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Hillary Clinton Says Black Lives Matter More Than Others
« on: July 22, 2015, 12:04:56 pm »
Hillary Clinton Says Black Lives Matter More Than Others

Brian Anderson 
July 20, 2015

Over the weekend democratic doofus Martin O’Malley got in trouble for telling a group of black people that “all lives matter” and was forced to make a pathetic apology. Hillary Clinton has also been forced to make a similar concession after she said that all lives matter in a black church last month. In an effort to get out in front of this shameless pandering, Hillary wanted to make sure that everyone understands she thinks black lives are more important than other lives.

Clinton did a FaceBook Q&A today. While she avoided questions about her e-mail scandal, her conflict of interest fundraising practices, and Benghazi, she did take some “hardball” questions on Karaoke, pantsuits, and putting on make-up. Eventually, she feilded a question about the #blacklivesmatter movement and her answer was a doozy:

Q: You chose not to speak at Netroots Nation this weekend, two of your Democratic primary rivals did — both were interrupted by Black Lives Matter protesters, who asked: “As the leader of this nation, will you advance a racial justice agenda that will dismantle — not reform, not make progress — but will begin to dismantle structural racism in the United States?”

How would you have answered?

Hillary: Black lives matter. Everyone in this country should stand firmly behind that. We need to acknowledge some hard truths about race and justice in this country, and one of those hard truths is that that racial inequality is not merely a symptom of economic inequality. Black people across America still experience racism every day. Since this campaign started, I’ve been talking about the work we must do to address the systemic inequities that persist in education, in economic opportunity, in our justice system. But we have to do more than talk – we have to take action. For example – we should make sure every police department in the US has body cameras. We should provide alternatives to incarceration for low-level offenders. We should invest in early childhood education for every child. We should fight for voting rights and universal voter registration. You will continue to hear me talking about these issues throughout this campaign and pushing for real solutions.


Why can’t we stand firmly behind the idea that all lives matter? With that statement, Hillary is saying that black lives are somehow more important than the lives of other races. I couldn’t help but to notice that Clinton is white. Does she believe her life is less important than some black criminal that resists arrest and attacks a police officer? Is she so desperate for votes that she thinks her life is not worth that of violent black thugs that loot and burn their own neighborhoods?

The thing about equality is that everyone must be treated equally, otherwise it’s called something else. For Hillary to say that black lives are more important is her asserting that blacks need to be treated differently than people of other races. No matter how well meaning that may be, and I have my doubts about her motivation, that’s still racism.

It’s pretty sickening to see the 2106 democratic presidential candidates step all over each other to see who can prove their subservience to blacks the most. It also doesn’t make any sense. Blacks generally don’t vote and when they do, it’s for democrats. Hillary, or whoever becomes the democratic nominee, already has the black vote sewn up.

What will be really interesting to see is when eventually Hillary has to turn her attention to white voters and explain why she thinks their lives don’t matter very much.

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Re: Hillary Clinton Says Black Lives Matter More Than Others
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2015, 12:15:14 pm »
Black lives matter for the next year and a half because black votes matter.  After that, black lives won't matter one whit to HRC.  Black standing in society will continue to deteriorate, even as it has under OPapaDoc, mostly because of the Democrat Party's strict adherence to corruption and cronyism.  The Democrat Party is the party of Citicorp, Goldman Sachs, General Electric, Walmart, Apple and all public employee unions.  The suckers who vote D get a pittance from the government teat while the party leaders to engorge themselves from the teats on K Street.

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Re: Hillary Clinton Says Black Lives Matter More Than Others
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2015, 12:30:09 pm »
It's freaking unbelievable to me that we're still having this tired conversation about race in the year 2015 – 50 years after the systematic dismantling of structural racism. On second thought, it is believable. Americans voted a black man (turns out a closet socialist) for president, primarily as a symbolic gesture, and to assuage their lily white guilt.

And look at what that human wrecking ball has done to relations between citizens of different races. Obama has been an unmitigated disaster for American unity.

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Re: Hillary Clinton Says Black Lives Matter More Than Others
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2015, 01:07:32 am »
[[ Black lives matter. Everyone in this country should stand firmly behind that. ]]

Let her keep saying this.
Let the entire democratic party keep saying this.

One thing is assured:
This is the best tactic by which to drive older, somewhat-still-moderate blue-collar white voters OUT OF the democratic party and towards the Republicans.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
The key to a Republican win (in the presidential contest) in 2016 lies in increasing their share of the white vote in the purple battleground states, with a goal of gaining 3-5% more of this voting cohort than they did last time around.

If the 'rats keep up the meme that "black lives matter" and white voters' lives don't, how can this hurt the Pubbies...?

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Re: Hillary Clinton Says Black Lives Matter More Than Others
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2015, 01:12:17 am »
aligncare wrote above:
[[ It's freaking unbelievable to me that we're still having this tired conversation about race in the year 2015 – 50 years after the systematic dismantling of structural racism ]]

Not quite correct.

Fifty years ago, whites were hoodwinked into the notion that they had to begin "dismantling ... structural racism" -- at the same time that blacks, aided by the left, began erecting their own "structures" of reverse discrimination. The plans for this were enshrined into law by such measures as the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act, along with the Fair Housing Act.

This has continued to the present, in which a new Tower of Discrimination stands in America.

Would you hazard a guess at whom the "discrimination" is now directed?

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Re: Hillary Clinton Says Black Lives Matter More Than Others
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2015, 02:27:32 am »
Body of article does not support headline. She did not say what is claimed.
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