Author Topic: CAIR-linked Hamas demands jihad suicide attacks against Jews  (Read 421 times)

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CAIR-linked Hamas demands jihad suicide attacks against Jews
« on: August 05, 2015, 12:56:23 pm »
CAIR-linked Hamas demands jihad suicide attacks against Jews

August 4, 2015 3:26 pm By Robert Spencer 12 Comments

hamas-terroristsThis call follows the same pattern that jihadis always follow: point to an atrocity (real or wildly exaggerated or fabricated outright) and claim that jihad is needed so as to exact revenge. The poor jihadis never start a fight with anyone, you see, because of the absence of the caliphate: only the caliph, according to Sunni Islamic law, is authorized to wage offensive jihad. Hamas doesn’t recognize the Islamic State’s caliphate, and in the absence of a caliph, only defensive jihad is allowed. Thus all calls for jihad attacks have to situated as a response to Infidel atrocities.

“Hamas Demands Suicide Attacks Against Jews,” by Dalit Halevy, Arutz Sheva, August 3, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

The Hamas terrorist organization called for attacks against IDF soldiers and “settlers” last Friday shortly after an Arab infant was killed in an arson attack at the village of Duma in Samaria, but now the group is stepping up its incitement and demanding that suicide bombings be deployed.

The IDF has indicated Jewish extremists may possibly have been behind the arson, given the presence of Hebrew graffiti at the site, and that pronouncement has sparked a cavalcade of condemnation by Israeli and international politicians against “Jewish terror” – which was followed quickly by Arab calls for terrorism that were answered by a wave of attacks.

Hamad Al-Rakav, a senior Hamas leader in Gaza’s Khan Younis, said that residents of “the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem” need to attack not only Israel, but also the Palestinian Authority (PA) Security Forces who are “traitors and collaborators.” Hamas has long demanded that the PA drop its security collaboration with the IDF.

According to Al-Rakav, Hamas’s “armed wing,” the Al-Qassam Brigades, will renew its activities in cities around Judea and Samaria and attack Jews in “revenge” for the lethal arson, despite the fact that the identity of the culprits remains unknown.

“The Zionists’ burning of the helpless infant that didn’t commit any crime is proof that they are thirsty to spill our blood and to commit crimes against our people,” claimed the Hamas leader.

Calling for “revenge,” Al-Rakav emphasized that the response required is a return to suicide bombing attacks….
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 12:56:56 pm by rangerrebew »