Author Topic: Shariah Law & Seattle: Leftist Bastion ‘Marries’ Islamic Law. What Does This Portend?  (Read 324 times)

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Shariah Law & Seattle: Leftist Bastion ‘Marries’ Islamic Law. What Does This Portend?

Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

Posted on July 24, 2015   

FIRST and foremost, Shariah Law is the underpinning of Islam. In other words, without its basis Islam would cease to exist. Period. It is this fact which MUST be internalized for what it is, and without any poppycock. Absorbed.

INTRINSICALLY, every time Islam’s adherents, Allah’s soldiers, slaughter all over the world, know that they are doing so with Shariah Law’s imprimatur. Blessing. Unholy smokes.

AND it is into this deadly vortex which the left enters the fray. Indeed, similar to fluid mechanics/dynamics within the discipline of physics, the vortices stirred – under the right atmospheric conditions – contain turbulent and tornado-like flows.

IN plain-speak, on its own, Islam is a MORTAL danger to the west. Thankfully, many are beginning to see Islam for what it is. Yet, coupled with the left’s warm embrace, the destruction revs up to warp speed. So instead of incinerating the west in ‘stages’, the left’s assistance cuts said trajectory into a much shorter time-frame.

IN practical terms, at its base, what is being discussed is the ‘marriage’ and unholy alliance between the reds and greens. It is this death dance which underpins this site – “Hopefully, my small effort will enlighten Israelis and Americans (and the west in general) to the dangers posed by our common foes. These dangers are fueled exponentially by the morphing of the Red/Green alliance-radical leftists and Islamic jihadists.”

EFFECTIVELY, exposing the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia is the main mission/lynch pin to this blog, but it possesses a twin devil; the left and its concomitant nexus thereof. This has become evident to dedicated readers. Okay. Ditto global interviews.

Muslim Brotherhood Fighters

(The Inqusitr welcomes Israeli journalist Adina Kutnicki for another no-holds barred interview on the Muslim Brotherhood and their efforts to restore the global Islamic Caliphate and destroy the Jewish state of Israel…..As an expert on the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood, we asked Ms. Kutnicki here today to reveal the truth about the Brotherhood’s activities and explain their ultimate goals for humanity. There is no limit to how far they are willing to go to accomplish their aims, from butchering Copts in Egypt to unleashing Adnan Oktar and his Muslim “Barbie Doll” sex kittens on complicit Israeli media and politicians….For more on this frightening story, with all its bizarre twists and turns, The Inquisitr presents Ms. Adina Kutnicki.)


MOVING right along, it is not as if Shariah Law is new to America’s landscape. Not at all. In fact, several alarms were raised to said effect and Jan. 2015 was no exception: Shariah Law implanted within the US!



IN this regard, the question becomes: what transpired to warrant today’s alarm bell? Well, the fact that a Mayor of a major US (leftist-driven) city has sold out to Islamic demands – via Shariah Law’s financial instruments – rest assured, it raises the ante. Granted, Shariah Law financing is all over America, yes, this too is a fact. Still, its thrust is immeasureable when an elected official (as opposed to financial houses which operate totally on the bottom line, regardless of the dangers….money/gold laundering comes to mind…narco-terror slush funds …. a highly familiar subject) conjoins with those whose financial strictures (outlined within Shariah compliance guidelines) absolutely aids and abets Islamic jihadi terror!

Shariah-Complaint Finance (SCF) is a category of investment or financial transactions that is conducted or structured in such a way as to be considered by Islamic authorities to be “legal,” “authorized” or “pure” (halal) pursuant to shariah.

Whether a given transaction is deemed “compliant” depends on the approval of one or more Islamic scholars – men who are recognized by such authorities as possessing the requisite knowledge of shariah and who are engaged to serve on a shariah advisory board for the purpose of vetting each deal.

Proponents of shariah-compliant finance often convey the impression that SCF is an “ethical” financial system whose roots and practice are to be found in the Quran, hadiths and traditions of early Islam. In fact, it was invented out of whole cloth in the mid-20th Century by Muslim Brotherhood figures like Sayyid Qutb and Sayyid Abul A’la al-Mawdudi. Its purpose was to provide yet another method to penetrate and undermine Western societies by stealthily insinuating shariah into their capitalist free markets. To this end, the Ikhwan seized upon what was, in fact, a biblical injunction against usury and transformed it into a prohibition on charging or earning any interest…..

The shariah-compliant finance industry provides multiple benefits to the stealth jihadists. For starters, it has created a new instrument for forcing non-shariah-adherent Muslims to conform to their program. Once Western capital markets and governments began accommodating themselves to shariah-compliant finance, such Muslims would be denied the excuse that they previously had to utilize, of “necessity,” interest-related finance (for mortgages, bonds, investments, etc.) – namely, simply because no other option existed.

Another benefit to the Ikhwan and its allies: SCF enables the “shariah advisors” to penetrate Western companies that retain their services, often essentially at board level. Once installed as the arbiters of what is halal and what is haram (impure), these champions of shariah are able to gain insights into investments under consideration, shape deals, and discourage those of which they do not approve.

It stands to reason that from such influential positions, the advisors may be able to have a say not only over transactions involving Muslims, but others, as well. At some point, the mere threat to withdraw approval of large pieces of a bank’s lending portfolio, for example, because another part of the enterprise is doing business with, say, Israel, may be sufficient to enforce what amounts to a boycott of the Jewish State. Needless to say, playing such a role would greatly magnify the opportunities shariah-compliant finance provides, in the words of Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yousuf al-Qaradawi, to wage “jihad with money.”

That is especially so since SCF affords at least two other ways to advance the stealth jihad, besides directly or indirectly influencing Western financial transactions. In accordance with the Islamic obligation to perform zakat, promoters of shariah-compliant finance seek to facilitate and control such charitable donations. Qaradawi and other Muslim Brotherhood operatives calculated that by building automatically deducted zakat into their various deals, the advisors could obtain and channel vast sums to approved “charities” in accordance with shariah.

Since three of the eight causes that shariah approves for philanthropy indirectly involve supporting jihad and its perpetrators and another one explicitly does so, SCF amounts to a way to dress up substantial opportunities for illegal material support for terror as a protected religious practice of tithing.

The same can be said of funds derived from the “purification” of financial transactions initially deemed to be shariah-compliant but subsequently determined to be haram, instead. By sluicing the profits in this way from investments, financial instruments, etc., that were once deemed acceptable, the shariah advisors are able at their discretion to increase still further the sums available for their favorite charities. The latter tend to be shariah- compliant, stealthy – and at least in some cases, actually violently – jihadist “charitable organizations….read the whole thing….

TO wit, stage left…enter….Seattle!

While some cities in Texas and other Southern states have been adopting ordinances that protect their citizenry from creeping Shariah-compliant practices, cities such as Seattle are taking the opposite approach.

Seattle’s Democrat Mayor Ed Murray was so concerned that Muslims and other residents weren’t buying enough homes in his city that he had a committee investigate how that could be rectified.

One of the committee’s recommendations: Banks need to offer “Shariah-compliant” mortgage loans for Seattle’s growing Muslim community.

Muslims are forbidden by their religious law, Shariah, from paying interest on loans so they must be offered loans structured in such a way that interest is not part of the package.

The 28-member committee recommended the city convene lenders and community leaders to explore options for increasing access to Shariah-compliant loans, the Puget Sound Business Journal reported.

“We will work to develop new tools for Muslims who are prevented from using conventional mortgage products due to their religious beliefs,” said Murray, at a recent press conference.

“More and more lenders are offering Shariah-compliant financing, according to a USA Today report,” the Journal reports. “The sector has grown to more than $1.6 trillion in assets worldwide over the past three decades, and analysts see potential for continued growth as the number of Muslims in the United States and Europe grows.”

The Obama administration, with the full support of Congress, is following an immigration policy that allows at least 100,000 Muslims into the country every year, according to U.S. Census data.

So financial-service companies see that as a business opportunity.

But those who see Shariah law as anti-Western and anti-American see the trend differently than banks and corporations.

“Such dangerously misguided efforts kowtow to, and abet, Islamic supremacism,” said Dr. Andrew Bostom, author of “Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims” and several other books about the history of Islam….continue here…

RESULTANT, patriots (wherever they reside) who want to save western civilization must pay urgent heed to one whose actual ‘boots on the ground’ are beyond reproach. In fact, this investigative journalist defies anyone to name one Islamic expert, other than Dave Gaubatz, who has the VAST expertise to warn the west about the dangers it faces from Islam/Shariah Law. Indubitably, this is a losing proposition because it’s not going to happen. Yes, even though others qualify as experts in particular arenas of Islam, he stands apart. Thus, listen up:

If we do not want America to be destroyed it is going to take Americans saying no to Islam.  Not just with bumper stickers. Americans are going to have to demand the Islamic ideology and Shariah law to be labeled as an Islamic terrorist group.

ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Boko Haram, and the dozens of other Islamic terrorist groups are just splinters from the Islamic ideology itself. 

Think back to the last decade, how many days have gone by in which Islam and their murderers have not been in the world news. In the name of Islam, their fighters have murdered thousands upon thousands of innocent men, women, and children.

Americans must stand up and fight the ‘Holy War’ Islamic leaders have always expressed their desire for.  The days of shaking hands and allowing Islam to spread in America are gone.  There are approximately 2300 mosques in America. Their numbers are growing and existing mosques are expanding in size.

How do Americans fight?  Again this is my analysis, not my desire. During the civil war Americans (due to politics) had to fight other Americans.  Politicians left Americans with no choice.  In 2014, after six long years of Socialist Obama, politics are again pitting Americans against people living in America.  The people within Islam are not Americans, regardless of what a court or politician dictates.  One can only be an American if he/she vows to put the U.S. Constitution as the supreme law of the land.  An American vows to give his/her life for America against enemies from the inside and out.

The Islamic ideology and it’s followers living in America do not support the U.S. Constitution over Shariah law.  If a Muslim tells you he/she does, they are lying to you.  The only solution to save America is for America to be a land for Americans only or those who would give their life to support the U.S. Constitution.  If a person does not meet this requirement then he/she should be considered an enemy of America.

Boko Haram, the group that kidnapped 300 innocent Christian children in Nigeria are practicing Islam as Mohammed and Shariah law dictate.  They are not radical. They are ‘Pure Muslims’ who desire to live in a land as Mohammed wanted.  They are just carrying out his commands.

“A Radical Muslim’ is a ‘Practicing Muslim’, a ‘Moderate Muslim’ is a ‘non Practicing Muslim’ or otherwise known as an Apostate of Islam…The penalty for Apostasy under Sharia law is Death”   

 “Destroy the Islamic ideology worldwide and we will have peace worldwide” .

“Islam is an economic, military, and political ideology, that uses religions as a method to obtain their ultimate goal: Islamic Ummah (Nation)Worldwide and under Sharia law”

 “CAIR has a larger and more dependable ‘Confidential Informant’ Network’ than our entire FBI Department.  CAIR has devoted non Muslim people within local, state, and federal government.  They have police officers in high positions, medical personnel, military personnel, and most importantly they have Pastors, Ministers, and Rabbi’s.

“We are not at war with Al Qaeda, Hamas, The Taliban, or other Islamic terrorist groups.  We are at war with Islam itself and the groups that emerge from the violent ideology of Islam are our secondary enemies”.


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Any bank that can't figure out how to create a loan product that will let it make a fast buck off a dumb muslim who wants to buy a house but can't deal with paying interest is a bank that ought to go out of business sooner rather than later.