Author Topic: It's Not Racism if You Claim Clarence Thomas is No Longer Black. Apparently someone put George Takei in charge of deciding who is black .  (Read 406 times)

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It's Not Racism if You Claim Clarence Thomas is No Longer Black

Apparently someone put George Takei in charge of deciding who is black

July 3, 2015
Daniel Greenfield

The first time I wrote about this, I noted that there were two obvious lessons.

1. Liberal racism, no matter how obnoxious, goes unpunished.

2. Liberals are incapable of understanding ideas articulated by conservatives, but instead rush to claim racism

The two came together beautifully when George Takei, a failed actor famous for once being on a TV show, decided to claim that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was a clown in blackface for saying that no outside force can take away someone else's dignity.

Takei then responded to the backlash by doubling down on both points, claiming that, "Blackface" is a lesser known theatrical term for a white actor who blackens his face to play a black buffoon. In traditional theater lingo, and in my view and intent, that is not racist. It is instead part of a racist history in this country."

And that's okay because, "I feel Justice Thomas has abdicated and abandoned his African American heritage."
Apparently someone put George Takei in charge of deciding who is black and his verdict is final.

Takei is an idiot, but idiots in a movement often provide a master class in the basic flaws of their ideology. Liberals often act as if they can decide who is black. They just tend not to spell it out.

The refusal to understand what Clarence Thomas said about the innate dignity of human beings and racial slurs, which are okay because Thomas isn't really black, is how Takei's entire political ideology does things. In this case it's a mismatch between a top legal mind and a pathetic has-been celebrity, but we see these flare ups all the time.

We've seen these same "He's not really Hispanic" attacks on Ted Cruz. And it's hard to say that Halperin was really being that much more sophisticated about it than Takei.

And yet it's impossible to evade the fact that liberals obsessively target minority conservatives and women precisely because of who they are. Liberals hate Scalia, but they have a special nasty obsession with Thomas. Liberals would love to see Scott Walker destroyed, but outside Wisconsin, they lose their minds in a whole special way when it comes to Ted Cruz. Even Marco Rubio, a guy who specializes in being everyone's cheerfully inoffensive Republican friend, inspires strange obsessions, like the New York Times' failed attacks that even liberals began disavowing.

What do you call racism that dare not speak its name? Ask Takei. It's a theatrical term and Thomas is no longer black.