Author Topic: Why Hillary Clinton keeps falling in the polls  (Read 588 times)

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Why Hillary Clinton keeps falling in the polls
« on: July 31, 2015, 03:09:25 am »

By Post Editorial Board
Why does Hillary Clinton keep dropping in the polls?

In the latest Quinnipiac survey, she’s down across the board — on leadership, on caring about regular folks, on trustworthiness. Her net favorability is minus 11 percent.

Part of it is the endless drip-drip of scandal. The latest: The Wall Street Journal just exposed her unseemly relations with Swiss bank UBS. As secretary of state, she forced a settlement allowing UBS to hand over but a fraction of the secret bank-account info the IRS wanted to go after tax evaders.

UBS then became a $600,000 donor to the Clinton Foundation, and paid Bill Clinton $1.5 million for some easy work.

Hillary has waved off any talk of a payoff: “Any implication that is attempting to be made along those lines is categorically false.”

She can’t even deny convincingly.

Which brings us to her bigger problem: She’s just a rotten candidate.
As iconoclastic feminist Camille Paglia told Salon: “She’s not competent or credible as a public figure. A politician, particularly a president, must have a distinct skill or expertise in communicating with the masses. It’s the absolutely basic requirement for any career in politics.”

Concludes Paglia: “If you don’t have an effective public persona, if you’re not a good speaker, if you don’t like to press the flesh, if you’re not nimble enough to deal with anything that comes along, then you are not a natural politician.

“And you sure aren’t going to learn it in your late 60s.”

For all his large crowds, Bernie Sanders won’t beat Clinton for the nomination. He’ll fade once the race moves beyond lily-white Iowa and New Hampshire.

But then, Hillary’s biggest opponent isn’t really Sanders, or even any Republican.

It’s herself.

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