Author Topic: ISIS Holds Koran Contest for Ramadan with Sex Slaves as Prizes  (Read 266 times)

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ISIS Holds Koran Contest for Ramadan with Sex Slaves as Prizes

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On June 22, 2015 @ 9:54 pm In The Point | 17 Comments

iraq-sex-slaves-600x313 [1]

Every time you think ISIS has hit peak Islam, it tops itself.

We’re finally back to the days of Mohammed now. Know your Koran, win your own Aisha [2].

‘Soldiers of the Islamic State, Commanders and Troops, Greetings and salutations upon the advent of Ramadan, May it be the will of Allah to accept our fasts and prayers May Allah protect us all from the fires of hell.

Da’wa institutions and mosques hereby declare the opening of the Qur’an memorization competition, To include the following traditions (chapters):

Surat Al-Anfal (Surah prey), (Surah a-Ta’uvah) Surat Muhmad, and Surat Patikha (Surat opening). The competition will be held from 1 Ramadan 1436 to 21 Ramadan 1437.

Those who wish to participate may register at the following mosques: Mosque of Abu Bakr, Mosque of Osama Bin Laden, Mosque of Abu Musab a-Zarqawi (senior Al Qaeda official, the founder of ISIS assassinated in Iraq in 2006), and the Al Taqwa Mosque.

Allah willing, winners will be chosen between 21 Ramadan 1436 and 27 Ramadan 1437.

Competition Prizes:
 Grand Prize Winner: ‘Sabia’ (a young girl)
 Second Prize: Teenage girl
 Third Prize: Teenage girl
 Fourth place: 100,000 Syrian pounds ($530)
 Fifth place: 90,000 Syrian pounds ($477)
 Sixth place: 80,000 Syrian pounds ($424)
 Seventh place: 70,000 Syrian pounds ($370)
 Eighth place: 60,000 Syrian pounds ($317)
 Ninth place: 50,000 Syrian pounds ($265)
 Tenth place: 50,000 Syrian pounds ($265)

We ask Allah the Great to ease and help you on your way in serving Him as He desires.

Da’wa Institutions and Mosques

There’s no certain confirmation of this from a major news outlet. The image of the sheet has been moving around Twitter. ISIS is certainly capable of this, but it’s unknown whether it’s really happening or not.

ISIS has made the point that it views taking and raping women, particularly non-Muslim women, as a holy Islamic duty. And it certainly has clearly precedents going right back to the time of Mohammed.

The Koran contest simply brings home what the religion really is.


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