Author Topic: Convicted Rapist Democrat Accuses Justice Department Of Racism  (Read 536 times)

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Convicted Rapist Democrat Accuses Justice Department Of Racism


Brian Anderson 
August 1, 2015

Democrat Mel Reynolds has had quite the career. He resigned his position as a US Representative of Illinois after being convicted on rape and child porn charges. Since then, he has been convicted of fraud and accused of tax evasion. His latest legal troubles have him accusing the Justice Department of racism because he is being forced to wear a monitoring device to keep him away from children.

The Mel Reynolds saga begins 1992 when he engaged in a sexual relationship with an underage campaign worker. He was eventually convicted in 1995 of 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison, but soon was convicted on a variety of bank and wire fraud charges, receiving an additional 6 and a half year sentence.

Luckily, then president Bill Clinton was on the case and ended up commuting Reynolds’ sentence. From there he went on to work for Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition with the ironic goal of keeping black men out of prison. And speaking of irony, Reynolds unsuccessfully ran against Jesse Jackson Jr. for a Congressional seat who himself ran into a bit of legal trouble.

In 2014 Reynolds was arrested in Zimbabwe for possession of pornography that he made of himself having sex with local women. He was also an illegal alien having overstayed his Visa and skipping out on a $24,000 hotel bill. Depending on who you believe, Reynolds was either deported or left on his own because he said he was dodging Zimbabwean death squads. In any case, he ended up in South America and then possibly back in Africa.

Earlier this year, Reynolds was charged with tax evasion but he missed his arraignment because he was still trying to avoid the death squads. On Friday Reynolds finally showed up to court and was fuming mad because the judge wanted the convicted sex offender to wear an ankle-monitoring bracelet as a condition of his release.

“In 2015 they want to treat a black man like he’s a slave. I guess I was too uppity!” said Reynolds.

NBC reports:

A visibly angry Mel Reynolds accused the Justice Department of racism Friday, after appearing for a bond hearing in Federal Court.


At issue, the government’s effort to have Reynolds placed on electronic home monitoring, after receiving assurances that his new residence was not too close to a school or day care center. A pre-trial services officer had raised the question, citing Reynolds’ conviction on sex charges nearly 20 years ago.

The point of the monitoring is to insure that Reynolds stays at least 500 feet away from any place children congregate. Reynolds however sees it differently, and in a more racist light. He compared his treatment to that of former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert.

“How on Earth can the standard be so different, than what happened to Denny Hastert?” an incredulous Reynolds asked reporters after court. “He walked in. He walked out. There was no suggestion of home monitoring or anything like that. Why is a black man being treated totally different?”

While Hastert has been accused of some pretty freaky sexual crimes, he has only been indicted on corruption charges. Reynolds on the other hand has been convicted of 13 sex crimes involving a minor. That may account for the “different standard.”

Not surprisingly, Reynolds also cried racism back in the 1990’s when he was first charged with sexually assaulting and underaged girl.

I think I can put Reynolds’ mind at ease. The Justice Department under Obama is anything but racist against black people. Headed by Eric Holder and now Loretta Lynch, any time a black person catches a cold the nation’s top law enforcement agency launches an expensive and fruitless investigation. Now if he were a white police officer or a “white Hispanic” neighborhood watch captain, there may be some validity to Reynolds’ claims of racism, but as it stands he has the correct skin tone to receive “justice” from the current administration.

As further evidence that the Justice Department is not racist, after all of Reynolds’ bitching and complaining, the judge agreed to release him without any home monitoring. Now you know why democrats scream “racism” at everything they don’t like. It freakin’ works.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 11:21:03 pm by rangerrebew »


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Re: Convicted Rapist Democrat Accuses Justice Department Of Racism
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2015, 11:22:05 pm »
Cheese and crackers I thought I'd heard the last of this imbecile.