Author Topic: ISIS Infiltrates Via State Dept: America, A ‘Refugee’ Dump  (Read 480 times)

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ISIS Infiltrates Via State Dept: America, A ‘Refugee’ Dump

Adina Kutnicki — July 8, 2015

BELIEVE it or not, national suicide is a choice, it is not imposed upon an entire populace. In other words, those who are too busy to pay attention to what is transpiring in their surroundings cannot blame anyone but themselves.

THUS, if every community rallied around what they realize is a creeping danger, well, the leaders would have a much harder time foisting an entirely anti-American agenda upon them.

AS demonstrated below, certain folks in Idaho are sick and tired of being dumped upon, particularly, when it comes to jihadis sneaking into their locales.

WHY in the world aren’t tailor-made templates replicated elsewhere?

FOREWARNED is forearmed!

Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

REST assured, between clueless bleeding heart liberals and those who set out to destroy America (and the west in general), Islamic jihadis are laughing up a storm. More pointedly, just imagine them high-fiving and praising (pagan) Allah for the infidel’s stupidity. Yes, they simply cannot believe how easy it is to penetrate into enemy territory. Their hearts and minds alike. Western dumb asses.

NOW, as one case out of countless across the west, let’s hear what a MAJOR UK al-Qaeda jihadist cleric really thinks about his host country’s suicidal benevolence:

MUSLIM jihadi hate preacher, Hani al-Sibai, who described the 7/7 Islamic terror attacks in London in 2005 as a ‘great victory,’ is one of the key influencers of Muslim extremists believed to have recruited and trained the Muslim mass murderer of 39 foreign tourists in Tunisia, Seifeddine Rezgui.

But he is living on £50,000 a year in handouts with his wife and five children in a £1 million house in West London, after using human rights laws to thwart attempts to deport him for more than 15 years. Days after the atrocity in Tunisia, the Mail found al-Sibai, 54, strolling in the sunshine outside his home.

Asked how he could justify milking the welfare state for so much, al-Sibai – who isunder investigation suspected of benefit fraud – said: ‘Ask David Cameron, don’t ask me.’

Last night, there were furious calls to deport al-Sibai, who has also been linked to Islamic State executioner Mohammed Emwazi, known as Jihadi John.

Security services are understood to be investigating links between Hani al-Sibai and his influence on the west London terror network in which Jihadi John – unmasked as Mohammed Emwazi – operated.

It is claimed that al-Sibai, a charismatic preacher, had “captivated” a number of young Muslim men who subsequently went abroad to fight jihad.  In a court case last year, he was accused of having “provided material support to al-Qaeda and conspired to commit terrorist acts.”

Keith Vaz, chairman of the home affairs select committee, is writing to Home Secretary Theresa May to demand an explanation as to why al-Sibai is still in the country. ‘It is extraordinary that successive governments have been trying but failing to remove someone who has these worrying links,’ he said.

‘The way he has foiled attempts to remove him are a cause for enormous concern.’ Tory MP Peter Bone added: ‘This is the sort of thing that drives my constituents mad. I expect the Home Secretary to deal with this urgently. There is a very strong case for him to be deported. He needs to be dealt with.’

Tunisian terror group Ansar al-Sharia – which authorities believe to have recruited and trained Rezgui – was founded and is run by extremist Saifallah Ben Hassine, who became a disciple of hate preacher Abu Qatada in London in the late 1990s. Ben Hassine, who is said to have plotted the beach massacre from his base in Libya, is also believed to have had a key role in the plotting of 9/11.

Al-Sibai is a close associate of the group. He is cited at length in a 2013 report by the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism in The Hague, and is described as one of Ansar al-Sharia’s ‘key influencers’.

He is also noted for his connection to Ben Hassine, also known as Abu Iyad. ‘Al-Sibai’s involvement in international jihadism runs long and deep,’ the report states. ‘Al-Sibai has maintained his loyalty to Abu Iyad over the years. When Ansar al-Sharia held its Kairouan conference in May 2012, al-Sibai was one of several foreign scholars to address the audience by video.’

Al-Sibai and his family live in a three-storey, four-bedroom home in Ravenscourt Park. The rent for the housing association home is covered by the taxpayer. He parks his Toyota Corolla Verso – which cost £16,995 – in a dedicated disabled spot outside his house.

HEY dhimmies and dumbies, you got that??

MOVING right along, heading across the self destructive pond, HUSSEIN Obama’s State Dept. has been busy dumping Muslim ‘refugees’ into America at warp speed, and it is not for nothing. This flooding has been ongoing for years, but has ratcheted up under Obama Inc.

“Trunews” host Rick Wiles chatted yesterday with Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch about the resettlement of Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugees in the U.S.

When Wiles asked her whether she believed that the Obama administration wants to“deliberately flood America with Muslims to tip the balance of power in this country towards Islam,” Corcoran readily agreed: “Yes, I think it is.” She said that Muslims only need to be about 10 percent of the population in order to introduce Sharia law, which she said is occurring throughout Europe. She added: “The writing is on the wall for us, we really do need to stop this Muslim — we need to have a moratorium on Muslim immigration to America.”

“Barack Obama promised to transform America and he’s doing it,” Wiles said. “He’s the only politician I’ve seen in my lifetime who has carried out his campaign promises andhe promised to transform the country and he has done a great deal of harm to this nation and he has more on the way.”

He went on to say that Obama is working with George Soros to “break down the Western Christian culture” and “destroy everything about the identity of those nations, whether it’s the United States or Canada, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, if it’s a Western, Christianized nation, they are doing everting possible to break down that civilization, that society, in order to have a one-world system. That is the main goal, that is where they are taking this thing so they have to mix up the populations all over the world to break it down.”

“Right. They are changing America by changing the people, they are literally swapping out the people,” Corcoran replied.

EVEN so, an increasing amount of patriots are up in arms, and this outrage may very well turn into a literal face off. Let’s hope so. Yippee, give a round of applause to The Infidels Motorcycle Club!

Syria Muslim refugee resettlement is a ‘backdoor for jihadists.’ A long-standing refugee welcoming center in conservative Idaho has found itself at the center of a campaign by adversaries seeking to force it closed, citing fears that the Muslim illegal aliens it hosts could include a large number of Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists. ISIS has already confirmed it is embedding jihadists among Syrian refugees headed for the West.

The backlash comes amid an uptick in anti-Islamic protests and advertising campaigns in the United States, including a high profile May rally outside an Arizona mosque that saw more than 200 protesters, some armed, berate Islam and Mohammad.

The newly formed Idaho group, whose 100 members plan a door-to-door information drive in July to win support for closing the refugee center in Twin Falls, said it was concerned the center will welcome Syrians displaced from that country’s civil war who may not have been adequately screened by the U.S. government for security risks.

“Bringing in Syrians, who are predominantly of Muslim background, may be opening the door to terrorists pretending to be refugees,” said Rick Martin, head of the so-called Committee to End the CSI (College of Southern Idaho) Refugee Center in nearby Buhl, a conservative agricultural area.

“We’re not against legitimate refugees. They need to be treated with dignity and respect. But it would be easy for someone to lie about their background,” he added.

U.S. authorities have arrested numerous individuals, including a number of U.S. citizens, in recent months over accusations of supporting Islamic State militants operating in Syria and Iraq.

But there has been no indication of any substantial links between Islamic State militants and the resettled Syrian refugee community, and U.S. State Department spokesman Daniel Langenkamp said refugees are the most carefully vetted of travelers to the United States. (blogger’s note: liars, liars…)

The CSI Refugee Center, mostly federally funded, has in the past three decades helped resettle several thousand refugees from countries including Afghanistan, Sudan and Vietnam.

A recent United Nations report showed the world’s biggest refugee crisis is tied to the 4 million displaced from Syria. More than 850 refugees from the war-torn Arab nation have been admitted into the United States since October, Langenkamp said.

But center director Zeze Rwasama said his group had no immediate plans to serve Syrian refugees, adding that he did not know the origins of the refugees it will serve for the upcoming fiscal year.

Rwasama said the center, which helps newly arrived refugees secure food, housing and employment, has not previously experienced a sustained attack on its activities although tensions have occasionally arisen.

“I trust all the federal agencies involved in clearing the refugees and I do not believe the concerns being expressed are legitimate,” he said.

BOTTOM LINE: regardless of any lies hustled by HUSSEIN Obama’s mouthpieces, this much is for sure: since Islam’s followers are committed to ‘destroying America’s miserable house from within’ – regardless of all the bounty offered them as ‘refugees’ – one would expect that those in charge would cease all entry from Islamic countries, regardless of this or that.

OUTRAGEOUSLY, it has become a “regular” fact of life to find out that jihadis are embedded within America (all over the west), yet few make the headlines as many times as Somali Muslim immigrants. How so?

FIRSTLY, please recall previous commentaries re their “hidden” thrust within America, yet their Islamic brothers and sisters within the nation’s belly are equally dangerous.

FAST forward to today’s thesis and it is accurate to state: the west is literally ! funding jihad through its non-stop welfare benefits. More specifically, taxpayers are footing the bill to pay for acts of terror against themselves and fellow citizens, as Muslim immigrants feed at the gov’t trough and no one takes a stand against them. How many know this?

WHILE America’s out of control welfare system subsidizes Muslim clans who overwhelm entire cities (even outpacing the actual count of native citizens in real numbers), no one seems to find this worthy of protest. Why?

The Jamestown Sun reports that 400 Somalis have applied for public housing in the past four months. The Somali immigrants in Garden City, Kansas and nearby small towns have created the Somali Community Center of Southwest Kansas in order to tap into public welfare programs. Within this section of the heartland, white Christians have become the minority.

NOT only that, have you heard about Minnesota’s Islamic infestation via Somalia? If not, pay heed:

SO along with Islamist plots outside America’s borders, additional helping hands are given by the Islamist-in-Chief through an open sesame “Refugee Resettlement Program”. How quaint. The thing is, these “refugees”, for the most part, are Shariah law adherent! As expected, they are a particularly anti-western crew. Go figure.

It’s called the Refugee Resettlement Program, and it continues unabated under the leadership of the U.S. State Department and with the help of several Christian charities.

Minneapolis, Minnesota, sits at the heart of the controversial program. Known as “Little Mogadishu” to some critics, the city has since 1983 welcomed thousands of Somali refugees, most of whom are practicing Muslims and attend a local mosque or Islamic center….

YES, the above is a mirror image of what’s to come re Syria’s ‘refugees’, and only a malevolent regime would repeat said dangers.

MOST significantly, if protecting the nation is not a high priority it makes perfect sense to flood the country with ‘refugees’ who seek to do it harm. Indeed, those whose cultural and religious doctrine commands them to wage jihad – at the earliest opportunity – fit to a tee.

{re-blogged at Islam Exposed}