Author Topic: EXCLUSIVE: Video shows Hillary Clinton boarding private jet just hours after launching global-warming push – and she's using a FRENCH aircraft that burns 347 gallons of fuel every hour!  (Read 548 times)

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EXCLUSIVE: Video shows Hillary Clinton boarding private jet just hours after launching global-warming push – and she's using a FRENCH aircraft that burns 347 gallons of fuel every hour!
Distinctive French-built Dassault Falcon 900B airplane was spotted in Des Moines, Iowa Monday afternoon, with Hillary Clinton climbing the stairs
An aide held a giant umbrella over her head so her hair didn't get wet
The 19-seater jet whooshed Clinton from Iowa to New Hampshire with the ink still drying on her presidential campagn's climate change agenda
Plane burns 347 gallons of fuel per hour and costs $5,850 per hour to rent
Its itineraries are secret because the owner has asked the Federal Aviation Administration to withhold flight plans from the public

By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For 

Published: 16:57 EST, 27 July 2015  | Updated: 04:12 EST, 28 July 2015 

Just hours after Hillary Clinton unveiled her presidential campaign's push to solve global warming through an aggressive carbon-cutting plan, she sauntered up the steps of a 19-seat private jet in Des Moines, Iowa.

The aircraft, a Dassault model Falcon 900B, burns 347 gallons of fuel per hour. And like all Dassault business jets, Hillary's ride was made in France.

The Trump-esque transportation costs $5,850 per hour to rent, according to the website of Executive Fliteways, the company that owns it.

And she has used the same plane before, including on at least one trip for speeches that brought her $500,000 in fees.


CARBON MONSTER: The Dassault Falcon 900B business jet burns 347 gallons of jet fuel per hour, and was Hillary Clinton's ride of choice on Monday (seen entering the jet in her light blue pantsuit)

On Monday the Democratic presidential front-runner announced the details of her initiative to tackle climate change, calling it 'one of the most urgent threats of our time.'

But shortly afterward, a videographer working with the conservative America Rising PAC spotted her at the private air terminal in Des Moines.

FIfteen seconds of video shot just after 12:00 noon, local time, shows Clinton walking up the plane's stairs while an aide hodls a giant black umbrella over her head to sheld her from falling rain.

'Despite her campaign’s best efforts to rebrand her as a down-to-earth fighter for "everyday Americans," Hillary Clinton’s jet-setting ways are just further confirmation that she’s out of touch with the American people,' the group's communications driector Jeff Bechdel told

'It’s that kind of hypocrisy that makes the majority of voters say Clinton is not honest or trustworthy.'

As the sun set over Dallas, Texas on June 3, 2015, Hillary Clinton and her staff boarded a private jet at Love Field for a trip to their next fundraiser in Austin, a mere 4 hour drive away
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The Clinton campaign's traveling press secretary, Nick Merrill, did not respond to a request for comment.

But Mrs. Clinton said Monday in Des Moines that 'the reality of climate change is unforgiving – no matter what the deniers say. Sea levels are rising. Ice caps are melting. Storms, wildfires, and extreme weather are wreaking havoc.'

'This is one of the most urgent threats of our time, and we have no choice but to rise and meet it,' she added.

The environmntal lobby is unanimous in its certainty that carbon emissions from human activities have caused the globe to warm in recent decades, even though raw thermometer data from around the world suggest it has been 18 years since the planet's temperature has ticked upward.

Reducing that carbon footprint, they say, requires dramatic cuts in the burning of fossil fuels like the jet fuels Clinton's jet consumed between Iowa and New Hampshire.

Clinton pledged Monday that if she wins the presidency, she will make sure America has 500 million solar panels installed within 4 years. She also promised to launch a program that would bring enough renewable power production online 'to power every single home in America.'

It's not possible to know the exact route her executive jet took on Monday afternoon.

While her campaign has advertised an event Tuesady morning in Nashua, New Hampshire, Executive Fliteways has opted out of a Federal Aviation Administration transparency program that allows aviation enthusiasts to track private jets from airport to airport.

But amateur planespotters still sit near runways, watching jets take off and land. One spotted the same plane –tail number N506BA – in Vancouver, Canada on March 5 of last year, and wrote that it was 'Hillary Clinton's ride into town.'

She spoke that day to a sold-out event hosted by the Vancouver Board of Trade and co-sponsored by TD Bank, and later reported in her personal financial disclosure that she was paid $275,000 for the appearance.

A similar speech one day later in Calgary, Canada, also sponsored by the bank, brought another $225,000. 

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