Author Topic: Obama Conning Senators to Take in Thousands More Unvetted Syrians  (Read 214 times)

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Obama Conning Senators to Take in Thousands More Unvetted Syrians

Posted On 08 Jul 2015

By : Instigator News Network

Veterans’ organization Special Operations Speaks has reported that according to the United Nations and the State Department, the U.S. is slated to receive “the majority” of refugees exiting Syria due to the rise of the ISIS terror group.

Unfortunately, no one has any idea who these people are or how they are being vetted.

Already the United Nations has announced that – thanks to John Kerry’s State Department – the U.S. is set to receive these refugees. Just last month, several U.S. Senators wrote a letter to Barack Obama asking him to bring as many as 65,000 more Syrian refugees into the United States before the end of next year, saying we’ve received an “unacceptably low” number to date.

Special Operations Speaks believes that these lawmakers are being conned into backing this “humanitarian effort” to further the Islamist interests of Obama and his Muslim Brotherhood co-conspirators.

This is why Rep. Mike McCaul recently called this UN-US relocation plan a “federally funded jihadi pipeline.”

“If the United States is to open its doors for those seeking asylum, Congress must know the process,” read an email blast from the group. “Syria has been a hotbed of radical extremism and we can take no chances with those we allow through our borders.”

Special Operations Speaks is asking its supporters and the public to take action through a fax campaign. This would tell Congress to demand the State Department freeze the Syrian relocation plan until the vetting protocols are released and the number of ISIS fighters that have entered the United States is declassified.

No one outside the White House knows much about these Syrians and the process for admitting them into our cities and towns. Other countries have identified Islamic terrorists among refugee communities, and we need to make sure our government isn’t doing the same – and keeping it quiet.

“We are doing everything we can to prevent Obama and his allies in Washington from facilitating the establishment of an ISIS ‘forward presence’ here at home,” said SOS’s Ken Benway, LTC (Ret.), Special Forces


Special Operations Speaks is an organization of veterans and supporters of the Special Operations communities are committed to identifying and combating the internal and external threats to the sovereignty of the United States of America.