Author Topic: NBC Fires Trump, Keeps Sharpton. The bigots of the NBC executive suite look the other way.  (Read 328 times)

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NBC Fires Trump, Keeps Sharpton

The bigots of the NBC executive suite look the other way.

By Jeffrey Lord – 7.2.15

First there was Univision. Then there was NBC. Now here comes Macy’s.

Donald Trump’s willingness to discuss the truth on illegal immigration has drawn a haughty — not to mention bigoted — response from these three American institutions. Trump is happily responding to Univision’s breaking his contract with the network to air the Miss Universe pageant with a $500 million lawsuit. He’s kissed NBC and Macy’s — the latter the outlet that was carrying those famous Trump ties — goodbye. And as a result Trump’s poll numbers are surging.

Not to be cute? Well… duh. How dumb are these executives to not understand that not only are they setting themselves up for massive bad publicity and financial loss, they look like fools — bigoted fools — in the bargain. Brazenly denying simple facts of the illegal immigration mess that have been repeatedly reported by… just to pick one media outlet not-so-at-random… NBC. So let’s focus on NBC. Whence comes this statement from NBC/Universal:

At NBC, respect and dignity for all people are cornerstones of our values. Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump.

Uh-huh. And what did Trump say that was so unmentionable? This:

They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people.

He also said: “I love the Mexican people, but Mexico is not our friend. They’re killing us at the border and they’re killing us on jobs and trade.”

Wow. Terrible, off-the-charts. Yes? Surely NBC shouldn’t keep Trump or anyone who says such eeky things in public and on television to boot. Unless, of course, you’re another NBC star.

Let’s recall these statements by another still fully employed NBC star, noted over three years ago in this space.

Here is that NBC star shrieking across a television stage towards an audience member shouting:

You ain’t nothing, you a punk faggot. Now come on, do something!

Here is that same NBC employee on audiotape spewing the n-word:

David Dinkins.… You wanna be the only n.…. on television, the only n….. in the newspaper, the only n….. to talk.… Don't cover them, don't talk to them, cause you got the only n….. problem. Cause you know if a black man stood up next to ya they would see you for the whore that you really are.

Here is that same NBC employee on another audio tape ranting against “Greek homos.”

Here is that same NBC employee on another audio tape ranting about “Chinamen” and “Koreans.”

Here is that same NBC employee dismissing his “white interloper” comment about the Jewish owner of a Harlem store because “it was only one Jew.”

Yes, you guessed it. The NBC employee being given a pass for all this gay-bashing and out and out racism and anti-Semitism is… Al Sharpton.

So. What do we have here?

On the one hand, there is Donald Trump talking — truthfully and politely about a subject that is fully documented by countless mainstream media outlets across the country beginning with NBC News. More of which in a moment.

And on the other hand, there is a current NBC employee — Sharpton — making on-camera or on-microphone slurs that are decidedly racist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic and… NBC just blows the whole thing off and gives him a television show. Which, if we are to follow the liberal line of thinking on these things, makes NBC/Universal itself a company run by executives who are, in fact, real bigots. Tolerant of gay-bashing, the n-word, and Jew-hatred.

But the real problem for NBC is… Donald Trump? Wow. Say again: Wow.

Where in the world could Trump even get ideas like the ones he mentioned with regard to the illegal immigration problem at our southern border? Well, aside from Ann Coulter, whose seriously detailed new bestseller Adios, America is a chapter and verse on the subject. How about from…. NBC News itself. That’s right. As here with a mere five stories from around the country:

* NBC News reports on March 9, 2015, “Feds Arrest 2,000 Immigrant Convicts, Some Recently Released.”

* NBC News reports on November 4, 2013, “Santa Clara Poised to Deport Arrested Illegal Immigrants.”

* NBC News reports April 2, 2012, “Dallas ICE Agents Arrest 200 Criminal Illegal Immigrants.” Among those arrested, reported NBC, “during a nationwide sweep that resulted in more than 3,100 arrests”:

• 1,063 had multiple convictions.
• 1,477 were for violent felonies (murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, assault, etc.).
• 50 were gang members.
• 149 were convicted sex offenders.
• 698 were immigration fugitives who had previously been ordered to leave the country.
• 559 were illegal re-entrants who had been removed from the country and had returned.

* NBC News reports June 25, 2014, “Man Charged With Rittenhouse Doctor's Rape.” Take note of the use of the word “man” in the headline. One has to read to the end of the story to find out that the “man” is an illegal immigrant from Honduras who had already been deported once, yet managed to return.

* NBC News reports November 19, 2009, “Illegal immigrant flees before arrest.” This NBC story reported on an illegal who killed a young woman while driving drunk. The story says the man “took off” before he could be arrested and has fled the country.

On and on goes this parade of NBC News stories about illegal immigrants doing exactly what Donald Trump says they have been doing. NBC reports repeatedly that illegal immigrants are crossing the border and, precisely as Trump says, committing everything from murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, drunk driving, drug smuggling, assault, rape, sex offenses, and more.

But for Trump, a presidential candidate, to suggest this much-documented-by NBC News situation indicates a problem? This according to the company that has done all this reporting, is “derogatory.” Yet for Al Sharpton to be ranting on about “punk bleep” “n----rs,” “Greek homos,” a “white interloper” and “Chinamen”? Hey, no problem there for NBC! Give that man a TV show and all the money and spotlight one network can lavish on a bigot.

Is there any wonder Donald Trump is surging in the polls? As Coulter has said, the problem here — one of them at least — is that elites in the media and elsewhere (that would be you, Macy’s) have made a decision that the subject of illegal immigration is off the table. Un-debatable. Un-mentionable.

But not to worry. NBC is going to keep Brian Williams — the very same Brian Williams (or “lying Brian Williams” as Trump referred to him the other day) seen here cozying up to —yes — Al Sharpton.

Ya can’t make this stuff up.

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