Author Topic: Obama Cries To British About His Frustration With America’s 2nd Amendment  (Read 316 times)

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Obama Cries To British About His Frustration With America’s 2nd Amendment


Brian Anderson 
July 23, 2015

Obama has been trying and failing to get Americans to accept his unconstitutional gun control agenda so he figured he’d complain to the British for a sympathetic ear. In an interview with the BBC, the President expressed his frustration that the 2nd Amendment and the American people have blocked his efforts to disarm the populace.

“If you ask me where has been the one area that I feel that I’ve been most frustrated and most stymied, it is the fact that the United States is the one advanced nation on earth in which we do not have sufficient, common-sense gun safety laws, even in the face of repeated mass killings,” said Obama.

First off, when he says “gun safety” what he really means is gun control, or more accurately civilian disarmament. Then, let’s note that all of these mass killings have taken place in “gun-free zones” where victims were disarmed by the law and unable to defend themselves. Is that what he means by “common sense?”

And what the hell is he talking about? The US is the only advanced nation that does have a common sense gun law. It’s called the 2nd Amendment and it guarantees our right to keep and bear arms. It protects our right to oppose government tyranny and stops despotic leaders from infringing on all or our other rights like free speech and religion.

Sadly, El Presidente wasn’t done being full of crap:


“If you look at the number of Americans killed since 9/11 by terrorism, it’s less than 100. If you look at the number that have been killed by gun violence, it’s in the tens of thousands. For us not to be able to resolve that issue has been something that is distressing,” added Obama.

Of those 100 killed by terrorists, Obama still refuses to blame radical Islam. Of those “tens of thousands” killed by “gun violence,” most were suicides, which doesn’t qualify as gun violence. Most of the rest would be a result of inner-city gang violence.

Has Obama done anything involving suicide prevention or addressing gang violence? No, all of his efforts are aimed at suppressing the rights of law-abiding citizens. If he’s so distressed about these deaths, why is he putting his energy into things that will have no effect on the actual problem?

Let’s not forget that in that same time period since 9/11 millions of Americans have saved their lives and the lives of others with guns. Guns are used for self-defense hundred of thousands to millions of times each year. Under Obama’s reasoning, he would rather have tens of thousands of suicidal people and gangbangers alive than millions of law-abiding American citizens.

I find it interesting that in a presidency defined by ineptitude, Obama’s biggest disappointment has been his failure to disarm the American people. The President has failed to improve the economy in any measurable way and job participation is the lowest it’s been since the 1970’s. His never-ending foreign policy bungles have not only made the US the laughingstock of the world, they’ve jeopardized the safety of our country. His identity politics have divided the country and race relations are the worst they’ve been in a half a century. Yet somehow not being able to strip us of a Constitutionally protected right is his biggest frustration? What a douche.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 01:42:24 pm by rangerrebew »