Author Topic: New York Times: Forget Muslim Terrorism, Fight Republicans  (Read 454 times)

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New York Times: Forget Muslim Terrorism, Fight Republicans
« on: June 17, 2015, 11:02:15 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

New York Times: Forget Muslim Terrorism, Fight Republicans

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On June 16, 2015 @ 6:43 pm In The Point | 6 Comments

che-comandante-asesino [1]

The left is tediously predictable and its message never really changes. Forget Muslim terrorism, the real threat is Global Warming. Forget Muslim terrorism, the real threat is transfats. Forget Muslim terrorism, the real threat is Republicans [2].

So the New York Times vomits up [3] another edition of the latter with “The Other Terror Threat”.

THIS month, the headlines were about a Muslim man in Boston who was accused of threatening police officers with a knife. Last month, two Muslims attacked an anti-Islamic conference in Garland, Tex. The month before, a Muslim man was charged with plotting to drive a truck bomb onto a military installation in Kansas. If you keep up with the news, you know that a small but steady stream of American Muslims, radicalized by overseas extremists, are engaging in violence here in the United States.

But headlines can mislead. The main terrorist threat in the United States is not from violent Muslim extremists, but from right-wing extremists.

Ignore reality, go look at our narrative!

The narrative is that more local police departments claim to be concerned about right-wing terrorism than neo-Nazi terrorism.

There are two obvious reasons for this…

1. Muslim terrorism used to be geographically concentrated in major cities where Muslims live. That’s slowly changing, but Muslim terrorism still isn’t going to be on the radar of small rural communities.

2. The DOJ’s training and funding grants drive the narrative. If the DOJ says you need to address right-wing terrorism to get funding, a whole bunch of departments are going to jump through the right hoops.

If the DOJ made them prepare to fight clowns armed with water balloons, you would see the same thing.

The substance of the pieces relies on the usual scams like the discredited Perliger study [4] which dumps every non-minority hate crime into a pile and then turns it into right-wing terrorism.

Tellingly a majority of the ‘terrorist’ attacks in it involve beatings. Beatings don’t tend to be the favorite tactic of terrorist organizations.

Anyone the SPLC says is right-wing is written down as right-wing. This means that just about anyone who doesn’t like the government, the police or the dogcatcher is described as an anti-government extremist.

If a nutjob has a standoff with the cops over moving his lawn, child support or an outstanding traffic ticket, and he at some point in his life wrote an angry letter to the paper about the court system, he’s an anti-government extremist.

The premise that anti-government = conservative would class Bill Ayers as a Republican terrorist, but sloppy methodology is the only way to get the ‘right’ results.

Combine the two together and emphasize the few actual incidents and you end up with the usual fake ‘right-wing threat’ story.

Meanwhile the left-wing narrative ignores the uncomfortable fact that the real ‘other terror threat’ comes from them.

In fact, according to a DHS-funded study released last year by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism, America’s militant left is far more likely to engage in acts of violence than its militant right. According to the report — entitled “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1970-2008” — the overwhelming majority of domestic terrorist attacks in America have been “extreme left-wing” in their ideological origins (364) followed closely by single-issue groups whose ideologies were classified as “other” (337).

The New York Times pens demands for releasing imprisoned Weathermen terrorists and runs an op-ed in which left-wing terrorists don’t exist.

Terrorism in America began and ended with Timothy McVeigh. Meanwhile pay no attention to the New York Puerto Rican Day Parade being dedicated to freeing a FALN Marxist terrorist with the support of the media and the City Council.

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