal funding for elective abortions covered by Obamacare would continue as would more than 75 percent of all other government funding to Planned Parenthood during a government shutdown.

Advocates of a shutdown strategy acknowledge that a shutdown itself wouldn’t halt funding to Planned Parenthood. Their argument is that a shutdown would eventually pressure enough filibustering Senate Democrats and President Obama to agree to strip Planned Parenthood of all its funding. Erick Erickson writes in a blog post titled “Shut Down The Government. Now.”

The national media will not cover the savage butchery of Planned Parenthood. Forcing this fight in Congress will force coverage. They will spin it against us, but every congressman who speaks up should stand surrounded by the images of butchered children so that all Americans can see what we are fighting for.

In all likelihood, a shutdown would not only fail to defund Planned Parenthood, it could do serious harm to more important efforts to protect the lives of unborn children. It would immediately change the debate from a discussion of Planned Parenthood's victims to problems caused by a government shutdown. If a shutdown ends up handing the presidency to Hillary Clinton, that would foreclose the possibility of banning late-term abortion and taxpayer-funded abortion under Obamacare for at least four more years. If a Democratic president gets to replace either Kennedy or Scalia on the Supreme Court, a bloc of five solidly liberal justices could invalidate modest restrictions on abortion and the Hyde amendment, which bans direct federal funding of almost all abortions under Medicaid and saves tens of thousands of lives each year.
Mustn't be afraid to look at another opinion even if it is from the dreaded Elite....

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Re: A Government Shutdown Would Likely Be a Disaster for the Pro-Life Cause
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2015, 09:29:32 pm »
If we lose... it's because of the government shutdown.

If we win... we wudda won bigger without the government shutdown.

Avoid the government shutdown at all costs...

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan