Author Topic: The Washington Post Has Insistently Asked If Obama Is A Christian FOR OVER 8 YEARS  (Read 298 times)

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The Washington Post Has Insistently Asked If Obama Is A Christian FOR OVER 8 YEARS

Posted By Eric Owens On 9:27 PM 08/02/2015 In | No Comments

Seven long years into the presidency of Barack Obama, The Washington Post continues its obsessive quest to suggest that Obama may be lying when he professes to be a Christian.

The latest fringe assertion from the Post about Obama’s religion emanated this weekend from national political correspondent James Hohmann. A previous instance occurred in February.

Both recent times when the Post raised questions about Obama’s private religious beliefs, the newspaper also focused on Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker. The reasons that the Post has used reporting about Walker to channel its bizarre questions about Obama’s Christianity remain unclear.

At a Republican donor meeting in California on Saturday, the Post notes, Walker claimed (for a second time) that he doesn’t particularly care about and can’t possibly know Obama’s inner-religious beliefs.

“As someone who is a believer myself, I don’t presume to know someone’s beliefs about whether they follow Christ or not unless I’ve actually talked with them,” Walker said.

“He’s said he is, and I take him at his word,” the Wisconsin governor added.

In his story about Walker’s Saturday statement, the Post’s Hohmann refused to state flatly and factually that Obama adheres to the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

“Obama has repeatedly professed his Christian faith and attended Christian church services,” the Post correspondent carefully writes. (Emphasis added.)


The Post’s question about Obama’s real religion in late February came from two reporters, Robert Costa and Dan Balz, who spent valuable interview time asking Walker whether he believes Obama is a Christian. Walker’s response of “I don’t know” served as the paper’s hard-hitting headline fodder.

The Post’s tenacious, ongoing strategy to question — publicly and skeptically — the legitimacy of Obama’s Christian beliefs appears to suggest deep doubt on the part of Post reporters.

“It seems that the mainstream media is very confused about whether or not Barack Obama is a Christian, to the point they’re even asking presidential candidates whether or not they think he is,” one Republican operative told The Daily Caller.

Also, The Washington Post’s obsession with the validity of the president’s religious beliefs has been ongoing since well before Obama took office.

As early as the summer of 2008, the Post’s “Fact Checker” was furiously investigating Obama’s possible non-Christian or Muslim origins.

“Obama was ‘enrolled as a Muslim’ in a Catholic school in Indonesia in 1967,” the Post dutifully reported. “He was six years old at the time.”

The same school also listed Obama “as an Indonesian,” the Post “Fact Checker” felt compelled to observe.

What’s more, the Post claimed, Obama showed “little interest in organized religion” until suddenly seized by the Gospel in the 1980s. The Post hinted that Obama’s Christianity was politically convenient, putting “found Christ” in quotes.

Walker has been frustrated by the Post’s peculiar line of questioning about the president.

“To me, this is a classic example of why people hate Washington and, increasingly, they dislike the press,” the 2016 Republican contender said in February. “The things they care about don’t even remotely come close to what you’re asking about.” (RELATED: WaPo To Walker: Do You Think Obama Is A Christian?)

The Post’s persistent efforts to discredit Obama by questioning his religion and background put the once-prestigious newspaper in league with WorldNetDaily, a conspiracy-minded website which has reported that Obama is really “Barry Soetoro” because that name belonged to the future president when he lived as a child in Indonesia. (RELATED: HERE WE GO AGAIN: Larry Klayman Just Can’t Quit Obama, Files ‘Deportation Petition’)

As noted by Politico, an obscure Illinois political candidate named Andy Martin became the earliest person to proffer the slur that Obama is a Muslim or is otherwise insincere in his Christian beliefs — way back in 2004.

Also, the various conspiracy theories leveled against Obama first took off thanks to efforts in 2008 by bitter-ended supporters of Hillary Clinton who called themselves PUMAs (Party Unity My Ass). This largely female group of dedicated Clinton supporters was largely responsible for propagating the notion that Obama was not born as a U.S. citizen, The Daily Beast has explained.

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