Author Topic: Michael Brown’s Father Calls Anti-White Privilege Exhibit ‘Disgusting’  (Read 296 times)

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Michael Brown’s Father Calls Anti-White Privilege Exhibit ‘Disgusting’

Posted By Philip DeVoe On 8:49 PM 07/14/2015 In | No Comments


Michael Brown Sr., father of Michael Brown Jr., whose death sparked riots in Ferguson, Mo., said he was disturbed and disgusted by the display of his son’s body in a Chicago exhibit designed to shame white privilege that opened last Friday.

“I would really really like them to take it down. I think it’s really disturbing and disgusting,” said Brown Sr. in a tearful interview with Fox 2 St. Louis.

The exhibit is called “Confronting Truth: Wake Up” and opened July 10th. According the interview, Brown Sr. had never even been contacted about the exhibit until it opened.

“Confronting Truth” was put together by Ti-Rock Moore, a New Orleans-based activist. The exhibit contains scenes of African-Americans in prison and chained in shackles and several American flags hung upside down.

Brown Sr. is still in mourning, and the imagery in the exhibit reminded him of the reality he faced in August of 2014.

“The feelings — I try to ball [them] up and put [them] to the side. I still have good days and bad days but that just brought the whole thing back to me,” said Brown Sr. about the exhibit.

The recreation of Brown’s death is a mannequin dressed in Brown’s clothing lying facedown in what’s supposed to be the streets of Ferguson, MO, where he was shot in August of 2014.

Moore said that the exhibit is supposed to represent white privilege in America and how it negatively affects the black community. The exhibit is free and runs for one month.

“I think they should’ve reached out to both sides of the family,” said Brown Sr. They should’ve reached out to me.”


Death of Michael Brown Jr. recreated by New Orleans artist in controversial Chicago exhibit (Screen grab from Fox 8)

Exhibit in Chicago displaying symbols of white privilege, including a confederate flag (Screen grab from

Controversial New Orleans artist Ti-Rock Moore in her Chicago exhibit that displays the death of Michael Brown (Screen grab from Fox 2 St. Louis)

Feature of controversial Chicago exhibit saying ‘White privilege the last outpost of psychological oblivion’ (Screen grab from

Controversial Chicago exhibit where American flags can be seen hanging upside down (Screen grab from

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