Author Topic: White House Petition Started Asking Obama to Honor Navy Officer Who Fired on Chattanooga Terrorist  (Read 791 times)

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Offline Paladin

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A petiton was posted at the ‘We the People’ site at the White House this week asking President Barack Obama to honor Navy officer Lt. Cmdr. Timothy White and others who used their personal firearms to return fire against the Islamist terrorist who attacked two military offices in Chattanooga, Tennessee last month. Five servicemen were shot and killed, one servicemen and one policeman were wounded by the terrorist who was also killed. It has not been determined whose firearms killed the terrorist, Palestinian-American Muhammad Abdulazeez.

Pentagon rules forbid military personnel from possessing military issued or personal firearms at recruiting centers. Lt. Cmdr. White admitted in an interview with the Chattanooga Times Free Press published Friday that he used a personal firearm to shoot at Abdulazeez.

The White House petition was posted on July 29 by “G.T.” of Sarasota, Florida, three days before Lt. Col Allen West (USA, Ret.) reported that the Navy was going to press charges against Lt. Cmdr. White. It has garnered over 7,600 e-signatures as of the writing of this article. The petition must reach 100,000 signers by August 28, 2015 to guarantee a response from the Obama administration.

Text of the petition:


“Honor our service members who used their personal firearms to fight back against the terrorist attacker in Chattanooga.

“On July 16, 2015, a terrorist attacked two U.S. military installations in Chattanooga, Tenn., killing five service members. The Commanding Officer of the reserve center and several others heroically engaged the enemy with their personal firearms, despite being vastly outgunned. These men fired back, risking and sacrificing their lives valiantly. But for the gallant actions under enemy fire of LCDR Tim White and his men, many more lives would have been lost that day.

“We petition the President to honor our brave men by presenting medals for bravery to LCDR White and all of the service members, including the fallen, who saved lives by returning fire. And we ask that the survivors of these attacks be invited as the President’s special guests to attend the next State of the Union Address.”

Total signatures as of 2300 hours, 08/01/2015 10,745

Seeking 89,255 signatures

Members of the anti-Trump cabal: Now that Mr Trump has sewn up the nomination, I want you to know I feel your pain.


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The response to this attempt at self-defense is, indeed, being charged by the Navy.