Author Topic: Black youths mock bloodied white victim  (Read 399 times)

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Black youths mock bloodied white victim
« on: July 06, 2015, 08:59:11 pm »

Black youths mock bloodied white victim

Racial attack rocks Cincinnati 4th of July celebrations

Published: 2 hours ago

Cincinnati was rocked by a black-on-white violent crime over the Fourth of July holiday.

A video on Facebook of a bloody-faced white male – the purported target of an attack by a black mob in Fountain Square in Cincinnati – is making the media waves, and what’s even more shocking than the condition of the victim is the background laughter.

The man was beaten into unconsciousness after a hip-hop concert on the Fourth of July.

The video shows a crowd of mostly black people gathering around the white man as he lay unconscious on the sidewalk. People in the background scream and laugh at his bloody face.

WARNING: Video of the attack contains graphic content:

Two officers were injured during the attack, which included about 40 black people, the Gateway Pundit reported.

The blog, the Conservative Tree House, reported two black males were arrested: Jy Quynn Britten and Gary Sheffield.

The blog also described the attack on the white man this way: “A person was also assaulted near Government Square. A man was seen down on the sidewalk. Cincinnati Police say they’re still investigating what led up to the attack. That mas has talked to police and was released from the hospital. There are no charges being filed at this time. More information on this man will be provided when available.”

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Colin Flaherty, author of “White Girl Bleed a Lot,” called the black on white crime commonplace nowadays.

“Did you hear anyone from Cincinnati say they were surprised that large groups of black people were attacking white people? No. Because this is an every day fact of life in Cincinnati as it is in hundreds of other cities around the country: White people are under constant threat of racial violence. And of course over the weekend there were more episodes besides Cincinnati. They were normal too,” he said, in an email to WND.

Flaherty also said the press is presenting a biased view of race relations in America, making it seem as if blacks were always the targets of hate crimes.

“Even as the press is now trying to explain to us the new problem with race in America — i.e. white on black violence — more and more people see that for what it is, a hoax,” he said. “And more and more people are talking and writing and black on white violence. More and more people are rejecting the fairy tales from the major media that is still trying to ignore, deny and minimize these crimes.