Author Topic: (Nazi)Pelosi Lies Like Crazy as Congress Moves to Act on Sanctuary Cities  (Read 537 times)

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Pelosi Lies Like Crazy as Congress Moves to Act on Sanctuary Cities

She claims illegal alien amnesty is the solution to an illegal alien murder

July 23, 2015
Daniel Greenfield
 When Nancy Pelosi was asked about Congressman Duncan Hunter's "Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act", she launched into a nervous incoherent ramble that claimed that sanctuary cities had nothing to do with the murder of Kate Steinle, which only took place because San Francisco was a sanctuary city.

How incoherent was Pelosi? After babbling for several minutes, she concluded by claiming that background checks were needed for the illegal alien killer, who was using a stolen weapon, and blaming Bush for the Chattanooga Muslim terrorist's killing spree. Then the Democrat, who had failed to respect the testimony of the families, claimed that she was too busy mourning with the family to discuss the politics of it.

But not before presenting illegal alien amnesty as the solution to an illegal alien murder.

It was a quietly deranged performance from a decaying political hack full of nervous twitches and random asides.

The Steinle murder has made San Francisco Democrats nervous by threatening to splinter their coalition. While local Democrats blame each other, their response narrative that the whole thing was a problem in communication that could be addressed with a narrow fix, hasn't scored any points. Nationally, Pelosi and fellow leftist Zoe Lofgren wrote a letter blaming the Bureau of Prisons for not taking into account the likelihood that a perp that San Francisco wanted would actually be prosecuted.

BOP is to blame because San Francisco released Lopes Sanchez, because they should have known that he wouldn't be prosecuted. It's a really elaborate effort to shift blame.

Since hardly can even follow that argument, the Pelosi response on the ground is just to just label the "Enforce the Law for Sanctuary Cities Act" as the "Donald Trump Act". Trump isn't in Congress and Duncan Hunter has a tough record on illegal aliens back when Trump was for illegal aliens. But the dishonest Democrats are desperate to deflect attention from the parents who testified about the pain of their missing children in Congress. And their only response is cheap demagoguery.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2015, 10:33:58 am by rangerrebew »