Author Topic: Anti-Violence March Ends With A Shooting Death  (Read 286 times)

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Anti-Violence March Ends With A Shooting Death
« on: June 23, 2015, 07:44:52 pm »
Anti-Violence March Ends With A Shooting Death


Brian Anderson 
June 23, 2015

Apparently somebody didn’t get the memo that “black lives matter.” During an anti-violence march in Cincinnati, a black man was shot to death in front of the participants. I couldn’t make this up if I tried. Needless to say, the rest of the march was cancelled. reports that around 100 black protestors were leading an anti-violence march through the city on Monday. The purpose of the march was to be a vigil for the victims of the Charleston, SC church shooting and to call attention to violence in the black community. Ironically enough, violence found the march.

“We’re here to bring hope and change. Stop the shooting, stop the murders, stop the killing,” said a protestor through a bullhorn.

As the marchers were rounding a corner, three blacks guys began shooting each other in a playground. One of the men was hit and ran towards the marchers, collapsing in the street. The man, identified as 18-year old Justin Crutchfield, would later die at the hospital.

One of the marchers was State Sen. Cecil Thomas who went to the aid of the shooting victim.

“The first thing was to try to administer some form of aid to him by talking to him, making sure he didn’t move, and trying to figure out where he was shot. There was a lot of blood coming from the side of his body,” said Thomas.

And there was even more violence. As police were investigating the crime scene, another shooting happened a few blocks away. Officers hadn’t even begun processing evidence and taking witness statements when they were called to second shooting:

A police cruiser left the scene so quickly it snagged the police tape it was passing under and carried it all the way to the other scene…

At the second shooting another black male was shot during a robbery attempt. His injuries were not life threatening and police don’t believe the two shootings were related.

Police are looking for two males in the first shooting and two more males in the second shooting. They didn’t release the race of the suspects they seek because that has become socially unacceptable, but I think it is safe to assume they aren’t searching for a bunch of middle-aged white guys.

In another ironic twist, march organizer Bishop Bobby Hilton kicked off the protest with these words:

“We’re here on a rescue mission. I believe the main problem with people picking up guns and shooting each other is hopelessness. We came down here to let them know, you are important. I hope we can find somebody else that feels like they’re at the end of their rope and say you can make it,” said Hilton.

Well, they certainly found someone at the end of their rope. I doubt he got the message that he could make it though.

Following the rash of violence, the anti-violence march relocated to a church that was a little safer than the originally planned route. Next time they should consider marching through a less terrifying neighborhood in the suburbs.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 07:45:21 pm by rangerrebew »