Author Topic: Disgraced Planned Parenthood Official Works For White House Staff…Her ‘Right-Wing’ Hatred EXPOSED  (Read 488 times)

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Disgraced Planned Parenthood Official Works For White House Staff…Her ‘Right-Wing’ Hatred EXPOSED

Posted By Patrick Howley On 12:47 AM 07/17/2015 In | No Comments


Disgraced Planned Parenthood official Deborah Nucatola’s shocking personal work history is coming to light.

Records reveal that Nucatola was employed by a former White House staffer at the time that she was selling aborted baby fetus parts.

A staunch political advocate, Nucatola railed against the “right-wing” Bush administration. What’s more, she so enjoyed her work in the abortion industry that she touted a T-shirt celebrating a drug used in the practice.

Let’s break it down:

Works for a White House staffer

Nucatola is currently employed at Sexual Health Innovations, founded by former Obama White House staffer Jessica Ladd. Senior Obama administration officials sit on the board of the abortion activist group, including Praveen Basaviah of the President’s Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS and Kyle Bernstein of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The IRS-approved 501(c)3 tech nonprofit is a major Obama administration contractor.

The group works on issues including “abortion access,” according to its website. But the group’s biggest project right now is Callisto, an online “third-party sexual assault reporting system” for girls on college campuses. The property in development counts Google as its investor.

Sexual Health Innovations provides “original websites, apps, and software systems that will advance sexual health and wellbeing.” The group did the design work on The Sex Pact, described in literature as “a CDC-funded initiative to increase condom usage among 14-18 year-old African American males in Washington, DC.”

“Sexual health and wellbeing issues especially affect populations with less political power and financial resources, such as youth, racial and gender minorities, women, and GLBTQ communities,” the group has stated. “Their lack of influence, combined with the stigmatization of sexual health topics, makes it hard for them to access high-quality sexual health education, services, and support.”

The Daily Caller has inquired as to the level of compensation that Nucatola currently earns at the nonprofit.

 Jessica Ladd is the Founder and CEO of Sexual Health Innovations. She previously worked in the White House Office of National AIDS Policy, as a Public Policy Associate at The AIDS Institute, and as a sexual health educator and researcher for a variety of organizations. Ms. Ladd also founded The Social Innovation Lab in Baltimore and a chapter of FemSex at Pomona College. She received her Masters in Public Health at Johns Hopkins and her BA in Public Policy/Human Sexuality at Pomona College.

Deborah Nucatola is Senior Director of Medical Services for Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)…” hated Right-Wingers

Nucatola railed against the “right-wing” Bush administration in a California local newspaper op-ed in 2007.

Responding to the Bush administration’s global gag rule preventing advocacy groups from counseling women to have abortions, Nucatola wrote, “Despite recent advances, women in the United States and abroad continue to suffer the consequences of a right-wing U.S. administration that has put politics before health and ideology before science…The policies of the Bush administration do not represent America at its best, nor do they represent the values that the majority of Americans hold dear.”

She Didn’t Want Women To Come Back

Nucatola co-authored a 2012 study entitled “Eliminating the routine postoperative surgical abortion visit.”

“The objective of this study was to determine whether replacing the “routine” postoperative visit after surgical abortion with an “as indicated” visit is associated with an increase in the rates of either failed abortion (continuing pregnancy) or repeat abortion,” the authors outline.

“We conclude that elimination of the routine postoperative visit after a surgical abortion and the substitution of an “as indicated” postoperative visit are not associated with an increase in either continuing pregnancies or repeat abortion,” the authors concluded.

Hydrocodone T-shirt featured on her Photobucket account

“Hydrocodone-acetaminophen is commonly used for pain control in first-trimester abortion…”

Nucatola’s Photobucket

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