Author Topic: Southern Poverty Law Center: Hate On The Rise Because Obama Is In The White House  (Read 542 times)

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Southern Poverty Law Center: Hate On The Rise Because Obama Is In The White House

Posted By Patrick Howley On 7:26 PM 06/18/2015 In | No Comments


Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) president Richard Cohen responded to the Charleston, South Carolina church shooting by saying that hate groups are on the rise because President Obama is a black man in the White House.

Cohen’s official statement on the June 17 massacre at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church called the shooting “an obvious hate crime by someone who feels threatened by our country’s changing demographics and the increasing prominence of African Americans in public life.”

But apparently President Obama’s election had something to do with it according to the SPLC, a decidedly leftwing nonprofit legal advocacy group.

“Since 2000, we’ve seen an increase in the number of hate groups in our country – groups that vilify others on the basis of characteristics such as race or ethnicity,” Cohen said. “Though the numbers have gone down somewhat in the last two years, they are still at historically high levels.”

“The increase has been driven by a backlash to the country’s increasing racial diversity, an increase symbolized for many, by the presence of an African American in the White House,” Cohen stated.

Cohen then downplayed the threat of Islamic terror.

“Since 9/11, our country has been fixated on the threat of Jihadi terrorism. But the horrific tragedy at the Emmanuel AME reminds us that the threat of homegrown domestic terrorism is very real.”

The SPLC statement, which features a “Donate” button, is not the first time the SPLC has engaged in divisive rhetoric.

The SPLC’s “Hate Map” inspired unhinged left-winger Floyd Corkins II to try to shoot up the Family Research Council in 2012. Corkins, who planned to smear his victims’ dead faces with Chic-fil-A sandwiches, was apprehended after wounding a heroic security guard at the conservative group’s Washington, D.C. headquarters.

An SPLC report last year warned of the rise of “far-right extremists” who oppose the Common Core school reform standards.

The SPLC also placed conservative commentator Dr. Ben Carson on its “Extremist Watch List.”

Dylann Storm Roof, 21, is currently in custody, suspected of perpetrating the church shooting.

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Former Obama Administration Official Blames South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley For Shooting At Black Church

Posted By Chuck Ross On 8:07 AM 06/18/2015 In | No Comments

A former Obama administration official wasted no time in politicizing a shooting at a black Charleston, S.C. church that left nine people dead.

Brandon Friedman, the former deputy assistant secretary of public affairs at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, posted a tweet shortly after the Wednesday night shooting linking it to South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s defense of flying the Confederate flag outside of the South Carolina statehouse.

In the tweet, Friedman linked to a 2014 article from the liberal website Talking Points Memo which reported Haley’s position on the issue.

What Haley’s defense of allowing the flag to continue flying has to do with Wednesday night’s shooting is unclear. Friedman did not return a request for comment.


Police say a white male in his early 20s entered the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church in Charleston and opened fire on parishioners holding Bible study. The gunman is still on the loose, and his motivation is unknown. Charleston police chief Greg Mullen did state at a press conference that he believes that the shooting could be a hate crime.

This is not the first time that Friedman, a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, has made controversial statements on social media. Last June he posted a string of tweets asserting that Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier who deserted his Army unit in Afghanistan in 2009, may have done so because the rest of his platoon were “psychopaths.”

“What if his platoon was long on psychopaths and short on leadership?” Friedman asked. What if he grew disillusioned with what he saw, didn’t trust his leadership, and walked off? Legal? No. Worthy of sympathy? Maybe.” (RELATED: Obama Administration Official Brandon Friedman: Hey, Maybe Bergdahl’s Platoon Was A Bunch Of Psychopaths)

Friedman apologized shortly after making those comments.

[Hat tip: The Blaze]

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