Author Topic: Obama Sends "Tehran Joe" Biden to Reassure Jews About Iran  (Read 683 times)

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Obama Sends "Tehran Joe" Biden to Reassure Jews About Iran
« on: July 21, 2015, 09:08:49 am »
Obama Sends "Tehran Joe" Biden to Reassure Jews About Iran

'Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran'

July 20, 2015
Daniel Greenfield

Considering how toxic this administration is, Obama may not have anyone with credibility left to send. Kerry has somehow managed to become an even bigger embarrassment than he was before. Susan Rice is hostile, snippy and inept. And her lies about Benghazi on the morning shows haven't done much for her credibility. Hillary Clinton is on the campaign trail.

Last time Obama sent Jack Lew into the field, because you know he's Jewish, he got booed. So instead Obama sent the most useless guy in an administration filled with them.

Biden spent nearly an hour trying to convince top Jewish leaders to support the nuclear accord and promised them that if Iran ever violates the deal, the United States is still prepared to carry out a military strike against the Islamic Republic’s nuclear sites.

However, Biden also conceded that the United States needed to sign off on Iran’s inherent right to operate a “peaceful” nuclear program in order to finalize the deal.

“If they meet all of the requirements over the next 12 to 15 years that they have to meet in this agreement, they’re going to be able to, they will have proven to the world the theory goes, they are a responsible nation and are going to be able to have nuclear reactors that are civil nuclear reactors that can turn the lights on,” Biden said.

That would be a fortified underground peaceful nuclear program run by a terrorist state sitting on more oil and gas than Texas. Sure, Iran is just desperate to lower its electric bill. Now pull the other one.

Biden went on to admit to Jewish leaders that he was very skeptical of the negotiations and that he pressured President Obama to take a tough stance.

“This is no reason for you to support this deal, but I start by saying I would not even if the president wanted to move forward, I would not support this deal if I did not believe it was in the overwhelming interest of the United States of America and Israel, as well as world peace,” Biden said at the top of the call.

“I was the bad guy in these ongoing negotiations because I was skeptical,” he later admitted. “So as that old expression goes, I was the skunk at the family picnic.”

Tehran Joe was no doubt the biggest skeptic of the deal. Just look at his reaction after 9/11.

After September 11th, Biden Suggested Sending $200 Million To Iran, "No Strings Attached," As A Gesture Of Good Faith To The Arab World.

"At the Tuesday-morning meeting with committee staffers, Biden launches into a stream-of-consciousness monologue about what his committee should be doing, before he finally admits the obvious: 'I'm groping here.' Then he hits on an idea: America needs to show the Arab world that we're not bent on its destruction.

'Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran' Biden declares.
Tehran Joe Biden puts the overwhelming interests of the United States first. And by that I mean the Iranian lobbyists in the US putting out for Tehran Joe. (Or is that the other way around?)

"When we learned that Sen. Biden was planning to hold a fund-raiser at the California home of Dr. Sadegh Namazi-khah, we immediately contacted his office to express our dismay," a prominent Iranian-American activist tells Insight. Why dismay?

"Dr. Namazi-khah is well-known in the Los Angeles area for his support of the ruling clerical regime in Tehran and is one of the regime's leading unofficial lobbyists in America. We thought that Sen. Biden might not know his background. Getting the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to appear at this event will certainly be seen by the regime in Tehran as a show of support."

Several participants who paid to attend the event tell Insight that Biden arrived at 8 p.m., stayed until 11 and delivered a sweeping condemnation of President George W. Bush's "Axis of Evil" formula.

Biden also impressed many of those present with his friendly attitude toward the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Tehran Joe Biden has been grinning at the Mullahs and their agents for some time now.

Biden's unyielding pursuit of "engagement" with Iran for more than a decade has made it easier for Tehran to pursue its nuclear program, while his partisan obsession with thwarting the Bush administration has led him to oppose tough sanctions against hard-liners in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Not long after President Bush declared Iran part of an "axis of evil," Biden headlined a March 13, 2002, dinner at the American Iranian Council, an organization underwritten at the time by a dozen oil companies and dedicated to ending sanctions on Iran...

Kaveh Mohseni, a spokesman for the Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran, calls Biden "a great friend of the mullahs." He notes that Biden's election campaigns "have been financed by Islamic charities of the Iranian regime based in California and by the Silicon Iran network," a loosely-knit group of wealthy Iranian-American businessmen and women seeking to end the U.S. trade embargo on Iran.

"Biden has been too cozy with the supporters of the Iranian regime, which is anti-American, anti-Iranian, and has a horrendous human rights record," said Sardar Haddad, an Iranian pro-democracy activist based in Texas.

Biden told Boston Globe columnist H.D.S. Greenway in 2005 that the United States should address Iran’s "emotional needs" and conclude a "nonaggression pact" with the Tehran regime.

Joe Biden was willing to fight the President to protect his pals in Tehran from America.

"The president has no authority to unilaterally attack Iran, and if he does, as Foreign Relations Committee chairman, I will move to impeach," said Biden.

You won't find a stronger opponent of a nuclear armed Iran than ole Tehran Joe.

According to Israel’s Army radio, Mr. Biden, as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told Israeli officials three years ago that, sooner or later, they would have to reconcile themselves to the reality of a nuclear-armed Iran.

Why send Tehran Joe to talk to Jewish groups? Couldn't they get the Supreme Leader of Iran to do it? A talk from Tehran Joe is about as reassuring as putting Benedict Arnold in charge of defenses at West Point.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 09:09:39 am by rangerrebew »